Chapter 4: Shacking With The Enemy

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As i got up and dusted my butt off and looked at Nathan in disbelief. 

"I am not sharing a...a...chamber with you!" i cried furiously walking into the room i now shared with Nathan. 

"Oh look on the bright side you get to see this handsome face every morning" he replied cockily and i snorted and sat on the bed that was surprisingly really soft. 

"Dont get beside yourself you take the floor i take the bed got it?" i stated with my arms folded. I took a deep breath and sighed. 

"what am i suppose to wear to dinner anything special because i didn't bring anything fancy since every time i do you end up ruining it in training" i said looking at him and he sat in a big love like seat and leaned back. 

"I prefer you in nothing because if there is one thing i give you is that you do indeed have an amazing body but ugly attitude" he said laughing and I grabbed a pillow and tossed it at him but of course he caught it. 

"Nice try but you think to much stop overthjnking things and maybe you would have pulled that off" he replied looking at me smiling 

"Whatever were gonna have some rules OK i get bathroom first you stay away from my things i get the bed and do not wake me up before my alarm gos off" i said all in one breath and he chuckled 

"Whatever you say" he said back over smiling which meant he was up to something. I shook my head and got up and scrambled through my suitcase for some shampoo and body wash and grabbing my towel and loo-fa while i was at it. I went to the bathroom and shut the door an gasped in amazement. The floor was almost glass like and the walls were white and red marble along with just about everything else. I shook away the gazes and ran the shower and hot water sprayed from the gold shower head. Awesome!  

"Could you make that shower fast please! I do have things to do people to eat" Nathan called out as he laughed at him own joke that i personally found lame. 

"Just for that i will take even longer" i said as i got undressed and stepped in. I thought for a minute about how i was different from the rest of the vampires. My heart still had a beat and my blood still flood just like any humans. I was still warm and pink while the others were kind of pale and cold. I could live off of solely human or animal blood i could actually eat normal food. Now that i think about it blood still makes me queasy. A loud thump on the door brought me out of my daze and i groaned. I quickly washed up and washed my hair and rinsed both my body and hair and shut off the water. 

"Thank god! Your slower then my dead great great grandmother" Nathan bellowed out and i sighed at how stupid he was. 

"That doesn't even make sense you idiot" i replied stepping out of the shower and drying off. I wrapped my towel around my body tightly and went out to the room. 

"Get out so i can get dressed" i asked Nathan and he laughed. 

"I'm taking my shower first plus i do not respond well to demands" he said walking to the bathroom. Ugh i strongly dislike him. 

"Heard that" he said turning and winking at me and i shook my head as he shut the bathroom door. I quickly got dressed in in a black bra with a white lose v neck t shirt and black jeans. I pulled on my black con-bat boots and put my hair in a messy bun because I didn't feel doing it. I sat on the bed and before i knew it Nathan was walking out of the bathroom in just a towel. I turned my head to keep from staring and Nathan sang to a song in his head because i heard no music. 

"Can you get dressed already" i asked and he laughed. I looked at him and he was already dressed in a light blue tshirt and jeans and his usual black boots. 

" Lets go my mother hates waiting" he said with a weird smile. 

"OK OK" i said getting up 

"Ill race ya" He said looking at me as he walked to the door. 

"Oh your so on!" i said laughing as we both bolted to the stair well and down the stairs in such a blur but once we got to what i assumed the dinning room i bumped straight into Nickolas. 

"I'm so sorry Nickolas!" i said rushing up 

"Please call me Nick and its OK i promise" he replied kissing my hand for the second time today. I blushed almost and Nathan cleared his throat and i sat down next to him as Nick sat closet to his parents. 

"Let us dine" Lucas said as five elderly people entered the room. I could tell they were human because i could smell there blood and it almost made me gag. Before i know it they were all "dinning" on the poor old people. 

"Why are you not eating dear?" Gina asked me. 

"Um i don't really drink blood it kind of makes me sick" i said and with that all eyes were on me.

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