How To Handle Rejection (Batfam x Reader)

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"Will you be okay if I let you go?" He asks.

"No..." I sigh.

"No?" He asks, arching an eyebrow.

"YES! I MEAN YES!" I practically screech upon realising what I previously said.

"Alright," He chuckles, helping me steady myself.

My cheeks are suddenly kissed pink as if they were a spring rose. Nightwing hangs back, allowing me time to compose myself, probably fighting back the smile breaking out across his face.  I can't believe that had happened, and in front of vigilantes too!

"I think you broke her," Red Robin mutters.

"No, no! I'm okay. I just got a fright, that's all." I awkwardly laugh.

"So, care to explain why you're up here?" Red Hood asks.

"Uh, I was know, avoiding..." I murmur.

"Avoiding what?" Nightwing asks.

"Everything, I guess," I respond, shrugging my shoulders.

"So, you weren't trying to..." Red Robin begins.

"Jump? Oh, definitely not! Although, I now see why you would think that..." I quickly interrupt.

"20 bucks, pay up." Red Hood mutters, elbowing Red Robin in the ribs.

"You didn't seriously bet on whether or not I have jumped?" I ask, shocked.

"Believe it or not, being the bat's least favourite son doesn't pay," Red Hood shrugs.

"He's also not funding my coffee addiction," Red Robin adds.

"Just don't take it personally..." Nightwing murmurs.

"So, boy troubles or something?" Red Hood suddenly asks.

"Unfortunately," I sigh.

"Oh damn, spill girl!" He urges, seemingly excited.

"I'm so sorry," Red Robin sighs as if he's in pain.

"I should have seen the signs, you know? I was just naive. This dude, Daniel, said I was his soul mate. The literally the next god damn day, he said he was in love with someone else! I mean, I don't think I asked for much. I wasn't a bad girlfriend. I mean yeah, of course, I want a few extra kisses, a long hug, some scribbled notes of affection on the occasion. But that doesn't mean I'm an attention whore or anything. Oh and get this! He accused me of hooking up with my friend Dick, while I was with him! I didn't for your information." I explain.

"Sounds like an asshole," Red Hood casually states.

"Agreed," Red Robin nods.

"Yeah, he kinda was, now that I think about it." I sigh whilst shaking my head.

"The most important thing is that you're not with him anymore. Go out and find someone better. He never deserved you." Nightwing nods.

"Maybe I will." I shrug.

I think back to when Dick and I were children. I was so shy and uncomfortable back then. We met the day I joined the circus, we were both seven then.  At the train station, he would sit across from me with a small smile. Our toes could hardly touch the floor then. I remember being cross with him all the time. But there was laughter. Oh, what a shrill chorus we made. Giggling over such mischievous things. Cramming our thumbs into an occasional cooling pie on Ms Darcey's windowsill, using the dumbwaiter as our own personal elevator, yowling at the neighbour's hounds till we had them foaming at the mouth. How gracefully he seemed to evade punishment. With such clumsy, tripping feet, I could never follow. He was always getting me into trouble, but then again, just as easily getting me out of it. Then the circus closed down and he lost his parents, gradually we drifted apart until I moved back to Gotham. We rekindled our friendship and slowly, those old feelings had risen once more but the chance of us being a couple is lower than zero.

"Well, it's probably time I go back inside, it's like 3 am." I yawn.

"You don't have coffee in there do you?" Red Robin asks with hope.

"I wish." I laugh with a shake of my head.

I collect the rest of my things and finish saying goodbye. Waves of happiness and relief wash over me, and I feel it soak right into my bones. All the remaining anguish of the past few days melts like snowballs in a microwave. As soon as I'm in my apartment, I flop onto my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

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