Chapter 5: Friday Night Bites

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As everyone stared at me i looked around and tried to stay calm. 

"What do you mean you mean it makes you sick? You can not survive without it darling" Gina stated looking up from her elderly man she was feeding from. 

"Well i guess not me i mean i only drink it when i have to other than that i can eat whatever i my little tummy wants" i replied back smiling and looking at Nathan for help. 

"How is this possible you could do that if..." Lucas started but then trailed off soon after. 

"But what? What does it mean?" i asked curiously  

"You are human and vampire" Nickolas said smiling and looking at me with danger in his eyes. 

"What? This has got to be a joke come on guys" i said smiling and looking around at everyone. 

"This is a rear situation Nathaniel who turned her?" Lucas asked angrily  

"I did father i am so sorry i guess her body didn't finish the transaction " Nathan said as he looked at me. 

"No her body took full transaction she is just a hybrid, not like us but even better she holds the power of humanity and eternity " He said looking at us all. 

"Boys escort Ms. Giles back to her chambers we will discuss this later" Gina said as Nathan said had already been at my seat. I got up confused more then ever and i started slowly walking back to my room. It all makes sense now i mean the heart still beating and the blood still flowing through my vain and the fact that i didn't survive off of blood. I couldn't wrap my head around it completely though i had a lot of questions but i didn't think Nathan would answer them. When i got to my room Nathan had shut the door and looked at me. 

"You can't tell anyone about this OK if the Vikings found out that we have a hybrid the war will get worse" Nathan said grabbing pillows and covers out of a closet and making a pallet on the floor. 

"Why well not why but i don't understand how am i both human and vampire can't you only be one or the other?" i asked him changing into my pajama shorts and tank top quickly hoping he didn't turn around yet and he didn't. 

"I don't know what's going on ok so i can't answer anything just get some sleep ok?" he said taking off his shoes and laying on his little bed he just put together. I could only nod and pull the fluffy green covers back and get in bed. Everything about the hybrid i kind of forgot because the bed was so soft it was insane. I snuggled into the covers and thought about how I might like it here. Hey maybe it isn't so bad right? I mean what's two or three weeks here gonna do? I asked myself weird questions all night until i finally fell asleep. 

*Flashback Dream* 

"Mom I'm right here OK! I am i won't let go if you don't i promise!" i screamed holding on to my mothers hand as tight as i could. 

"Sweetheart its OK you let go alright? Let go for mommy" my mom said back with a painful smile on her face and tears in her eyes. I felt my hands get all clammy and i knew she would let go if i didn't but i still refused to do it. Her hand started to slip and all i could hear was "I Love You Baby Girl!" and then she was gone. 

I sat up fast and looked at my hand from front to back as i seen no trace of of my mothers. I felt a tingle in my fingers and tears grew in my eyes as i looked around the dark room. The only lighting i saw came from a little clock on the nightstand that read 4:22am. I sighed and brushed away the tears from my cheeks and got out of bed and looked out the window. The moon shone in making the dark room now lighter. I looked Down at Nathans still body and slowly crept to the door opening it and letting myself out. I slowly walked out into the hall and made my way down stairs. 

"Going somewhere?" Henry asked and i jumped nearly screaming but i help my mouth. 

"No... Well yes where's the kitchen? " i asked nervously and twirled my thumbs around each other. 

"Straight Down and to the left" he replied and pointed out the direction. I smiled and quickly thanked him and headed the way he showed me and i sure enough found it. I slowly looked around the big kitchen and though to myself. I hope there's junk food and not a lot of blood i thought and looked through the cabinets. I stumped upon a closet and slowly opened it. Ahhhhhh! I thought going inside and looking around. Jackpot i whispered to myself and i grabbed a bag of hot popcorn and jar of pickles. Since i haven't eaten i thought id better chow down on these. I went and sat at the table in the center of the kitchen and began stuffing my face. 

"You eat like a pig" a deep voice from behind me stated an i whipped around to see Nathan. 

"How'd you know i was down here?" i asked him still stuffing my face. 

"Your thoughts are to loud they woke me up contain them as well please" he said sitting next to me with a cup of blood in his hand. I looked at him and the whiff of blood sent tingles in my throat. I covered my nose and Nathan looks at me. 

"What kind of blood is that? It smells bad" i gasps out sounding weird from pinching my nose. 

"It does not just because you don't like blood doesn't mean you can ruin it for me fat ass" he said chuckling and drinking his cup of bloods. 

"I'm not a fat ass !" I said glaring at him and he he just chuckled more. I got madder each time he laughed and my eyes turned ice blue and my fangs reviled themselves. 

"I am tired of you calling me names! And looking down upon me!"i said angrily getting up. 

"Aw and what are you gonna do?" He said getting up which made me have to look up at him. 

"Kick your ass" i replied smiling and punching him in the gut making him lean over groan. When he looked up his eyes were as blue as mine and his fangs now out. He got up and cracked his knuckles and charged at me but i move out his way quickly and jumps on his back. I elbowed him right between his shoulder blades and punched him in the side but he grabbed hold of my shirt and flung me against the wall like an hold rag. Ii groaned in pain and slowly got up as Nathan stood over me. 

"Come on! Get angry! Your nothing you fat ass!" Nathan said and it echoed in my head. 

"Fuck you!" I yelled charging at him grabbing him by the neck and picking him up squeezing as hard i could. I slammed him to the ground and he grabbed my wrist and flew me into the next room. I breath meed heavy and and realized i was stronger the Nathan if i was angry enough. Now i saw it, he was trying to get me angry. When i got up i saw a figure in the doorway and figured it was Nathan. 

"Nathan I'm done OK i don't want to fight anymore" i said but the figure just stood there. 

"Nathan?" I asked but got nothing, the figure came at me in a blur and i covered my face. When i knew i was alone i uncovered my face and felt something running down my shoulder. It was blood i could smell it so i felt around my lower neck and my fingers ran over two small holes. 

They bit me!

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