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I could not possibly stay in his bed. As soon as I felt comfortable, I slipped out. Edmund probably was too drunk or tired to understand, what he was asking of me. It scared me, that he will wake up and get upset of me laying next to him.

I have moved back on my fur rag. Sleep did not come until the very early morning. Only then my eyes became heavy, but my heart never stopped beating. I wished, that this was the only time he have decided to pull me under his covers. If someone else have seen this.....? Oh my... I wouldn't want to face the consequences.

My senses are not shut down, while my mind tries to relax and get so needed rest. There is a movement from Edmund's bed. He might be waking up.

Heavy thumping shakes his bed. After some moments it happens again. He groans in discomfort and probably from the awful feeling, that alcohol have left.


My body stiffens, as I hear him groggily call my name.


I nearly jumped out of my sleeping spot, when his hand landed on my face. Like a blind person he was trying to find me, but it have made me more freaked out. I blocked his hands from my face, when his fingers were poking me. Edmund grabbed me by a wrist and slowly his head came over the edge of his bed. He looked sleepy, even though he had plenty of time to rest.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"This is where I sleep..."

"Not the last night, as I remember."

I couldn't tell, if he was being sarcastic or dead serious. His face didn't show anything, only hangover he was in.

Edmund gazed upon my embarrassment filled eyes, while I was still plastered flat on the floor.

"Please! Let go of me..." I couldn't handle his starring anymore, it made my insides squirm.

Hesitantly he released me, but never left his eyes from my form. 

"Bring some water, please." Edmund's swallowed hard and disappeared from my sight back in comfortable sheets. "My throat feels like desert."

I moved fast, wanting to just get away from this awkward situation. 

In a hallway fresh air made my heart slow down, but my insides couldn't get rid of unnerving feeling. I never thought, that being around men would be so stressful, never in my life I have felt this way. Maybe all turmoil in my thoughts is a source of Edmund - only him. An idea of a man in my life would be a normal thing, like every other woman eventually creates a home and family. It is a fact, that he have overstepped the boundaries. There should never be anything between a low class person and a highborn. This is a reason, why my stress levels are so high. I will get in deep trouble, if someone finds out. My master can get away with anything, but not me. 

Luck is not on my side today. I hoped that water will need to be brought from kitchen, but a full jug was placed on a coffee table near food elevator. I have hoped to spend more time somewhere else, not his room.

Everything have made my throat dry too, so I poured one glass for myself. It was fresh and cold. A servant must have brought it this morning. In hurry a glass was emptied, on the last gulp I chocked hard on it, as a person behind startled me to near heart attack.


I coughed out before facing Maria.

Her hips made her dress dance along her elegant movements, when she came closer. 

Now she stressed me too. A scene last night was not the most enjoyable for her. Maria might be upset now... .

"Good morning, my lady."

"Uhm.. I wanted to ask you something." She cocked her head slightly. "What is your relationship with Edmund?"

"Uh? Hmm... It is.... I am his servant - a slave."

"And why were you in his room last night? In your night wear?" Maria looked me over, as the same clothing was still on me.

"It is where I sleep, always have been sleeping."

"In his room? I didn't see a bed for you there." I could see she is becoming suspicious. "Don't tell me you sleep in his bed."

Is it a normal thing for these nobles to let 'low lives' in their beds? She talks, like it is an ordinary thing.

"N...no. I sleep on the ............floor...." I felt so ashamed of saying this to a stranger.

"Oh.... OK. That's sounds better. Where is he now?"

"Edmund is in his room. He was thirsty. I came to get the water for him."

"Edmund? No one have taught you basic manners? You should show some respect, at least to your owner."

I could see her slowly becoming upset.

"I am s...sorry Ms. He doesn't like, when I address him in proper manner. It was his order to call him by his name. I... would never think of disrespecting my Master."

"You are quite a piece... Thea!" She smiled sweetly. "I will give him this water. You just carry it to his room!"

"...yes, my lady."

I followed Maria, as she slowly swayed closer to his room. 

"Edmund.....Edmund......" She sang quietly, it sounded almost like thoughtful chanting.  

In no time we have reached a door and I nearly opened it, but she stopped me.

"I will give him this, you stay here or find something else to do." 

A jug was taken from me.

"OK, my lady."

"Call me Maria."

She smiled and entered a room, leaving me outside. I was very puzzled and unsure of what I heard was not my imagination. 

Did Maria really wanted to be addressed this way? 

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