E12P5: "Happiest Woman In The World"

Start from the beginning

Jimin: It smells pretty good, it has that signature sesame oil smell.
Yoojung leaned forward and took a deep whiff as well.
Yoojung: Ooh, I can smell it.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Eana: Do you think it'll be good? I vote no.
Jongshin: Why? I think it'll be good!
Sangmin: I say, no.
RM: I say no too.
V: Why so negative! I say yes!
J-Hope: No.
Jaewoong: No.

[Signal House Dining Room, 2:20 p.m.]

Jimin took a big scoop of kimchi jiigae and slurped it all up. His lips quivered slightly but he smiled and gave a thumbs up to Yoojung.
Yoojung: Really? It's good?
Jimin ate a big spoonful of rice before drinking another spoonful of soup.
Jimin: Mm.
Yoojung smiled happily.
Yoojung: Ah, I'm so relieved!
Yoojung leaned backwards against her chair and patted herself on her back.
Yoojung: Good work, Yoojung.
She then reached her spoon out and took a big spoon of soup from the bowl, before slurping it up. She gagged and made a disgusted face.
Yoojung: Oh crap, how on earth did you even eat this?!

[Heart Signal Panel]

The panelists laugh.
Eana: See? See? I knew this would happen.
V: Jimin-ssi is too nice to reject her food.

[Signal House Dining Room, 2:30 p.m.]

Jimin took another spoonful of soup and looked at Yoojung with a confused look on his face.
Jimin: What do you mean? It's so tasty!
Yoojung sighed and tried to pull away the bowl from Jimin.
Yoojung: Stop it, oppa. Don't drink the soup if it's nasty. Please, don't.
But Jimin's grip on the bowl stayed firm, he yanked it our of Yoojung's hands easily and downed it to the very last drop. He wiped his mouth with a tissue paper and smiled, as Yoojung watched on, flabbergasted.

 He wiped his mouth with a tissue paper and smiled, as Yoojung watched on, flabbergasted

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Yoojung: Wha- Why- How-
Jimin smiled.
Jimin: That was so good, kimchi jjigae is indeed the best. But oh no, Yoojung, what do I do? I ate all the food! Looks like I'll have to whip up something else for you!

[Heart Signal Panel]

V was literally sobbing.
V: He literally ate up all the food so that she didn't have to... What a sweet guy....

[Signal House Dining Room, 2:35 p.m.]

Jimin rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a few ingredients from the fridge and cupboard, before he got down to work. He chopped this, fried that, sliced this and sautéed that. Within 15 minutes, he had cooked three simple dishes for Yoojung. He laid them out on the table. There was a kimchi fried rice, cheese egg roll and stir-fried kimchi and tofu. Yoojung was stunned.
Yoojung: I can't believe you literally made this in 15 minutes before my very own eyes.
Jimin smiled.
Jimin: Give it a taste!
Yoojung dug into the food in front of her. She pouted once she had tried all three dishes.
Yoojung: Now you're making me feel even worse about the failed kimchi jjigae.
Jimin laughed and walked over to the kitchen sink to do the dishes.
Yoojung: Oppa, tell me honestly, the kimchi jjigae was really bad, wasn't it? Why did you still finish it all?
Jimin turned off the tap and looked at her seriously.
Jimin: When I tasted the kimchi jiigae, I couldn't taste anything but thoughtfulness and effort. So to me, that was the tastiest kimchi jjigae I had ever tasted.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Sangmin: Wah, daebak.
All the panelists start to clap.
Jongshin: I don't know why we're clapping, but that man sure deserves a round of applause for saying that line.
RM: Sounds poetic enough, I like it.
J-Hope: If Yoojung-ssi really ends up with Jimin-ssi, she'll be the happiest woman in the world for the rest of her life.

[Heart Signal Car, 3:00 p.m.]

After the couple had finished eating, cleaned up and washed up, they headed out of the house in the Heart Signal car. It was only then that Yoojung realised that the car had a stereo that could be connected to a phone in which music could be played.
Yoojung: Ah! Oppa, can we drive with music?
Jimin smiled at her sweetly.
Jimin: Sure.
Yoojung plugged her phone into the stereo using the cable and immediately, a familiar rap song started playing. Yoojung started rapping with a random plastic bottle, bopping her head up and down to the music and making weird movements with her head and hands.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Eana: Omo! She's so cute!

[Heart Signal Car, 3:05 p.m.]

Jimin glanced over at Yoojung and laughed.
Jimin: Ya! Yoojung-ah, what are you doing?
Yoojung ignored Jimin and continued jamming out, from song after song. Jimin was starting to laugh so uncontrollably that he had to stop his car at the side of the road.
Jimin: What on earth?

A song by a popular girl group, I.O.I, that had disbanded a few years ago started playing and Yoojung was getting more hyped than she ever was. At a random part of the song, she screamed, "Sorijilleo!" and Jimin totally lost it.

[Heart Signal Panel]

V: He's going crazy over her, he really is.

[Heart Signal Car, 3:30 p.m.]

Finally, the music stopped playing and Yoojung calmed down. She finally realised that they had been parked at the side of the kerb for a really long time. She looked over at Jimin, who was exhausted from all the laughing.
Yoojung: Oppa, what are we still doing here? Aren't we supposed to be on our way to Lotte World?
Jimin let out another chuckle, as he wiped away a tear from his eye.
Jimin: Oppa wanted to be on our way, but if I tried to do so earlier on, I would have crashed the car.

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