Chapter 21: On The Hunt Part II

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Nick looked at me with disbelief and one of the werewolves growled loudly and it kind of startled me. Nick hissed again and I pushed him again. 

"No! He's not going to harm me or anymore ok just stop!" I snapped and turned to look at the lead werewolves. They were all just as big as me but if they were out in the wild someone would easily mistaken them for regular wolves. I could tell this one was Cameron because for one he was the leader of their pack and he just gave me this look that he gave me the same day when we meet. I slowly reached out and rubbed his fur and he tilted his head lowly giving me more access. 

"See he isn't going to hurt me he's here to protect me" I told Nick and he retrieved his fangs and his eyes went back to their normal blue selves. 

"This dog will not protect you Sam do you know how dangerous they are?" He asked me and I shrugged. I honestly knew very little about werewolves except what Cameron did tell me, which wasn't much because he's under oath and he can't tell legends and tribe secrets to a outsider even if he were protecting them. 

"I know he won't hurt me OK he obviously didn't tear you apart or me so calm down" I told him and Cameron nudged at my hand. I looked at him and he nudged at me more pushing me away almost so I figured he wanted me to move away from him so I did. I watched as he slowly transformed back into his human self and I could say I was amazed. Once he was in his full human side an looked at the two wolves behind him and spoke in some type of language and they left. I smiled and he looked away as he noticed he was completely naked and quickly covered himself. 

"Sorry I don't usually turn back to my usual human form until I'm back at the tribe" Cameron said blushing and Nick snorted. 

"Look go put some clothes on or something and shower while your at it, no one likes the smell of dog" Nick said with a evil grin and Cameron looked at him. 

"Stop it OK don't be such an ass" I told Nick and he shrugged my comment off and walked into the kitchen with Arianna. 

"Thanks for... Well I don't really know what I'm thanking you for? I guess making sure I was alright" I told him and flashed a smile. 

"Well you know I do try" he said laughing and I laughed a little myself. 

"Umm well I really think you should get going your kind of standing naked in the middle of a strangers living room" I told him and he chuckled nervously. 

"Yea I'm sorry well I'll see you around" he said and quickly he changed back into his werewolf form and was gone. I stood there for a moment and turned and headed for the kitchen. Arianna sat in chair in the corner holding her knees to her chest and she looked as if she had just seen a ghost. 

"She isn't talking... Or moving obviously so work your girl magic and get her to talk" Nick said wiggling his fingers as he said girl magic and I punch his arm. 

"I don't have girl magic and it might not help she just saw things that no human witnesses unless their a victim or slave" I told him and slowly sat in the chair next to her.  

"Arianna?" I said softly and she jumped a little in fright. 

"I-i think you guys need to go ok just go" she said shakily and I looked at Nick and back to her. 

"Arianna I'm sorry but we can't leave you here alone, Nathan isn't himself right now and if we can't get him back to his old self he could really hurt you" I told her and she shook her head. 

"What do you mean? What the hell is going on I'm so confused and scared!" She said and she got up and looked at me and Nick. 

"I want answers, now!" She demanded and Nick put his hands up in defense. 

"Okay tell her" Nick said and I looked at him and shook my head. 

"No you tell her" I told him and we went back and forth for four minutes with this like children and he finally gave in. 

"OK OK fine, Arianna my brother isn't himself as you saw he was ready to rip your head off but we might be able to keep you safe. We're vampires and no Sam and I are not here to harm you just protect you. You can not tell anyone what you saw or what we are telling you because it could get us all killed. In 1992 two months after you were born my brother Nathan attacked and killed your mother, it's haunted him since and now he's on a path of destruct and anything can happen" Nick told her and she stood there in complete stillness. 

"How will you protect me?" She asked in a whisper. 

"Honesty I don't know because in a Royal family and Royal coven there are rules and one of them are humans are to be used as slaves,food or bate a Royal shall not fall in love with with a human one shall not protect a human but in this case we will besides I'm a rule breaker that's what I do" Nick said in his cocky tone. 

"If we're going to keep you safe you need to listen to us and be cooperative ok?" I told her and she nods. 

"I will even make it my goal to see to it that your safe and I never look after anyone but myself" Nick told her and I looked at him in shock. 

"He's right he's selfish this is something new" I told her and Nick looked at me and pulled me to the side. 

"I like this girl" he told me and I just looked back and forth from him to her and smiled.

Maybe some people change others, if Arianna can put a spark in Nick and get him to think of someone other then himself maybe I can spark a flame in Nathan and bring him back to his senses.

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