Chapter 11: Ransome

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(This chapter will be in Nathans P.O.V vote like fan and comment if you'd like :D)

After telling Sam the truth i felt like crap so i went for a long well needed walk. The further and further i got away from the house something inside me just didn't seem right. I didn't know what it was so i acted on my gut and went back as fast as i could.  

"Master Nathaniel why in such a rush?" Henry asked as he stopped me before i could get up the steps. 

"Have you checked on Sam since i left?" i asked impatiently 

"No sir shoul-" Henry went on to say but i pushed passed him and made my way up the long staircases and down the long hall that led to Sam and i chambers. As soon as i got to the door something told me not to go in but i pushed opened the door anyways to find the room dark and empty. I flipped on the lights and saw the shattered glass on the floor at the window and i ran to it looking out it. The glass was broken in a shape of a person and i knew that something had gone wrong. 

"Mother! Father! Your presences is requested its urgent!" i yelled out and within seconds they were in the room. 

"What's wrong honey? What is all this?" my mother asked looking at all the shattered glass. 

"Sam, she's been kidnapped and i think it was the Vikings but i can't be sure there's no traces up to the  broken glass of them ever being here i have to find her" i said quickly  

"she hasn't finished training either" my father stated. 

"That's not what I'm worried about she's strong and quick she'll be ready for whatever they through at her I'm worried about where she is and who she's with whoever has her we don't know what there capable of" i said grabbing my black leather jacket and putting it on. 

"Your not going to look for her on Your own are you?" my mother asked grabbing my arm. 

"Yes i don't need a whole swat team to do this i work better on my own anyways the more people in on this the messier it gets I'll call you when I've got something " i said pulling my arm away respectfully and headed down stairs. A million thoughts went through my head as i got in my truck and sped off down our long path way to the gates. I looked at the seat she once sat plenty of times probably ignoring me or being upset with me. Not all days were like this though we had our good days all of which i can remember. As i drove along the vacant roads i thought about where she could be and who could want to take her. I thought of ways i could talk to her since her phone was left on her bed.  

"Sam! Can you hear me?" i asked her by mind and it was quite for a while. 

"Uh yea what took you so long?" she asked and i blew my breath. 

"Just tell me where the hell you are" i stated back a little kissed at her now. 

"If i knew i would have told you as soon as you finally contacted me" she said rudely. 

"Then tell me what's around you can you see anything or is whoever took you around?" i asked and thought about if i would have just imprinted on her we wouldn't be having this problem and i forgot she could here what i was saying so my thoughts trailed off. 

"I'm in some cage i have no idea who my attacker is they grabbed me cover my mouth and jumped out the window that's all i can remember and imprinted what the neck is that?" she questioned and i ignored that question. 

"Look I'll find you as soon as i can OK don't worry just tell me everything you can remember when you can" i said i pressed the gas a little harder speeding down the road and into the city. I had an apartment there on the last floor in a 5 story building which you can imagine is a tall building and to be on the only one on the very top floor would be scary but its not. Its quite and i can always here my self think. I parked my car in in the parking garage and made my way inside the building. I took the stairs up being as it was faster for me with speed i had and i would be there before the elevators even started to go up. I put my key in the lock and turned it when i heard movement. I slowly went inside and since vampires where good at being the quietest and sneaky i wasn't heard going in. I shut the door with out a sound and made my way to wear the noise was. I saw a blonde girl dancing on my bed that sat in the middle of the room. 

"What the hell are you doing here Haley?" i asked her and she grind as she turned to look at me. She wore one of my button ups that i had folded up in one of my draws.  

"Well i came to see you silly and i noticed you weren't here so i stayed and waited for you i knew you'd be coming you always come one day out of the week its just the matter of knowing that day" she sad putting her Hanson my chest and i pulled them away causing her face to form a frown. 

"We are done Haley we have been for a while don't you get it?" i asked her grabbing my laptop off my desk and heading to the kitchen. 

"It's that girl isn't it? Sam you want her don't you?" She asked kissed. 

"Sam's and i relationship has nothing to do with you " i stated logging in and pulling up the tracker app. 

"Where is she Anyways?" Haley asked twirling her hair and looking over my shoulder at what i was doing online. 

"She's been kidnapped now if you could go i could maybe find her" i said getting up and grabbing her arm and leading her to the door and opening it. 

"Your such a jackass " she rudely said and swung her hair in my face and grabbing her things from the table by the door and storming out quickly until she was out of sight. I smiled feeling accomplished and shut the door and went back to the kitchen and sat down. When i turned Sam she was instantly unfilled with an taking number that's sent to my mind when her transformation was complete but due to the fact she's half human and half vampire I'm not sure if it would work. I typed in the number though anyways and as it searched my mind scattered over a plan. A beeping noise bring me hack to reality and i looked at the screen as a big red dot blinked at a location. It clicked on a place called Heavens Grove Parkvally i clicked on it to extend on the search and it showed a castle like home. The Vikings i thought right away but something seemed off about this place. As soon as i clicked on the next link to find out more about this place my laptop crashed. Someone didn't want me to find this place but unfortunate for them they let me get to far and i had already the address in mind. I went to my fridge and grabbed a couple blood bag and drank 3 myself and saved the other two for Sam for when i found her. I grabbed my keys and laptop and got down to my truck as fast as i could. Once out to the truck i broke the laptop in half with one snap and tossed it. I got in my truck and sped out of the garage. 

"Sam i think i may know where you are can you tell me anything about where the cage bourbon is or anything about when you got there?" i asked her by mind. 

"I don't know its dark damp and smelly i swear there's blood in here somewhere a lot of it I can smell it and its making me sick i saw nothing i just woke up in this cage i can usually see everything in the dark but i can see nothing" she said and i instantly knew they had her eyes covered with Spain which was something they used on vampires to weaken them. I doubted whoever has her knows she's half human which is good i wanna keep it that way. This drive was pretty long two days to be exact. I reached a cemetery that acted as a gate for this place and parked behind a log house. It was only dusk so i smelled the air and sniffed out about 6 men guarding each entry. I only needed to take out the two in front because i knew Sam was here i could smell her blood from here. I waited a little longer to come up with a new plan but i heard a scream and knew it was Sam. Another scream and another after that and another after and with each scream i grew angrier and angrier. I went up to the two guards eyes ice blue and fangs down. 

"Sir your not allowed on these grounds" one said and i smiled evilly. 

"Just here to turn a few heads is all" i replied and punched my hands in both there chest and ripped out their hearts. They both combusted into a pool of blood at my feet. Killing a vampire is a messy thing. They don't turn into ash some like me would turn into stone and then fall apart others like these would bust into sticky and messy blood baths. I kicked open the front door and guards surrounded me. Well this should be fun.  

"Come to save the princess have we?" a voice said from the top of stairs and looked up at the unfamiliar face. 

"Yea something like that" i replied  

"Well i can a sure you neither of you will walk out of here alive" he said back laughing and each guard came at me at once. I snapped necks ripped out hearts and tore them apart until i was covered in blood. I growled at someone clapping and made my way up the steps. 

"Impressive" the voice from the man said and i looked him. 

"well what can i say I'm good at what i do" i replied and as i got closer two arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a big room that looked like a ball room. Damn...

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