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"Ah! Why you slap the shit outta me?! Matter of fact, why the fuck you here bro?!" Lucas held his right cheekbone.

"You backstabber! I thought we could trust you! I never thought you would do some shit like that!" Zhiloh sniffed.

"What the hell you talking about?!"

"You tried to kill him!" she cried.

"Oh shit," Lucas began to Pace back and forth, "Look, let me explain, ight?"

"And you admit it. I hate you, Lucas," Zhiloh sniffed as she tries to walk away.

Lucas grabs her wrist, "Listen to me, bruh!"

"Why should I listen to someone who tried to kill someone I love? Huh? Why would I listen to a backstabber? Huh? I thought I could trust you, but I guess not."

"They held me at gun point, Zhiloh! That's reason why they have me here! They forced me to shoot him!"

"Who is 'they'?"

"Black&Ice's gang, they're holding me hostage to get back at their betrayers, meaning their ex-goons," Lucas explained. It sounded like a load of rubbish to Zhiloh.

"Rubbish!" she jerked away from him, "Fucking Lier!"

"I'm not lying! You can tell the devil that!" Lucas protested.

"Good, because he's here right now," Lucas looked at Zhiloh pessimistic as she held the obsidian stone.

"Anyone call me?" Xavier, in his true image appears out of then air, leaving black smoke.

"What the fuck?! Jay?!" Lucas was scared shitless. When he seen whole black eyes and sharp canines, he metaphorically shitted himself.

"Naw, it's blue bird," Xavier gave him a cold, hard stare. He crossed his arms.

"You can't be serious-"

"All the way, bitch."

"Xavier is he telling the truth?" Zhiloh asked, "Is he lying about being held against his will?"

Xavier stared deeply into Lucas' eyes. Lucas felt as if his soul was being torn from his body.

Before Xavier found out the truth, Lucas was on his knees, "He's telling the truth."

"I still don't trust him. Let's go home," Zhiloh suggest.

"As you wish."

Xavier opened a whirl hole and the both stepped in.


Tᴏᴍᴀʀʀᴏᴡ's Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ.

"Lucas did what?!" Schenell asked, not believing her own ears, "Chres did what?! Why am I just now hearing this? What's Starcha's going to say about this?! Lord have mercy-give me strength!"

"Nell, calm down! The only reason I'm telling you this is because you're the main one that I know you won't open your mouth," Zhiloh sips her Fit Tea.

"You got that right, but how you find out about Lucas shooting Jay?" Schenell asked, becoming suspicious.

Zhiloh nonchalantly replied, "I went to the club, had Ice take me back to his pieree mansion, gave him a show, and basically sucked the answers out of him."

Zhiloh had become shameless. She had a careless attitude and didn't give a fuck as long as she gets her way. She was slowly becoming a female Alvarez (Jay's last name). She wasn't very fund of him anyways.

"You didn't..." Schenell was shocked. She always had thought Zhiloh was a sweetheart and never would've done something so mischievous. She had grown to a different person. At the moment, old Zhiloh isn't coming to the phone anymore. She has found something new.

It was now as if she was this dark entity. Souless-which isn't false.

"What will you say when-if-Jay wakes up?" Schenell asked, not sure if this was the same, nice Zhiloh as before. She was beginning to be afraid.

"Who said I'd tell him?"

"So you are?! What's up with you? You know how he is; he's a very possessive, territorial ass nigga! Didn't you see how he stomped Chres in the face repeatedly? Chres is physically larger than him, but Jay still beat his ass like he was on steroids," Schenell was stressing herself.

"True, but some things don't always come into the light."

"Lets see what you'd say when it does."


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