Chapter 37: When It All Comes Down

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( Back In Sam's P.O.V)

Blake had been passed out for hours and  I was beginning to worry that maybe my blood didn't help, I realized it had to though when I saw that her neck was completely healed. She began to move her head and her eyes began to flutter open and she sprung up terrified.

"Where am I!? Wha-what the hell are you people!" She screamed quickly moving away from me.

"Look just calm down and I can tell you everything" I told her calmly so she knew I wouldn't hurt her. I called Nick to come help me explain things because he did so well with Arianna and I didn't really know where I stood with Nathan so talking to him would be a tad odd at the moment, besides I wasn't ready for that.

"Okay where is she? do you want me to compell her to forget or what? wait why am I here you can do all that on your own?" Nick said clapping his hands together as he entered my room.

"Com-compel me? wha-what's he talking about?" Blake said shakily and I turned and gave her a small smile.

"Look what you witnessed and went through was horrible I know and I'm sorry that I couldn't have stopped it, but you need to know what we're about to tell you you can not tell anyone... Ok?" I told her and she nodded slightly.

"We're Vampires Blake" Nick told her plain and simple and she just stared at us for a moment and started to laugh.

"Right and I'm Cinderella" She said laughing more and Nick and I looked at each other.

"We're serious Blake" I told her and I let my fangs fall so that she could see them clearly and she stopped laughing immediately.

"Whoa, um are those real?" she asked leaning forward and looking and she put her finger to the tip of one of my fangs and she pulled it back quickly.

"Yeah don't do that again they are extremely sharp" I said and Nick laughed.

" Look Blake you can't tell anyone about this or what we are vampires arn't known well among the humans and those few humans that do either keep the secret or if they talk... well their usually killed or enslaved into a Royal family or coven" Nick told her and she sat there taking it all in.

" You can't honestly expect me to believe any of this do you? sure Allison bit me and yeah maybe you have fangs but I just don't think any of this is real I must be asleep... yeah that's it i''m asleep" She said smacking her face and Nick chuckled.

"This girl has to be the dumbest-" She started but I cut him off.

"Stop" I told him and she looked at him.

"Look Blake this is very serious you just knowing that we exist is dangerous and now that Allison has bitten you she'll know where you are at all times how your feeling everything until your blood leaves her system and she will kill you any chance she gets" I told her and Blake pulled the covers up to her neck.

"Why me? what did I do to her? how am I suppose to protect myself from a- a- a- a freaking vampire!?" she asked and Nick rolled his eyes.

"Look barbie, I don't have time for his and because I know Sam is going to dump your ass on me stay out my way and don't talk and you'll be fine" He told her and she looked at me and then to him.

"Your going to let this guy protect me? seriously he's scary!" she said and I smiled

"No he's not he won't let anything happen to you, right?" I asked him as I elbowed him in the side with as much force as I could.

"Yeah sure whatever you say" he replied holding his side and glaring at me. I smiled happy with how this conversation went but one of Blake's thoughts soon changed all that.

" Don't even think about it" Nick said obviously he heard her thought to so I didn't feel as bad for reading them now.

"What? how'd you know what I was thinking?" Blake asked and Nick chuckled.

"I''m a vampire I can read minds now if you ever think of telling anyone anything I'll break your neck and fold you into a toy chest got it?" He said and she looked even more terrified then ever.

"Look I just want some answers ok? can you guys just tell me what I just got myself into?" Blake asked and I sighed. i'll Leave that for Nick to handle.

"Now isnt a good time okay? Just go along with everything and we'll keep you safe but I have to go okay Nick she's all yours from here"  I said grabbing my jacket and heading out. I ran to my car and grabbed the note that was left on it and read it over again.

We have a special little girl that we thought you'd might like to save, meet us in the Holland Wing of the Royals board building and we'll consider keeping her alive and make sure you come alone if we even smell another with you she's dead.

I'm pretty sure I was speeding at this point but I didn't care If they touched one little blonde hair on Jade's head I'd kill them all right then, and right there.

Okay guys next chapter will be more in Nicks point of view or should I just do a sequel to this for him? I have huge plans for him but I don't want to over whelm you all and put it in one book? or I don't know you guys tell me what you think. and those of you who were missing Jade she is back and I have some plans for as well and No Sam isn't pregnant to clear that up. Nathan and Sam's relationship or story line isn't over yet and as you know Valerie is up to no good as well. you guys are in for some huge surprises. But please continue Voting, Commenting and Fanning and let me know what you guys think I wanna better this story for you guys and It's also in the Wattyawards. :)


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