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"By the way Edmund, we haven't been anywhere for few days. I am very bored. A party is needed." Maria suddenly changed a subject.

"Yes! We could invite all the nobles, who live nearby and make it grand." Anna was becoming excited.

Edmund sighed heavily beside me. He didn't seem too enthusiastic hearing her plans.

"It would be nice to show everybody, how handsome and unique is my future husband."

Trio of girls giggled subtly.

"Maria, I didn't come to this property to party. I need some rest from everything." I got a grumpy vibe coming from my Master.

"But it will be just one event." Maria whined. 

"No event will take place in this house and no more guests either, without my notice."

I didn't like the look on Edmund's face. If this conversation continues, his mood can become much worse. I don't want to see it. If it would be in my hands to change the atmosphere or anything in this room, I would gladly do it, just for the sake of Edmund. I rarely see him happy or at ease, relaxed and free of worries. Something always manages to sway him out of his light thoughts, as soon as he gets them. I feel sorry for him, as probably my Master has loads of work, deals or other businesses on his hands, which makes him tired, grumpy and a loner at such times.

"I 'hate' you, Edmund. You are so good to kill all the fun. Too bad, you don't know, how to make a lady happy." Maria complained. 

I could not bear to watch, when Edmund's fingers were tapping an armrest of his chair. If it would be acceptable, he, most likely, would burst out and say whatever on his mind. Sometimes it seems they want to scratch out the eyes of each other. There is such tension between these two highborns, it could make a storm in completely calm atmosphere.

I have observed, that my Master doesn't think so fondly of Maria, as previously have looked liked. Does he care about any woman in his life? He hates his mother, is cold and quite rude to Maria, he also didn't bat an eye, when punishing Martha. What have made him to despise the closest female companions in his life?

The most confusing thing to me is a question, where I stand in all of this? Sometimes I feel, like being on his bad side, while other times Edmund treats me too good for it to be true.

"Ah! No more biscuits!" Rose exclaims.

Maria's sky blue eyes travel to me. "Thea? Please, go and get some more for us."

"Yes, Maria."

I was glad to get out of their little circle, to get some space free of tension.
As I was ready to go, Edmund's hand came in front of me blocking my way. He looked up with questionable gaze and then averted his eyes to Maria.

"Thea is not going anywhere. We have servants to do that job for you."

Maria made a small puff sound. "Then why Thea is here? Isn't she a slave? I haven't seen her do anything, just daydream. Why do you even keep her here?"

Maria was getting too upset for my liking. I didn't want to cause any arguments. 

"It is OK. I will go and bring the biscuits." I informed Edmund and gently pulled his arm away. It was heavy, much more than I have thought a limb could weigh. 

Maria and her friends escorted me with their gazes and I could feel Edmund's too.

"She is not here to do work for you." Edmund's voice faded away, as I slowly ascended the stairs.


A soft sound of footsteps echoed through the entrance hall. Little bit of sniffing got my attention too. Who is it? Turning around a corner, I see a lady in her late years. She is carrying a small suitcase and her posture is, as she have been ill or still is. 


She have noticed me too, when her eyes reach my form. Martha holds a white handkerchief near her chest.

"It is you. What do you want, slave?" Her voice is quiet, but filled with hurt.

I can see, it is hard for her to move swiftly and even hold a suitcase in her aged, lady like hand. Maybe I should help? I know, Martha have been cruel to me, but her state makes me feel pity. She is weak, sick and much older than me. There should be at least someone, who helps her carry her bag. I move some steps forward, but then a hand on my shoulder stops me.


Edmund have come down too. I see Martha tear up more, when seeing him beside me.

"I don't understand, how can you treat a slave like this.... These clothes, food.... You can't make her into a lady, just by changing her appearance. She will always be a slave, no matter what." Martha said bitterly.

"You are in no place to judge my decisions and rules of my house." Edmund replied in cold voice.

"Your house? This is a hell. No person should be coming here to work. People will get to know about the treatment you give to normal people, free people. I will make sure of it."

"Do you understand, with who are you talking to? Show some respect, woman!"

Martha scoffed slightly, while glaring at both of us. In even steps Edmund closed on her, his eyes cold and white as ice. I felt a sudden fear for Martha. She didn't deserve another punishment for her rudeness towards a King of Hadria. 

Edmund opened a door for her. 


"... I am leaving and surely not returning."

Martha gave the last glare and disappeared behind a door, which Edmund have closed in hurry and frustration.

My heart was hammering in my chest. I thought, that Edmund will hurt her again, but for my relief, he just let her go with no unnecessary incident.

In the same manner, he was coming back to me, his eyes holding the same expression, as he was talking with a housemaid.

"Why did you address Maria by her name?"

I didn't expect to hear such question from him.
"She asked me herself and..... insisted on it."

Edmund found a stray piece of my hair and tucked in behind my ear, sending small tingle over the skin of my neck. I barely managed not to jump away of his strange move, which was something I didn't expect.

"Just be careful with her."

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