But anyways my then boyfriend gave me tickets to your show."

"And seeing as you were here with Lynn he's an ex-boyfriend?"

"Yeah. He actually had the nerve to show up here tonight."

"Was that the guy you kept looking at a couple seats down?"

"Wow you're very observant. But yeah that's him."

"So what happened?"

"That brunette he was cuddling and kissing on was mine and Lynn's other best friend but on my birthday I caught them fucking.

In our apartment in our bed!

He had the nerve to say it's not what it looks like. Like seriously?"

"What a dick head."

"His excuse was because I wasn't sleeping with him. Sorry if I wasn't ready."

I bit my lip and I looked at Dominic. He had one eye brow raised.

"Are you a virgin?"

I know I'm beet red.

"By choice. Kind of."

"Kind of?"

"Ok my parents are crazy religious. I couldn't date. I couldn't even have friends that were boys.

When I was 17 I took my GED passed it then got emancipated.

I've never found anyone that sparks my interest. You know where you just know."

"Wow really? And I get what you mean about the spark. It's hard to find."

"Yup. I had a job as a waitress but I wanted to do something more fun.

I went to the college and found out they have bartending classes. So I studied to be a bartender.

When I was 19 I heard of this thing called flair bartending. Have you heard of it?"

"Yeah that's where the bartender does tricks and shit right?"

"Yeah so I started taking classes. Only girl. So when I turned 21 I went to audition for a bar.

I showed of my flair abilities so the owner of the bar also owns a night club. Scarlett Widow."

"Oh yeah I know that place. It gets crazy in there."

"Well I'm the star bartender. My boss is a douche though."

"Why's that?"

"He's slept with every female employee he has. Except for me.

When I was dating Travis he backed off some but now that I'm single again. He's turned up his flirting.

Don't get me wrong he's good looking and all but not my spark."

"Why do you put up with him? I'm sure there's other clubs that would hire you."

"Scarlett Widow is the busiest night club in LA I can make anywhere from $500-$1000 a night.

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