{41} goodbyes and reunions

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Ariana's POV

Niall got up and held out a hand to help me up. I took it and pulled myself up.

"Ready for Australia?" Niall said.

"Actually Niall, I'm taking a plane back to California." I said looking down.

"Ariana please stay. I need you here." Niall pleaded.

"No Niall, you don't. Our relationship is too complicated and it's too much for me. We fight to much and I always end up crying. Can we just try to be friends?"

"I'll wait for you." Niall said sadly.

"How do you know we are going to get back together?" I said.

"Because we always do. We always work it out." he reminded me.

"I don't know Niall. Let's start with being friends."

He looked down for a while. I decided to grab my bags and head out. I got my duffle bag and walked back out of my room to see him looking at me already.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked.

I slowly nodded, unsure of myself.

"Maybe we just need some time apart. Maybe in a couple of months everything will go back to normal." I suggested.

He was silent so I started walking out.

"Ariana?" I heard him say quietly. I turned around to face him.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I smiled sadly and walked off with the rest of the boys.

"So it worked?" Zayn said cheerfully.

"I guess... but Niall and I are no longer a couple." I looked down and kicked a rock on the ground.

"What?" they all said at once.

I sighed, "We just always fight and it's too much for me. I couldn't take all of the tears and heartaches anymore. We are going to be friends for now but we just need some time apart."

"Time apart? You are going to be with him for the next three months."

I took a deep breath, "I'm taking a plane back to California instead of Australia."

All of their jaws dropped and I cut them off before they could say anything, "I've made my decision and it's what's best for me and Niall." I concluded.

Niall trudged off of the bus with his bags and we walked into the airport.

We got through security and I got a ticket to California, but it was earlier than the Australia flight. I was at he gates saying my goodbyes.

I hugged Liam, Louis, and Zayn first. Then I got to Harry and I started crying. "You know, you don't have to do this."

"But I want to Harry." I barely whispered.

He nodded and let go of me and I got to Niall. I hugged him longer than intended. When we pulled away he had a worried look in his eyes.

"What if Mark gets you?" He said quietly.

"I'll be fine. Sarah will be there too." I saw Louis pout in the corner of my eye. He missed her so much and I felt bad.

"Can I have a kiss? Just one more. Please."

"Friends don't kiss, Niall."

"Please?" he begged.

I did it because half of me wanted to. I kissed his lips quickly. For the last time in a while and backed away from them. With one last waves, I walked onto the plane.

Away from my new family.

{Several Hours Later}

My plane landed after what felt like the longest plane ride of my life.

I had to sit next to a snoring, drooling man who took up way too much room. I quickly got up and picked up my luggage and got off. When I stepped off the plane I smiled. I haven't talked to Sarah in a while and she doesn't know I'm coming home.

It was a Friday afternoon, so she was out of school. I got a taxi to take me to the flat complex. I got up to the door and knocked.

The door opened to a shocked Sarah. She didn't asked any questions, she just tackled me into a hug.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She screamed, bringing me in the flat and closing the door behind us.

"I left early. Niall and I were having some... issues." I said, trying to find the right words for it.

"Awe, tell me all about it." she said patting to the spot across from her on the couch."

"Well..." I told her everything, about him talking about our future, the club incident, and my decision to come back and why I made it.

"But you guys are perfect together!" she squealed.

"No, Sarah we aren't. We always find something to fight about and ignore each other for it. It's awful, I can't take it anymore." I said, starting to cry.

She hugged me and we were there for a while. It was late at night and the jet lag was setting in. I told Sarah I was going to bed and she said she would come too.

I changed into some shorts and a tank top and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then put my hair up in a messy bun. We both laid down in our beds. Sarah fell asleep instantly, her snores filled the room.

I found myself tossing and turning, not feeling comfortable. My mind was shut off but my legs got up and took me somewhere.

I went straight into Niall's room and laid on his bed. His scent filled my nose and I took deep breaths of it.

Then I fell asleep, pretending I was in Niall's arms.

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