Chapter 10: What I Never Told You

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He just stood there and looked me in the eyes and it seem like something had bothered him. 

"Whats wrong?" i asked searching in his eyes for maybe a clue. 

"The night of the accident... Did you see anyone?" he asked and i shrugged trying to remember even though i didn't want to. 

"I'm not sure why should i have seen someone?" i questioned  

"No but someone was there... Sam your car didn't just flip into the river" he stated and he couldn't look me in the eyes. I could see whatever he was about to tell me pained him. 

"I know railed into another car and god lodged in the fence to the bridge and the more we moved... The more i moved it slipped more and more off the bridge!" i stated trying to look him in the eyes and i put my hand on his cheek and he put his head down and shook it. 

"That's what you were compelled to remember Sam... Your car did hit another car" he started and paused and started again as he took my hand from his face and i actually saw the first tear he had ever shed in centres. 

"The car was crashed into yours on purpose i had been ordered to get rid of anything that stood in between us and you and that was your parents. Once Nick had the car crashed he pushed your car further and further off the edge of the bridge and when i went in to pull you out i saw the fear and hurt in your eyes as your mothers hand slipped out of yours, the anger and pain in your voice as you screamed after her i couldn't go through with the rest of the order i pulled you out and Nick compelled you to remember nothing but that you had been in a car crash and your parents had died" he said and i looked at him with tears in my eyes and didn't know whether to be mad at him or not. He shook his head and walked out shutting the door behind him with a slam and i could hear him yell and breaking things on his way down the hall. I was speechless and didn't know what to think or do so i sat on my bed and cried. I bawled my eyes out until i had nothing left to cry out. Before i knew it i had cried my self to sleep and began of the night i thought i knew of. 


I looked around and saw rain falling all around me so things were to blurry to make out. I looked in the front seat and both my parents were trying to keep calm and i could hear them whispering little things to each other. 

"Mom,Dad? What's going on?" I asked sitting up and the car moving more off the bridge and i screamed. 

"Honey don't move OK i promise you'll be OK" my dad said to me looking at me though the mirror in the front. 

"Oh my god where we in an accident dad?!" i screamed and started to freak out. 

"Baby girl relax OK please you have to or someone can get really hurt" my mom stated as the car slipped over the edge more and i looked around slowly to see if anyone had stopped to help but i saw no cars just two figures in the back of the car and one that approached on the side. I tried yelling to them but the car was over the edge almost completely now and since the front windshield was out my dad flew out first and i screamed out for him as i saw him hit the water and disappear. My mom was next but i grabbed hold of her hand as tightly as i could and her face got blurry as tears filled my eyes. I tried holding on but what she was saying to me made me think she just couldn't hold on anymore. Her hand let go of my and i tried to keep my grip but couldn't and her eyes fixed on mine as her body hit the water her smile never leaving her face. I could hear yelling and i slowly looked around. A figure was at my door and bright blue eyes took hold of mine. I was yanked out from the back and turned around roughly. I was in shock so no words came out and another set of blue eyes looked into my brown ones but they were different from the other pair. 

"You never saw us you were in a bad accident and lost your parents you climbed out the back each saving yourself understand?" the guy said his pupils getting bigger as he made these commends. 

"Yes i do" i responded and both figures fled faster then anything id ever seen in my life. 

'Flashback Over' 

I continued sleeping through this dream which was unusual because i would have been up screaming by now. I felt eyes on me though but i knew it was probably Nathan, he was the one making me remember everything that had happened that night the truth of that night. I turned over to where i knew he'd be sitting in the corner by my bed and opened my eyes. He sat there with his bed hair deep blue eyes and beard still not shaved but ranged leaned back with his arms crossed. He wore a blue Yale University t shirt and blue and black plaid pj pants and weird slippers. 

"Your making me remember" i said softly knowing it was late so everyone would be in their chambers by now. But he didn't reply. 

"I don't blame you you didn't even go through with the order your brother did he's who Im furious with" i continued but he still said nothing  

"Thank you for saving me Im not mad at you ok say something please?" i asked sitting up now. 

"You dread sleeping because of what my brother did because of what i was sent to do what i was apart of, you have nightmares about it. My parents created me but i created the monster I've become Sam" he said not looking at me and i could hear the pain in his voice. 

"You didn't go through with it at least you may be an ass and rude and mean but you still hold on to as much humanity as you can Nathan" i said looking at him as the moonlight lit up my room. 

"It doesn't matter Sam i was still apart of it i still kill innocent people Im not human i lost everything human along time ago i was never human! I was born vampire i just pretended Sam that's all i could do!" he side angry and hurt and he stood up walking out. 

"Nathan!" i yelled after him but he didn't stop. He was gone and i had no clue what he was capable of doing in this state which scared me. I sighed and looked out the window. I heard footsteps behind and thought Nathan had come to his senses and came back. 

"Nathan"i said turning around and someone that was not Nathan stood before me covering my mouth and i tried screaming. The person held me tightly almost crushing my bone and jumped out the window with me in hand.  

Great I'm being kidnapped i thought.

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