Chapter 22: In All Reality

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(This is In the Wattyawards guys so help me out and vote,fan and comment I'm in need of a trailer so if any of you wanna do one for me that would e awesome, I could vote fan and help promote you and your stories in return almost like another contest maybe ... Think about it haha  




Nick and I had gotten Arianna into hiding but we knew it wouldn't be safe for that long. The Royals coven would find out and the punishments would be harsh. Not that Nick cared he lives for braking rules but I don't. I mean I don't take crap from anyone but on the other hand I don't try and give them a reason to give me crap about. Enough with the ranting in your head Sam it makes you look crazy. Right, wait, now I'm talking to myself, ugh. 

"Listen if your going to talk to yourself make sure you tell yourself how hot I am otherwise turn your thoughts off because I don't wanna hear them" Nick told me loading Nathans unconscious body into the back of his truck. 

"Oh please stop listening then" I told him as I helped Arianna get her things into the backseat and getting myself situated in the front seat after. 

"Now you know I can't do that if I didn't listen in on your thoughts I'd never know when you were thinking about me" he told me getting in the car himself now and speeding off. I sighed and ignored him and wondered how he went from telling me he liked Arianna and wanted to help her back to his arrogant self. 

"Hey I heard that" he snorted and I smiled to myself. Good. 

"So are we going to do with wild and reckless back there?" Nick asked me and I shrugged. 

"I don't know what can we do with him? We can't just trust him to get better on his own" I said sadly. I wish it were just that easy. 

" Well he doesn't want any help so I'm lost of ideas" he replied looking at me and I nodded. 

"Why don't we cage him in somewhere in make him remember how far he's come to become the man he is before all this?" I asked and Nick laughed. 

"Well I'll be damned that's actually a pretty good idea, nice work shorty" he said ruffling my hair and I groaned. 

"Don't ever do that again and call me Shorty one more time and I'll rip your tongue out" I snapped at him and he looked at me and grinned. 

"I like challenges" he said I shook my head. I couldn't do anything now with Arianna in the car and Nathans unconscious in the back but I would get him back.

Getting to the Van Whitehorse mansion took a shorter time than it did to get to Virginia. I didn't think it was a good idea to bring Arianna here but Nick said it would be OK since his parents were away at the Royals Coven coming up with ways to defeat the Vikings if I failed to do so. Nick carried Nathan inside and took him to a very unfamiliar room that I didn't even know was there. It was a big dark room well chains all along the walls and floor. There was this table right in the middle that caught my attention most because it had silver locks and bolts on it. 

"What is the place? I didn't even know this was here" I said looking around and Nick laid Nathan on it. 

"That's because we use it to integrate vampires that betray us or that is on trial for a crime"Nick said putting on gloves and chaining Nathan down with the silver holds at his wrist and ankles. Smoke began to rise from his wrist and ankles as the silver began to eat as his skin like acid. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Son of a bitch!" Nathan yelled scaring me a little as he yanked on his holds restraining him. 

"Nathan don't fight it OK we just want to help" I said as Nick flipped the gable up so it was as if Nathan was standing up on his own. 

"You call this helping?" Nathan spat angrily through clenched teeth and his eyes went bright blue. 

"Yes because you need to remember who you are! Nathan you have to fight this! You have to fight your past!" I told him and he only tried harder to get out of the holds but it just made the silver eat at his skin more. 

"Ahhhhhh! Let. Me. Down!" He yelled angrily and I looked at Nick and Arianna and Nick nodded knowing what I wanted and leaded Arianna out. I heard the big doors shut and I turned and look back at Nathan. 

It hurt seeing him like this but I knew this was the only way I could get him to get better.

Or was it? 

(Will be adding more to this chapter so sorry that it's short, the song to the right goes more with the ending of this chapter and rest of this chapter that I'm adding so when you press play make sure its at the part when there chaining Nathan up :) and Tell me if your Team Nathan or Team Nick further in you'll see what and why you'd be choosing sides 




I put on the gloves that Nick had had on moments before and picked up a chain of silver and dipped it in Rose Spain. Rose Spain was a accent plant that was very dangerous to vampires and it was worse in it's liquid form. 

"Sam, doing this isn't going to change me what don't you understand about that!?" Nathan growled at me and wrapped the chain against his bare chest and stomach earning a angry groan. 

"Well than I'm going to keep trying until it works" i told him now standing in front of him. 

"Your doing the same thing expecting a different result and your wasting your time!" He yelled and his body grew weaker and wear I could tell. 

"Maybe if you fought against it Nathan I'd have what I wanted" I told him and honestly maybe if he did try and fight against it he would be getting better. 

"I don't get what I ever saw in you, your pathetic" Nathan hissed and I looked at him. 

"You don't even accept what you are walking around here like the vampire side of you isn't apart of you, apart of you are, well let me tell you something it is! And it's going to eat at you for the rest of your life" he yelled and yanked on the holders restraining him yet again. What he said did actually hurt me and no not because I loved him but because he was giving up and that it made him resort to that. I smiled and nodded and gave him one good punch to the face. 

"Stop trying to get out of your holders Nathan, you keep trying the same thing expecting different results, it's not going to work" I told him repeating what he had just told me moments ago. i looked at him one last time and headed for the door but to only make it half way. 

"I don't understand how you can fight for something so hard only to get knocked down over and over and over again" Nathan said to me out of breath and I could hear the pain ok n his voice. 

"When you love somethingenough you tend to fight as hard as you can no mater how many times you get knocked on your ass" I replied to him turning around and looking at him. He was slumped over but he lifted his head as much as he could to look at me. His eyes were back to their normal blue and sweat laid like a thin blanket over his face, neck and whole upper body. 

"I can't let go of my past it haunts me and tortures me it's like reliving the same damn nightmare over and over again, you can't sleep you can't eat nothing, it just eats at your insides constantly" he said with tears filling his eyes. I reached up hold his face in my palms and lifting his face more. 

"And I wanna help you Nathan, as much as you don't want help you need it and I'm going to be here to give it to you ok? All the help and support you need but you have to remember who you are and who you became your past made you don't like it break you" I told him and his tears fell down his cheeks. I knew if I stayed any longer I'dlet him down and that couldn't happen just yet. I softly placed my lips against his giving him a passionate gentle kiss before walking away. 

"Everything will be alright Nathan, I promise" I told him as I opened the doors and closed them back behind me and listened as they bolted and locked shut.  

This is what it truly feels like to have your heart broken.

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