Sexual Tension | 2

Start from the beginning

While engaging in playful conversation with the group, ChaCha's right hand was tapping at a rhythm on Wonwoo's thigh, out of view of the camera.

She continued on with this absentmindedly (and he couldn't care less) until Joshua said something teasing to her. Without thinking, she quit moving her hand and just rested it on Wonwoo's leg so she could delivery a sassy comeback to Joshua.

Well, at least she thought it was his leg.

"Yah...Cha," he said casually and quietly, trying not to laugh. "What are you trying to do?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, leaning in to hear him over the loud activity in the room.

He glanced down and she followed his eyes, nearly choking on the gasp she sharply inhaled when she saw that her hand was practically holding his junk. She pulled her hand away in a millisecond, laughing at herself. "Sorry, Wonwoo. I didn't mean to."

"No biggie."

"And hey, if I was trying to do something, I would've done it already."

Madison & Woozi

Remember when I said that Minghao had a thing for Madison's body? Let's be very clear that everyone has a thing for her body, he's just the most obvious about it.

Woozi likes giving Madison back hugs because they were almost the same height, with her only being an inch above him. During a fan sign event in Busan, the members were freely walking around the stage chatting to each other and to the Carats. Woozi came up behind Madison and held her hips in place, doing that thing he does where he casually runs his hands up and down the person he's holding's sides.

A few fans aww'ed, but it was nothing they haven't seen a million times before.

Vernon, was sitting a couple of seats down the table, called Madison to get her attention, drawing her into the conversation he was currently having with DK and Joshua.

Madison bent over and rested her elbows on the table, eagerly joining in their discussion. If you were curious, it was about whether hard shell tacos were better than soft tacos.

Woozi was paying attention but only halfway. He was partially zoned out, just staring into the space in the small group's direction as he stepped forward with her, keeping his grip on her hips.

Seeing as he saw Madison the same way he saw the rest of the members (as a sibling who annoyed the shit out of him but whom he also loved), he didn't realize how potentially wrong the position they were in looked.

That is, until he started to feel something.

And she felt it, too.

Madison stood up slowly, trying not to make anything too obvious to the fans in the room who were surely capturing their every move. She turned around to look at him with her back to the crowd, eyebrow raised. "Excited?"

He gently punched her arm. "Stop."

"Why are you blushing?" she teased, reaching up to pinch his cheek.

"I'm not," he rebutted, swatting her hands away.

She glanced down at his crotch. "Might wanna put that away."

A look of panic flashed over Woozi's face before he glanced down at himself, which didn't look noticeable at all.

Madison laughed. "Ha! Made you look! Ah, oppa, you make it too easy."

Gigi and Dino

The two youngest always came into dance practice a bit earlier than everyone else to get a head start on choreography ideas. Normally Hoshi would join them, but he decided to get a nap in today.

Dino suggested a move that she thought was absolutely ridiculous, so she started making fun of him.

He walked over to her and acted like he was going to punch her in the stomach. In response, she actually punched his shoulder.

Ah, here they go again. They always play-fought.

After a few moments of battling, Dino eventually got the best of her and grabbed her wrists, pinning her to the mirrored wall. They were both breathing hard, sweat beading on their foreheads.

"Oh! Did I tell you what Minghao told me last night at dinner? It was so funny."

Dino, not even thinking about, dragged his hands down from her wrists, down her arms and to her waist. Seeing as she was in a sports bra and leggings, this sent chills all over her body.

He was telling her the story, but she wasn't listening. She was focused on trying to even her breathing while he touched all over her like this.

Finally, she grabbed his hands. "Stop doing that," she told him with a grin.

"Why, what's wrong?" he asked, worried. But then he caught on and smirked at her. "Oh...sorry." He looked over her face. "You know, it's practically my job to make you flustered at this point."

"You don't fluster me," she argued.

"Yes, I absolutely do!"

Right when they walked away from the wall, Hoshi walked in. "Hey, guys. Working hard?"

Gigi and Dino looked at each other, sending smirks.

"Working hard."


i have to assume moments like this happen, right? and you have to assume that the girls are so used to it by now.

anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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