Chapter 20: Late Nights Hurt

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Every person in this world has a past and it can not be altered. Either your happy with it or your not.

I got Nick to come along on this road trip to find Arianna and he was a bit excited about it. I put my bag in the back of his Benz truck and he quickly appeared at my side. 

"whoa whoa! Be careful you don't just toss your thing in the back of my 65 thousand dollar truck this is pure class here" Nick said looking at me as if I had two heads. 

"it's just a Nicky don't get so protective of it" I told him and smiled evilly because I knew he hated being called that. 

"What did I tell you about calling me that? It isn't funny at all" he said in a very deep tone through clenched teeth and I just giggled. He looked at me for a quick moment and shook his head. 

"Let's go ginger" he said and I punched his arm. 

"I'm not a ginger OK and your parents aren't going to be passed at me for jot training are they?" I asked getting in the car and putting on my seat belt. 

"Nope why would they I think your ready and they have no clue when the Vikings are going to attack besides they know we need Nathan by our sides for this war so they should be thanking us for this" Nick told me driving off and I shrugged. I guess he did have a point but I'm not one to disappoint . Although hardly anything was making sense I knew we had to find Nathan and the only way to do that is to uncover his past. I was bit scared of this because of the fact he had one messy past it was like he had a massacre of his own. I don't know how long I had even thinking about all of this but I knew I had fallen asleep and even had dreamt about it. Creepy.

I looked around trying to take in all my surroundings through my rain felt and foggy window. It was pouring out and it only made me think back to that night on the bridge. I wanted to snap Nicks neck for it but I held my ground and pushed any psycho killer thoughts out of my dome. 

"Where are we?" I asked through a yawn and I adjusted myself in my seat. 

"Mayville Virginia a couple towns over from were we need to be" Nick said glancing over at me and I sighed in relief. 

"Thank god my butt is sore and I have a really bad neck cramp" I sighed out and rubbed at the back of my neck. 

"Oh I'm an expert at this, here let me" he said and without my say so he reached over grabbed my head and snapped it twice. Nearly killing me he laughed and looked at me. 

"Ow! You dick!" I screamed even though my neck felt 100 percent better. 

"Aww come on sweetheart tell me your neck still hurts after that and I'll let you punch me in the face" he snorted in a cocky tone and I just looked at him in anger. I looked at the dash and the clock read 8 o'clock and I sighed heavily. I decided that I didn't wanna hear Nick if he spoke again so I turned on his radio and to my luck Demi Lovato's Give Your Heart A Break was on. I smiled to myself and turned it up louder and Nick looked at in horror. 

"No no no no no no no no! No no! " he said turning the station. 

"Hey!" I exclaimed and turned it back. 

"We are not listening to that and who gave you the power to change or turn on my radio if you haven't noticed I like driving in peace" he said as I tried turning on the radio again but he smacked my hand and turned to a station and Somebody That I Use To Know was playing . 

"Now this I'll listen to" he said and I let him because I actually liked this song. I quietly started singing it to myself and I heard as Nick did too. This surprised me a little and as he got louder so did I and before you knew it we were both singing at the top of our lungs to it. When the song was over we both laughed and shook our heads. 

"I didn't know you could sing" Nick told me and I blushed a little . Singing was a little secret I had and no one knew about it... Well until now. 

"Well I guess" I said shyly and turned and looked at the window . We passed many signs until the one I actually wanted to see washing view reading in big bold white letters. Welcome to Sand-blue Virginia.

As we pulled up to a small little hotel my phone rang and on the screen read Cameron and I slowly smiled I picked up with a simple hello and his voice paused for a moment and he said to get out the car and walk away from the car. I frowned and wondered how he knew I was in a car and I asked why and he told me to just do it so I did. Once I was a good few feet in distance he spoke. 

"Your with a vampire" he said deeply and I looked around. 

"Yeahhh? What's wrong with that? Wait are you watching me?" I asked all at once and he laughed. 

"It may sound creepy but yes I told you it was an order me and my pack must keep an eye on you and protect you" he said and I laughed a little. 

"Don't talk to loud though we don't want fangs face to hear " he said and I smiled more. 

"Don't worry about him he isn't going to hurt me, but where are you?" I asked and I began to look around again. Movements in some far bushes made me lock contact with many bright hale eyes lurking in the bushes. 

"You see my pack they have this hotel surrounded just in case your friend try anything stupid" Cameron said and he showed himself just a bit from behind a big tree. 

"Well thank you but I won't need any help OK" I said smiling and hanging up and walking to where Nick stood by the car. 

"Who were you talking to short stuff?" he asked with a dashing smile and sparkle in his eye. 

"No one just uhh checking my messages "I lied and headed into the room I had saw Nick go into moments before. After getting into my pajama shorts and tank top I looked out the window and saw two bright hale eyes flashing at me and I smiled. I felt extremely safe having a pack of werewolves surrounding me plus a vampire. I retired to my bed and laid down. I knew in the morning a lot of things held my day and I was anxious for it all.

4:30 am

My phone rang loudly and I woke me right out of my dead sleep. I reached over on the night stand and grabbed my phone and looked at the screen. The caller was UNKNOWN and I quickly slid the slide here to unlock across the screen and pressed answer. I said hello deeply but no one answered. Hello escaped my lips again but nothing. Just as I began to hang up a very familiar voice spoke. 

"Sam... Don't hang up" the voice stated and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. 

"Nathan" I asked sadly and he said nothing. 

"Nathan where are you? Do you know know what time it is?" I asked him and I got another long pause. 

"Stop looking for me OK just please stop it's bad enough I'm reliving my past I don't need you going to look for more of it" he said a little harshly and I sat up a little more and looked over at Nick who seemed to be still asleep. 

"Nathan look whatever your doing stop ok just stop your killing innocent people and we just want to help i-" I whispered but he spoke over me. 

"We?" he asked and then his voice got a bit weak but I could hear the sharp pain in it that sliced through me. 

"Just give up Sam you and Nick won't find me don't you get it I don't want to be found!" he screamed through the phone and my heart started to ache.  

"Fine but... But Nathan I love you OK? No matter what" I whispered and there was nothing but a long pause. I hung up assuming that's what he had just done and tears filled the boarder of my eyes but I wiped at them quickly not letting them fall. I sat my phone back on the night stand. I wasn't going going back to sleep and I knew it.

How do you help someone that doesn't want to be helped?

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