Chapter 12: What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger

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(this chapter will be back in Sam's P.O.V)

After realizing what I had just done I pulled away as quickly as possible and looked at him. 

" I can feel you... Like I can actually feel everything your feeling" I said looking at him  

" I know that's because I've imprinted on you which I didn't mean to I swear it was the only way to save you" he stated moving around me and going to the living that was attached to his room since everything was opened and not blocked by any walls. 

"You did what!? Wait what's being imprinted on mean?" I questioned before I went all physco on him. 

"It's when a human feeds from a vampire which then links them so since your half human I was able to now say I was in trouble you'd know you can feel what I feel hear my thoughts which I swear if you listen in on ill tear your head off" is spoke meanly and I stared at him. 

"So what if I'm in trouble how can you save me?" I asked. 

"I'd have to feed from you but its not something I'm willing to stop when I feed its hard to stop its a never ending craving and I'm not prepared to hurt you" he said looking out the windows that over looked the whole town. It was dark and all the building lights helped brighten things up. I stood behind him and pulled the collar of the sweatshirt away from my neck. I knew if I thought about it I wouldn't go through with it but I honestly wanted to be linked to him. 

"Do it... Just bite me I'm fine with it" I said with my voice a little shaky and he kept his back to me. 

"Sam, I'm not going to" he stated firmly and I ran to the kitchen quickly grabbing a knife and back to him in seconds and cut a small gash in my neck knowing he wouldn't be able to walk away from me now. I could tell he smelt my blood because his body tensed and grew still almost as if he were a statue. 

"Sam!" Nathan growled at me turning to look at me with eyes bluer then his natural deep blue and his fangs showing completely. 

"Do it now come on" I said pushing him with one arm still holding my collar away from my neck as the blood dripped down from the cut. He shook his head and I his breathing got heavy as he came closer to me. I was a little scared but I thought I was ready and as soon as I changed my mind he grabbed my shoulders and sank his fangs into my neck petting his mouth cover the gash completely. I groaned on pain as he drank from my neck but the pain subsided and was soon replaced with something else. I didn't know what it was but it felt good. My groans turned into moans, my hands found there way to Nathan's back and my nails dug into his skin. As I felt myself go weak I punched him in the side and grabbed his arm twisting it til he fell to his knees in front of me. I tried catching my breath as we both stared at each other our eyes connecting and not leaving one another. He blood dripping down the corners of his mouth and as I was gonna wipe of off he got up and heaved both my hands roughly as if he was gonna tie me up and lock me away somewhere. My thoughts were way off because the next thing that happened was everything but. He kissed me, and not one of those soft sweet kisses you get on your first date. This one, wow this one was rough and hard but full of passion. As our lips mashed together I was picked up in one quick swift move and was being held against the glass windows. Our breathing quickened and so did our kissing as I wrapped my legs around Nathan's waist tightly. It began to rain and the lights blurred in the windows as we kissed for what seemed like hours. I pulled off his shirt never even braking our kiss and my hands acted as if they had a mind of his own because they explored his chest, abs and biceps on against my will. Nathan'slips found my neck again only this time if wasn't for drinking he lightly planted kisses all over it and sucked at it hard. I moaned at this trying to hold it all in but couldn't. We quickly moved down each window as this whole wall was the window. We quickly made way to the bed and as I stood at the end of it my sweat shirt found its way to the floor. I blushed at the fact that I was naked in front of him no one had ever seen me naked but he made me comfortable with it. He laid me down as he laid on top of me his body covering mine completely and the sheets were pulled over us. Our lips met once again as our hands met over my head and tangled. I squeezed at his hands tightly as I felt him enter me and I could feel my heart race faster. I screamed against his lips when he was fully in not thinking he'd even fit. I guess this was one thing I wouldn't kiss since I was half human. Our kisses grew quicker again and our hands stayed bound tightly as the harder Nathan got the harder the rain came down. I could hear it in my ears as the rain hit the windows hard and I grabbed hold of the sheets tightly. My body arched up against his and before I knew it he held my body to his from behind. He kissed my head and slowly stroked at my arm as I looked out the windows that were our four walls and smiled.  

"You do if your parents ever find out about this we're dead right? You can't be with a warrior and warriors can't be with a Royals son" I whispered still looking out the windows. 

"That is true but what they don't know what hurt them" he replied holding is closer. 

"Yea plus I never said I wanted to he with you" I said laughing and he laughed with me. 

"Oh yea sure your too good for me I know" he said smiling against my shoulder. I held the sheets to my chest more and smiled at thoughts of us being together but knew it would never work and we'd get caught but i guess it was worth a shot maybe.

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