Chapter 60: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 2

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Everyone who Marley had invited to her wedding was already there at Bree's house. Millie and her husband. Adrian's parents. Bree and Stefan. Kitty and Riley. Ryder and Jackie. Marley's kids. And of course, Adrian.

The only ones left to arrive were Unique and Marley herself.

As they waited, Kitty and Bree sat in the living room with Adrian, who couldn't stop tapping his foot. Anxiously he told them, "She's taking too long. You don't think she's having second thoughts, do you?"

"She's on her way," said Bree. "I promise you that."

"It's just..." Adrian shook his head. "The reason I rushed all of this... other than of course loving her and wanting to marry her... is that lately we hadn't been... This whole thing with her ex and the press hounding her... It all spooked me. I think it spooked her too. But she seemed genuinely excited about us getting married."

"She was!" Kitty assured him. "When we were picking out the wedding dress she was over the moon. And planning this took up so much of her time but she didn't mind. She had us running back and forth picking things out for her."

"I'm sure the wedding part was great," Adrian said, forcing a smile. "I just wonder if it's me that... I'm being silly but over the last few days, she seemed really distant. Like she was second guessing the whole thing."

"All brides get the jitters," said Bree, standing up and urging Kitty to do the same. "Just keep yourself warm and make sure you're ready for when she gets here. The less time we have to spend out in the cold, the better."

Adrian stood up, nodding and walking away, towards the men who were hanging out by the kitchen. Left alone in the living room, Kitty and Bree exchanged looks.

"I'm freaking out too," Bree admitted. "I knew she was a flight risk but I figured she would at least show up. Where the hell is she?"


As she and Unique approached Bree's street, Marley felt the panic set in. She was on her way to her own wedding. To Adrian.

"I can't do this," she said, turning to Unique.

She looked down at her white dress and shook her head while Unique calmly said, "Sure you can, Marley. You look incredible. And I assure you that once you see Adrian, you'll be so—"

"No," Marley stopped her. "I can't. I... I'm not ready. There's something I still need to do before I..."

They were stopping in front of Bree's house and Marley leaned forward, getting the driver's attention.

"Excuse me," she told him. "Um... Keep going. We aren't stopping here. Not yet."

"What?!" Unique exclaimed, but the driver was following Marley's orders. Unique looked at her friend then out the window towards Bree's house, which was getting smaller and smaller as they left the place where she was already supposed to be getting married.


"So this is our resort then?" said John as he, Tyler, Travis and Damian were led inside a beautiful building. It was like a Hawaiian castle, with dozens of servants and all for them. For them and the rest of their friends who had yet to arrive.

"See?" said Damian as Tyler whistled and Travis started walking around, taking a look. "I told you guys this was going to be amazing."

"Okay," Travis admitted, "I'm starting to feel a little better about letting you convince me to drop promo for the week and come on vacation with you."

"And it's going to be a good one, too," Damian assured him. "It's the perfect place for your last New Year's as a guy with zero kids, Travis. By next year, you'll be a dad."

It's Not Over Yet (the seventh book in the glee series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin