But it was all pointless in the face of this beast as it was far too strong, too durable, too unpredictable, and above all too violent.

As the rain began to fall and the clouds grew were now black overhead as in one swift motion he smacked Diana into a car busting the doors into themselves as he hadn't have enough as he followed up by grabbing diana by her hair.

Dragging her from the busted vehicle and than swinging her into a pole bending the pole and eventually knocking it over as doomsday added upon his reaction as he then swung her into a street light snapping the metal in two.

As her body then fell on the pavement below but Doomsday didn't have enough, he wanted blood, he wanted to make a statement out of This Wonder Women as he than grabbed her her head and then began smashing her into the pavement repeatedly creating another crater next to superman's corpse smashing her body over and over again until he lost his grip as his attention was taken by the thunder above.

Doomsday watched as the lightning traveled through the clouds and then his attention was taken again as he heard Diana's wales of pain, she had stolen that moment from, the sounds of tender and lightning alone was stolen ber her intrusion.

So he had decided to silence her as he was going to kill her as he began beating her down throwing vicious lefts and rights continously over and over again beating her to a bloody pulp.

Diana had no strength as the only thing she could do was look at the monster above her as the man beside her, the man she cared about greatly was next to her, dead.

Her time had come as the end was near as the monster raised it's hands grassping each other above his head as she closed her eyes as his wrath came down upon her.

But to her surprise she felt nothing as she opened her eyes to see the flash carrying her to safety leaving her beside hawk girl "d-dont do it barry" was all she could say as he laid her down somewhere safe.

"You just wait here" said the flash as he ran toward the living danger that was doomsday.

The flash was now running circles around doomsday laying in some stiff shots and pulling out before doomsday can even get a look at him Barry was doing the best he could but he really didn't have a plan overall of how he can possibly take this monster down.

He wasnt fighting the usual captain cold or captain boomerang, and it's not like he can talk to it or anything. Damn he's really running out of options except one idea that might work but still somewhat risky *beep beep* rang his earpiece as Barry clicked for it to answer.

"Barry pull out" said Bruce still feeling the damage from doomsday.

"can't do it bruce if I leave everyone's dead" said Barry refusing to back down.

"you got a plan" said Bruce hoping that he did.

"nope, but I got an idea" said Barry as he flashed a smile.

"is it a stupid idea" said Bruce mentally face palming.

"extremely, but still worth a shot" said Barry as he laid in two more strikes on doomsday.

"how much time you need" said bruce putting his trust in this idea.

"10 seconds" said barry as he was now over the moon that Bruce was going with his idea.

"let's see if I can give you a minute" said Bruce as he jumped out of a building wearing the Mech batsuit  (A/N yes the one he wore in BvS) and stomped right on doomsday's head.

This time actually doing damage to the monster as Bruce turned to see if Barry was around still but there was no sign of the speedster.

But the damage Bruce had done only manged to piss the monster off.

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