E8P9: "Just For You"

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[Heart Signal Panel]

The dance leader is impressed.
J-Hope: Check it out - V. Do you admit defeat now?
V smiles.
V: Okay, fine. Jimin-ssi is pretty dope. Looks like there's one more reason to support YooMin couple.
Sangmin: J-Hope-ssi, what about Yoojung-ssi?
J-Hope shakes his head and gives two thumbs up, thoroughly impressed. He had never ending praises for Yoojung.
J-Hope: I don't think I've seen any girl k-pop idol cover our choreography half as well as her! I like how she adds her own flavour to our choreography too - she's so good I think she can easily make her debut already!

[ONE MILLION Dance Studio, 3:45 p.m.]

Jimin evidently was extremely impressed by Yoojung's dance skills as well. As they sat down to take a break, Jimin put up both thumbs up for her as well, amidst his panting.

Jimin: Ya! Yoojung-ah, you're amazing! Even better than I thought

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Jimin: Ya! Yoojung-ah, you're amazing! Even better than I thought.
Yoojung smiled.
Yoojung: You really think so?
Jimin handed her a bottle of water from his bag.
Jimin: Yeah! I thought you said you needed help with dancing but looks like you don't need it at all!
Yoojung blushed.
Yoojung: You're flattering me. You dance even better than I watched in the videos.
Yoojung took a sip of water.
Yoojung: Jimin-oppa, I didn't know you were a fan of BTS as well?
Jimin smiled slightly.
Jimin: I'm not.
Yoojung was taken aback.
Yoojung: You're not? What's with all the BTS songs then? I didn't even hear any other songs.
Jimin chuckled.
Jimin: I kind of... downloaded all their songs and learnt all their choreography... just for you. I kind of wanted to show off a bit.
Yoojung was taken aback once more. Her eyes widened and she looked away shyly, a small smile forming on her lips.

[Heart Signal Panel]

The panelists gasp. V falls to the floor, clutching his heart dramatically.
Eana: Omo, I don't know how many times I've said this but - Jimin-ssi is so sweet.

[ONE MILLION Dance Studio, 4:00 p.m.]

Their dance session continued. Yoojung had insisted on playing some non-BTS songs for Jimin's sake, so Jimin started to play some girl group songs instead. He played Red Velvet's "Bad Boy", "Red Flavor", "Happiness", "Ice Cream Cake", "Peek-A-Boo", "Dumb Dumb", "Russian Roulette" and "Rookie" - since Red Velvet was his favourite girl group. He also played WEKI MEKI's "I Don't Like Your Girlfriend" and "La La La", much to Yoojung's delight since her bestfriend Doyeon was in that group. He later also played a few more songs by TWICE, BLACKPINK and SNSD.

Yoojung somehow also knew the choreography to all these songs. Be it sexy concept or cute concept - she nailed them all perfectly. Jimin was amazing at it as well. He danced to girl group songs completely differently from when he had danced the BTS songs, he was way more feminine, way different from his manly charms when he danced to the BTS songs earlier. Yoojung was clearly impressed by Jimin's ability to adapt his dancing style to different songs.

[Heart Signal Panel]

J-Hope was enjoying this too much. He kept smiling and jumping up and down as Jimin danced, copying all the girl group dances until he was as sweaty as Jimin and Yoojung were when the songs ended. J-Hope sat back down on his seat and V patted him on the back. J-Hope turned to V.
J-Hope: That Jimin-ssi, I want to dance with him someday.

[ONE MILLION Dance Studio, 5:15 p.m.]

Jimin: Yoojung-ah, I wanna show you a new choreography I just made recently! It's to Troye Sivan's "Youth". Do you want to see?
Yoojung clapped her hands.
Yoojung: I've always wanted to see your choreographies live ever since I saw them on YouTube!
Jimin grinned.
Jimin: You'll be the first one to see this one.
Jimin danced. And he slayed, that's it.

Yoojung was so impressed by Jimin's choreography she couldn't stop clapping even after he had finished.

[Heart Signal Panel]

J-Hope was also in awe of Jimin's choreography. He tried doing it on the spot, and being the genius he is, he managed to copy the same dance, except with his own style.

The panelists clapped and cheered for J-Hope when he had finished. J-Hope sat back down, panting hard.
J-Hope: We really need a collab with Jimin-ssi.

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