Chapter 43: Blake and Nick

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A girl simply can not love someone for their looks, wealth, or class; a true girl love's them for all that they are and all of what they are.

I picked my brother up and tossed him over my shoulder and I ran him out to my car and sat him in the back seat. With my speed I ran back inside and picked up Blake's still lifeless body and was back at my car placing her in the front seat and strapped her in. In my long life I had never hoped for someone to live as much as I did at this very moment. I got into my Porches and sped off down the road not even caring to check on Sam nor Valerie my main focus was Nathan and Blake.

I kept replaying my father stabbing Nathan in the back and I laughed at myself for a moment.

He's a true back stabber I thought to myself and I drove into the driveway of our family manor. I knew we would be safe here my parents wouldn't dare show their faces around here again they weren't that stupid but they would probably be idiotic enough to send someone to finish what they couldn't. I got out and slammed the door shut and I went and grabbed Blake out of the car and quickly got her inside and laid her on the couch. I went back out and got Nathan and took him to his room and laid him in his own bed. i paced the room, for a moment and looked at him. I went for the door but I heard a small cough and I turned among and went to my brother side.

"Nathan? I'm here alright i'm here" I told him and my ears began to thump and I could hear Blake's heart beat much louder now. I quickly stood and went for the door and glanced at my brother one last time.

"Rest brother I'll be back" I told him and I went right to the living room where Blake was trying to stand up. When you gave a human your blood with usually gave you basically an all access pass to their emotions, thoughts and feelings. I could feel her pain in her abdomen as the skin slowly pulled itself together as it healed in the same place on my body. I grabbed her by the waist to hold her up before she could fall.

"Slow down there youve lost a lot of blood alright" I told her and I slowly sat her down. I took a seat beside her and she leaned against me and held her stomach.

"My head is throbbing and my stomach is doing back flips and I feel like Ive been hit by a bus... What's that awful rusty taste in my mouth?" She asked and I laughed.

"It's my blood" I told her and she gagged jokingly and I kept my eyes on her to make sure she was alright.

"Am I a vampire?" she asked and I chuckled and shook my head.

"No your heart is beating isn't it?" I asked her and she kept her eyes closed and nodded.

"True, what happened?" she asked and she sat up on her own now.

"You made a ballsy move that's what happened, I'll never understand humans and their stupid ways" i told her in honesty and she looked at me slightly and smiled.

"I saved your life didn't I?" she asked and and I let lips hold a small grin.

"I'll never give you the satisfaction of admitting to anything of the sort but I will say you did help my situation a lot just don't ever try anything like that again next time I wont save you" I told her and she smiled a little more but her face still showed how much pain she was in.

"What happens when you give a human your blood?" she asked and I sighed.

"It thought I told you now questions?" I told her and I leaned back against the couch.

"You owe me that i saved your life" she told me and I sighed and thought about it. She was under my protection I guess telling her a few basic things wouldn't hurt.

"Alright" I told her and she laid back against me and put her head on my chest and I felt my body stiffen for some reason. er head was almost in the crook of my neck and breathing became slow and normal now.

"When a vampire gives a human their blood it heals whatever wounds they have quickly but it also links them as one" I said almost in a whisper and I let my arm fall at her hips.

"So what does that mean we're linked now?" she asked her voice in a total whisper and I thought how it would be being linked with her. We both hated each other and it's only been one day of me protecting her and I damn near failed at that.

"Well I can feel everything you feel so all your emotions, feelings, and I can hear your thoughts which I could already do" i told her being completely honest.

"It also makes it easier for me to find you if you were ever kidnapped or something" I added in and she giggled.

"Okay what am I thinking about right now?" she asked and I could feel her smile against my chest and I cleared my mind to read her thoughts.

"An over sized bag of Oreo's" I told her and we both laughed.

"Okay now what am I thinking about?" she asked and I read her thoughts again.

"Why I got sentenced to the Royal death" I told her and her smile faded and I sensed she knew she might have gone a little far but I figured if I'm going to spend a lot of time with the girl I mind as well get her to trust me.

"Because I turned against my coven" I told her and she played with a string on my shirt.

"The other reason was because you loved a warrior right?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yep but love is a total bitch so I don't use that word" I told her being as truthful as I could be. My feelings for Sam were strong I cant deny that but I cant love her like my brother does she was right about that but it wouldn't stop me from caring. Now that I am linked with Blake my feelings for her will be heightened due to the fact that I'm a vampire and when your a vampire everything is heightened. So the small spark I am starting to feel for her will so burst into a roaring fire.

(Blake's Point of Veiw)

I played with lose string on Nick's shirt and I couldn't understand why I was so comfortable with him all of a sudden when an hour ago I was frightened at the fact I was now living with a vampire. I couldn't help but want to at least give him a chance at having a friend I could tell the only person he truly could rely on was his brother Nathan.

"Who was she? if you don't mind me asking?" I asked and he got up and looked at me.

"No one you need to rest  in the morning were going back to my place to get your things and move them here my place is to dangerous now for now you will sleep on the couch goodnight" He said coldly and then he disappeared. I sunk into the couch and I suddenly felt so empty and alone now that my body wasn't pressed against his hard cool one. I grabbed what looked like a very fancy cover from the back of the couch and laid down and spread it out over me.

I've never had a boyfriend and my first kiss was in the third grade with a kid named Edwin Harper. I don't really count that so I've never even kissed a boy nor laid how I just did with Nick before. I don't know where I got the courage to do that but I did. Even though I had gotten stabbed in the stomach I still felt safe with him. He hadn't done much of a good job at protecting me but I don't blame him he couldn't anyways he was all chained up. I could maybe see myself liking him but for now my hate for him being a total arrogant butt-wipe would do for now.

Well I wounder just how long I can go with living with him before I fall for him. Lets get real here I'm 17 years old and I do catch feelings for people. i'm not going to be around the bush and say that i'm not attracted to him. He's hot and when he isn't being a dick I do kind of fall for his charm but also his bad boys ways. Holy crap what am I saying!?

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