E8P5: "This Is A Conspiracy"

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{OST: "No Sleep" by Soyou & Yoo Seungwoo}

19th December 2018,
Heart Signal Day 18,
Day of Second Date,

[Signal House Living Room, 1:00 pm]

Jimin sat on the sofa, his legs crossed, using his phone, a huge smile on his face. He wore a black and white striped turtleneck shirt, a black leather jacket, black pants, dark blue socks and of course, the blue muffler.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Eana: Oh- All the girls have their dates already so Jimin-ssi's date is really Yoojung-ssi, isn't it?
The panelists shout and cheer. Jongshin laughs, looking at his fellow panelists go crazy.
Jongshin: We're really all YooMin fans, aren't we.

[Signal House Living Room, 1:05 pm]

Jimin looked at the staircase and shouted.
Jimin: Yoojung-ah! They're all gone now, you can come down!
Yoojung walked down from the stairs, wearing a oversized hoodie, black tights, a beanie and the blue muffler. Jimin frowned.

Jimin: Aren't you wearing a bit too little? We're going somewhere indoors but we'll be outside sometimes too - you should bring a thicker layer or something!Yoojung bit her lower lip and followed Jimin's instruction, running back up the staircase ...

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Jimin: Aren't you wearing a bit too little? We're going somewhere indoors but we'll be outside sometimes too - you should bring a thicker layer or something!
Yoojung bit her lower lip and followed Jimin's instruction, running back up the staircase to her room. Jimin smiled as he watched her tiny shadow disappear up the staircase.

[Heart Signal Panel]

The panelists exclaim.
Eana: So he knew Yoojung-ssi was his partner already?
Sangmin jumps up from his seat, pointing at the screen.
Sangmin: These tricksters - I bet they planned it beforehand! This is a conspiracy!
Everyone laughs.
Eana: Doesn't he sound like her boyfriend already? Asking her to wear more layers and everything?
V squeals and shudders in delight.
V: This is too sweet already!!! I need more!!! Quickly resume the video!

[Heart Signal Car, 1:05 pm]

After Yoojung had brought along a white down jacket which received Jimin's approval, they left the house, full of smiles, in the Heart Signal car. Before they left, Jimin pulled out a huge lunchbox amd a smile lunchbox and handed it to Yoojung. He smiled at her.
Jimin: Open it.
Yoojung did what Jimin told her to do and gasped at what she saw inside the big lunchbox. There were four compartments in the lunch box, each compartment packed with different kinds of food - the first had beef bulgogi, next to it there was grilled samgyeopsal, the third one had stir-fried udon and the last one had stir-fried broccoli. Those were all the food that Yoojung had said she liked. She opened the smaller lunchbox and gasped again. Inside the other lunchbox there was the strawberry cake Jimin had made on the second night - the one Yoojung really enjoyed as well. Yoojung's eyes widened and she looked at Jimin, who shot her a huge eye smile.
Jimin: Surprise! I made it this morning.
But instead of smiling back, Yoojung started crying, which obviously sent Jimin into panic.

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