Chapter 11: Ransome Part II

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They stripped me of my shirt and left me in just my jeans and boots and then chained and bolted my writs and ankles to the wall that was in the middle of the room. My wrists and ankles burned and smoked as silver is a weakener for vampires. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Son of a bitch!" i yelled at the pain as the man stood in front of me laughing as his men pressed silver all over my chest, neck, arms, and stomach. 

"Feeling a little pain are we?" he asked walking circles around me and i could hear Sam screaming again. 

"Where is she!? Let her go and you can keep me!" i yelled at him and he laughed more. 

"You want her? Guards!" he called out and within minutes Sam was being dragged in her legs and arms chained and she wore nothing but a dirty, bloody, ripped up half of nothing t shirt. 

"Nathan!" she said and i could see the dried up tears on her face along with the still fresh cuts slashes and bruises on her body. It pained and angered me to see her like this. 

"Ill get you out OK i promise!" i said to her and tried pulling on the chains and bolts that bound me. 

"Enough! Get her out of here!" the man called and she was gone.  

"Who are you? Are you a Viking?" i asked as i grew weaker from the silver. 

"Yes i am but you knew that didn't you?" he asked and he went on and on about how the Royals didn't get along and what not. My head went down but what stuck out to me when he said my parents sent for Sam to be kidnapped. This blew me over the edge and my eyes went ice blue and fangs dropped. I yanked out of the silver chains and snarled at him. His eyes went red and his fangs soon meet his lips and we both ran to each other. He bit my arm and i bit his neck ripping out his throat and i yanked out his heart at the same time. He busted into a pool of blood at my feet and i breathed heavy from this. I followed the screams into a basement were a cage sat in the middle of the room. 

"Sam" i called out and i could hear her whimper. I made my way to the caged and even in my weaken state i ripped off the silver locks and picked her up bridal style. Her body went limp and i could hear her heart beat slow down. 

"No Sam stay with me OK stay with me" i say to her and she tried but i could tell she couldn't. I ran her to my truck quickly and put her in the back seat.  

"Sam!" i yelled shaking her but no response. I got in the drivers seat of the car and sped off fast and since it was still early in the morning no cars were on the road which meant a quicker trip back home. 

"Sam come on wake up you gotta talk to me!" i yelled at her but still nothing. I yelled and tried talking to her for the 2 hours we were and the car. When i parked in the parking garage at my apartment building i got out and picked her up and ran her inside so quickly i knew no one would even see me. I went straight in my apartment and to the bathroom. I laid her in the tub and ran hot water until the tub was full. I pulled off the old ragged up t shirt and tossed it in trash and bit my wrist and put it to her mouth. I heard as my blood hit the back of her throat and within minutes she was feeding from my wrist. She more she came to the more she drank and even though it made me weaker if she was OK i was fine. She pulled away from me startled and i leans against the tub. 

"Nathan I'm so sorry!" she cried and i laughed softly  

"I'm fine " i said and she looked me over. 

"No your not" she said sitting up not even bothering to cover herself up. 

"No look at you" i said slowly getting up and going to the kitchen and grabbing as many blood bags as i could. I drank each one hungrily and with each one i grew stronger and feeling normal.  

"do you have something i can put on?" a voice asked me from behind and i looked at her. She held a towel to her brushed and cut body that was now almost fully healed from my blood. 

"Yea um here" i said going to the room and grabbing a sweater that i knew would be big on her. She took it and i turned around as she pit it on. 

"OK you can look" she said and i turned to see her right in front of me."Thanks for saving me" she said and pressed her lips to mine.

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