Chapter 36: Holding On To Humanity Part ll

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Sorry for the long wait guys this chapter will be maybe short but I just got some cool new ideas that I'm going to try and squeeze in and I might be killing some people off and bringing in some new people so tell me what you think I really could use some input. but on the other hand I'm so thankful for all the reads and voting keep it up! VOTE< COMMENT< FAN

KM :)

My mom quickly pressed a white hand towel to Blake's neck to keep her from bleeding out so fast and I bit my wrist and put it to her mouth not paying Allison any attention at the door.

"Blake you have to drink!" I told her and she moved her face with her eyes wide and I could tell the poor girl was frightened half to deaf.

"No! Get aw-way from m-m-m-e!" She screamed starting to put up a fight and my mom looked worried. I forced my wrist to her mouth and made sure I could get as much blood in her as possible to start the healing process and it worked almost immediately her neck began to heal and her eyes slowly drifted shut.

"Mom get her upstairs now!" I yelled at her pretty angry at this point and I turned to Allison who was standing in the door way still.

"Give it up Allison you've just broken at least six of your covens rules and I wont be keeping this a secret  even if we are at war with your kind" I told her stepping outside as she backed away. She kept that same creepy smile on her face the whole time and I didn't like it. I felt as if something didn't feel right and it was a gut feeling. I stopped just on my porch and didn't go any further I just let my eyes turn black with blue hinting it and her eyes went wide,

"Your a hybrid?" She asked and I was the one now smiling.

"Oh... No one told you? That's what happens when you mess with the wrong girl and you've just started a personal little war, just me and you" I told her taking one step off the porch and in a blink of an eye she was gone. It didn't take much to scare a Viking they were all bark and no bite but at this moment I didn't care about the war or the Royals or anything like that I cared about my "new best friend' as Blake called me. I ran back in the house this time shutting the door and up to my room. Blake laid on my bed lifeless but I could hear her heart beat slowly. The least I could do was be a real friend after forcing her to drink my blood and get her bitten in the first place. Being a friend to her would be the only thing left of my humanity that is taking away from me every day no matter the fact of me being now and forever half human and half vampire. I still am vampire and no matter how much I hate it I cant change it.

(Valrie's P.O.V)

Shortly after visiting my father and the rest of the board members I took off after getting what  I needed and them some. I'm a very persuasive girl and it didn't take much but a small scare to get them talking and give me what I wanted. What few know is I have a plan of my own and in the end I will have Nathan back and all my Royalty I once owned. Now don't get me wrong, I am still an Original Royal but as you know a princess must keep her thrown even after she comes back from the dead.

"Thanks for helping me I'm sure Sam would really like that" I told the guy and i smiled seeing as though he didn't smell much like a dog anymore.

"And you clean up nice" I added and he smiled showing his pearly white teeth.

"Well your welcome and thanks just don't get caught on our land without me or anyone I send to help you, The Treaty is now broken but word hasn't gotten back to my folks yet and in your case you want to keep it like that" He said warning me and as cute as it was It wasn't like i needed his protection or anything.

"Thanks now help me move this stone vampires have been trying to move this thing for ages and it still wont budge maybe you can help wolf boy" I told him trying to push the heavy stone door open.

"It's Cameron, and move out the way" Cameron said nudging me and moved at dismay. He shoved the door hard and little pebbles began to fall from over top and under it and I smiled. This is it I'll wake up the gods and all the power over every coven will be in my hands. He shoved it a little harder and the door moved completely opened. I nearly jumped up in down but instead I jumped on Cameron hugging him and surprisingly planted a soft kiss on his lips. I quickly got down and smoothed out my clothes and tried walking in to the cave like room but couldn't get passed.

"What the hell?" I said out loud but I thought I said it in my head.

"Seems like you cant get in" Cameron said.

"Thanks captain obvious, here you try" I told him moving out of the way and he did as I asked but couldn't get in either.

"Great we cant get in this draws a set back on my plans" I said out loud again and sighed.

"Thanks for your help" I told him and began walking out the cave and he ran to stop me.

"You cant go out that way not yet if anyone sees you I can get my mark taken away and I wont be able to help you because I wont be Alpha now come with me" he said pulling me by the hand out the back of the cave and to a truck he quickly got me inside and got in himself and took off.

"Thanks again you've been a great help and I'm not usually nice to people, especially werewolves but for you Ill make an exception" I told him and he grinned at me.

"Why not? why would you be nice to me? afraid ill rip you apart or even better show you a good time?" he said grinning more.

"That sounds like an challenge" I told him and he stopped the car in the middle of an  old dirt road.

"Then its a challenge" he said and i smiled.

"Challenge accepted" I told him and we both leaned in and began kissing each other frantically as he pulled me on to his lap. We began ripping off each others clothes in lightening speed and before I knew it the windows were fogged and my hand smacked against the drivers window leaning my hand print. My head leaned black and my fangs same down and before I could stop myself I sank them into his neck.

Every princess needs their prince and every vampire needs their werewolf.

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