Harry for Con Part 3

Start from the beginning

“Edward.” I sighed remembering the new him. He was only Harry at home.

“Listen love, remember the bachelor party for Zayn last night?” So this was his story, they didn’t recognize him.

“Yeah.” I squeaked.

“Baby girl I some drinks. Not a lot, just a few. Could you come get me? Please, I just want to come home.” To anyone listening his was a hung over man waiting for his wife to come get him, to me and him, the last sentence was a begging plea. I was mad at him, hell it stung so much I shut down for days only to realize that I had a daughter to take care of.

“O-okay sweetie, I’ll be there. How much is bail?”

He sighed with relief before telling me the amount. I broke open the bail jar, most couples had a vacation jar, we had a bail jar. Picking up Darcy I drove us to the jail. She clung to me, her little head resting on my shoulder. The petitionary was new to the both of us, and I was thankful she was asleep. I wouldn’t want her first memory of her father to be in a jail cell.

I paid the clerk the fine, heading to the cell Harry was in. He sat on the bench, dressed in all black as always, his tattoos sprinkling out. His head rested in his hands, his knees jiggling. I felt myself walking toward him as the guard opened the door, pushing it aside. Harry looked up a smile on his face. He was good at acting and so was I. “Free to go Mr. Styles, just take it a bit easier next time.”

Harry chuckled assuring he would. “What am I going to do with you?” I played stroking a long shoulder length curl for a second. “Here I thought you could handle it, you Mister Styles are never going out with your friends again.”

“Fine by me if I’m with you Misses Styles.” This banter continued until we reached the car. I put Darcy in and threw opened by door. Harry got in not saying a word.

“You have a lot of nerve.” I growled checking that Darcy was still asleep.

“Con, listen to me.”

“No Harry, I’ve done that before, and where’s it gotten me? A single mother working in a shitty diner six days away for twelve hours. “

“Do you regret leaving with me?” he mumbled staring at me, biting his plump lip. “Do you regret marrying me? Darcy?”

“Don’t through Darcy into this. You haven’t been there.”

“If you let me explain.” I didn’t say anything. “I wanted out once we had Darce. I knew that I couldn’t stay in it anymore. You both mean so much to me. “

“And leaving without a good bye comes in how? I shut down Haz. If you had told me, it would’ve been different.”

“I know, I know. That was a dick move. But I couldn’t risk something happening to me, and you waiting.”

“What do you think I’ve been thinking? Dreading? “See him Darcy that’s your Daddy?” while I point to you on the TV screen as they say you’ve died.”

“I’m sorry.” He said with a sob not helping my state.  “I’m out though, no more. None of it. I promise.”

I sighed. “Harry.”

“Edward Styles is a clean family man; he’s working on a novel. He wants to come home, but he knew he had to wait until his former boss stopped looking. He’s been drinking himself to death at the thought of the love of his life alone with their daughter who won’t know who he is. But he’s got her now, and he doesn’t want to let them go.”

“Dammit Styles.” I whimpered in tears pulling into the lot. “You can get her if you want.” Hesitantly, he picked her up from the car seat carrying her up the stairs into our apartment. She stirred in his arms staring up at him a carbon copy. “She,”

“Looks just like you, yeah, that’s been the tough part. Hi big girl, this is Daddy.” I cooed to her finally taking off my converse. “He’s living with us now.”

“And forever.” Harry said testing the waters. I nodded. It would take a while, but I guess I never really was all that mad at Harry. He had to do, it would’ve happened at some point. He’s here now, and that’s what matters.

“Go put her on our bed, I’ll be running a bath. We have a lot to catch up on. Okay?”

“Okay.” He said. For the first time in a year and a half, I was relieved. I had my family back and that’s all that matters.

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