"Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol...! What were thinking about ? The class has just started and you are already daydreaming! Aforementioned by Ol' Pinocchio, you should pay attention...! Alright! I used it that fancy word!!", I eagerly whispered.
Chanyeol looked like as if he would face-palm himself if he could; at least he could not say that he had not been warned...! He just took my copybook and started copying what he had missed out.

The class went on and I was still happy on the fact that I had managed to used that sophisticated word in a simple conversation. Why get hyped up about such a trivial thing, you ask ? I myself would not know about that; we all ought be a little crazy from time to time, right ? I just had to look for an opportunity to use it back again. Or, I could start up a conversation and set it up so that I would get a window to use it...!

"Chan...! Chan! Chan!", I whispered. I honestly had nothing in mind; I just loved annoying him very much, to the point that I was even beginning Chanyeol's sanity for not having broken up with me yet..!

"What is it you...! You know...? You are one annoying woman!", he spat out, although quietly as we were still in class.

"Aforementioned, I am a leech...! Oh, twice! I used it twice now...!" I excitedly let out; my 'plan' worked out.

"I really deserve an award-"

"Again, aforementioned, you deserve an Oscar...! Alright! Thrice! Wow, I'm good!" I happily said, almost jumping out of my seat.

"You know you are going nowhere with this, right ? I am beginning to question my sanity more than yours here!", he spat again. It was really funny seeing him all annoyed and pissed off like that but I would definitely not have enjoyed being in his place; this would surely show how inconsiderate of a girlfriend I was...! Seriously, what even was wrong with me!?

Class was almost coming to an end and I had not uttered a single word since. Chanyeol was looking as if he would truly tape my mouth the minute I would open it; he was already awaiting for it as he glared at me with the tape and scissors in his hands. He might obviously be bluffing but since it was Chanyeol, he could snap at any moment and somehow, actually tape my whole face all over. He had once cut my hair when I was thirteen as I was continuously pinching and playing his then chubby little tummy. The moral of that incident was to never push Chanyeol to his limits, never! Nonetheless, it would always slip out of my mind and I would always annoy him till the moment I would feel a tight slap on my back.

Finally, the lecturer dismissed us as class was over. Chanyeol and I both sighed and packed our things in silence, with Chanyeol still being annoyed by me. I was still somewhat afraid to say anything so I kept quiet as I was packing my copybook. Afar, I noticed Tisha keeping an eye on us, again. She might have noticed this little distance and hesitation between Chan and I, and was certainly going to try and take advantage of that. That wily hyena...!

"Chanyeol...! You seem pale and annoyed...! Do you happen to be sick!?" she asked as she faked her tone to sound worried.

"No, I'm fine. Aforementioned, I'm good", replied Chanyeol back as he had his eyes on me, somewhat angry.
For a moment, a gush of happiness had my heart racing, due to the fact that he used 'the' word, but that cold and angry glare he gave me chilled my blood all over.

Chanyeol left without waiting for me. He would usually wait for me and we would leave the class together, but this time, I totally understood if he were to leave without me and take a breath of fresh air. I was certainly saddened by this and disappointed by myself; why did I have to keep on annoying him like that...? It surely seemed as if I did not know when to stop; just what you would expect of me actually: immature, inconsiderate and annoying. Truthfully, how in Heavens had Chanyeol managed to stand by my side for so long!? Had he gone insane...!? Oh no, I turned him insane...!

I slowly picked up my bag and left the room, followed by the hyena's gaze. I honestly had no time or energy to lose on her so I ignored her, as usual. I was getting my earphones out as I was exiting the room when I saw Chanyeol standing by the pillar, still looking at me with his annoyed glare. I approached him, trying to talk things through in an attempt to make it smoother again.

"Chan I'm sorry to have-"

"You took your sweet time to get out huh... Just look what you have done to me...! I am going insane, just like you! Whatever should I do with you...!" he smirked.
So, he was no longer angry with me...?

"Wait, you are not angry with me...? With all my annoyances...? I honestly thought that you were going to leave me and that I would have to walk back home...!" I said, quite surprised.

"Seriously...!? Since the time that we know each other, you think I would do such a thing...? I am not you; I am not an inconsiderate and annoying brat, hehe..." he chuckled.

Somehow, my eyes had gone all teary. How on Earth could I have annoyed and angered such a beautiful being!?!? What had he ever done to deserve a pest like me...!? Oh God, I could not be any more thankful for having such a handsome angel in my life...! Of course, he had noticed that my eyes had welled up with tears and he soon got worried. Instead of saying something back, I just hugged him tightly, while trying not to let any more tears flowing out.

"You know, you really cry over nothing. I am not angry with you babe...! If you are not going to annoy the hell out of me, then who will...!? Perhaps you would prefer Tisha to do it...?" he joked. Even if I knew he was kidding, I still looked up at him angrily and lightly hit his chest. He chuckled at how childish and baby-like that little tap was, before hugging me back and pecking my forehead.

Oh God, what have I ever done to deserve such a pure-hearted angel...!? Chanyeol, you might not have any idea about this but I had wished, many a times, that you ought to end up with someone better than me. I really did not deserve all of your patience and kindness. On the other hand, the selfish and possessive brat that I was, would have not been able to give you up to anyone. If only I could tell you, just how grateful I was to have known you, to have been by your side, and how thankful of your patience and support I was, without tearing up and making a mess out of this whole situation... Chanyeol... I...

"Hey, what's wrong...? You are starting to scare me now...! Are you okay ? Do you want-"

"No... Hehe... I'm fine. Let's head home", I smiled while looking at him, and his brown-black, glowing little eyes. He simply chuckled and grabbed my hand as we went down the stairs to his car. If only those little moments could not be easily forgotten...! I was definitely certain of resuming my bratty and pestering sessions with him in an hour or so, but deep down, that would still remain my way of showing how much I loved and cared for him...

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