Chapter 21: On The Hunt

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I woke up to a ringing in my ears and I sat up quickly and looked around the room. Nick was laughing waving his phone in the air showing me he was playing with some noise app on his phone and I groaned. He had woken me up and I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep after that phone call last night. 

"What time is?" I asked and he checked his watched and shrugged. 

"10 am so you need to get up because we have places to find people to meet and we can't do that with you on your ass so chop chop!" He said clapping his hands and getting up out of his seat. I noticed he had put on a white button up shirt, black leather jacket and dark almost black jeans and black boots. His hair was messy ans his eyes were ocean blue and I kind of got lost in them. I shook my head getting all thoughts of him out of my mind and got up.

After I had showered and gotten dressed in some comfortableskinny jeans, light blue v-neck polo t shirt and vans sneakers I put mh hair in a high pony tail and pit on my jacket. I noticed Nick wasn't in the room anymore so i grabbed my phone and headed out out the hotel. 

"Let's go we need to move you've spent at least an hour getting ready our bags our in the car now lets go I hate this place it smells like dog and old people" he said scrunching his face and I laughed and instantly thought about Cameron. I knew he was watching and I looked around for a quick moment and than looked at Nick. 

"Okay let's go " i told him getting into the car and buckling up. Nick was in the car and driving off in seconds and I looked out the window and watched as the trees blurred by. 

"Why don't you embrace your vampire side?" Nick spoke out braking the silence that had once filled us moments before. 

"What?" I asked him not understanding his question nor hearing him quite well. 

"You act as if you don't have a side of entirety, if I were human I'd think you were human completely" he said glancing over me and I thought about it for a minute. 

"Honestly I don't know... I hate what I am and I hate that I'm in the middle of a war that has nothing to do with me. I miss my old life, I miss the friends I use to have and the life I use to have... I hold on to the humanity I have left because it's all I got" I replied to him still looking out the window. 

"Your half human it's only normal for you to act human but you pretend that your not vampire at all, what happens when those vampire urges take over and control you?" He asked dead on looking at me now. 

"I don't know I won't let it get that far, no offense but I will not become the monster you are" i told him looking back at him and his face gave off a hurt expression. 

"I may be a monster but I'm not all bad... I do have feelings I just know how to turn them off when needed" he told me looking back at the road. 

"So all the time their not needed? Nick your going to end up alone and miserable. You live off of other peoples misery, hurt, fears, and things that tear them up inside" I said and he stared at the road in silence. 

"Well I get off on tearing people down because than maybe just maybe than I won't get torn down" he said sharply and I was going to reply but stopped myself when we drove into a drive with a small little house. It was a white house with green window frames and door. The car came to a stop and I was first to get out and as I got up to the steps Nick grabbed my arm gently. 

"let me go first I don't really feel like carrying your body back home and it would be extremely difficult explaining it to my parents and the Royal Board" he said smiling. 

"I can take care of myself I'll be fine" i replied smiling back and walking to the door and knocking.

After a few moments of waiting a girl came to the door smiling and I figured she had to be Arianna. 

"Arianna?" I asked and she smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah? Do I know you guys?" She asked and I smiled and shook my head. 

"Um no I'm sorry hi I'm Samantha I'm the daughter of one of your mothers friends?" I said not to confident she'd believe me. 

"My mother? My moms been dead since I was born" she said and I reached in my pocket taking out the locket. 

"Yeah I know I actually wanted to give you this" I told her and she came out of the screen door and took the locket out of my hands and looked at in shock. 

"I was wearing this in a few of my baby pictures my father told it had been stolen after she had been killed by some guy who robbed us, how did you get this?" She asked looking at me and I looked at Nick. 

"Let's just say the person who killed your mom and took this from you is back to their reckless ways" Nick said putting his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels. 

"What? How do you know this?" She asked putting the locket on and I glanced over her shoulder hearing footsteps inside. 

"Is someone here with you?" I asked and Nick looked at me in confusion. 

"No why? who are you guys really? And how do you know about my mom and have my locket?" She asked and I looked at her. 

" Is it OK if we come inside?" I asked her a little impatiently and she looked inside and nodded. she stepped inside and before we knew it she was tossed into a wall. I ran inside and she was being held up against the wall with her legs dangling by someone but their back was facing me. I was at the guys side instantly and I shoved him into the living room wall.  

"Are you OK?" I asked Arianna and helping her up and she whimpered and nodded. I got up looking at the person as he got and when I realized who it was my heart dropped. 

"Nathan what are you doing?!" I yelled at him and he just looked at me with his fangs drawn and eyes bright blue. 

"Get out of my way" he said walking to me and pushing me right out the way easily and I slid across the hallway floor and into Nick.  

"Come on baby brother let it go" Nick said as if everything were normal. He stepped over me and grabbed Nathan by the back of his shirt and slung him into the door frame. Nicks eyes were now as bright blue as Nathans and fangs drawn at their full length. 

"You have nothing to do with this! Leave!" Nathan yelled at Nick and I ran to Ariannas side and pulling her to the kitchen. 

"Stay down trust me" I told her as she did what I said and as I stood up Nathan was flung into the kitchen island. He got up and charged at Nick and they were fighting in full speed and it was hard to see them. Things were being thrown and a part of a broken chair was flown right at me. This pissed me off a lot so I picked it up and ran to the boys in seconds. Tearing them apart and shoving the broken leg right into Nathans stomach. He fell to his knees hold the chair leg and groaned. 

"This isn't your war to fight Sam" he mumbled and I kicked him over and held my foot to his neck. 

"It is now, you didn't want to be found yet you came to were you knew we'd be. Nathan you need help!" I told him and he gasped for air. 

"It's no use I tried helping him in 1992 Nd centuries before he doesn't want it he likes to learn the hard way" Nick said frowning and breathing heavy. 

"Yeah well we need to do something about this" I told him leaning down and snapping Nathans neck and he was out. I pulled the chair leg out of his stomach and tossed it to the floor. 

"When did you become so bad ass?" Nick asked looking at his shirt where a blood stain started to form. 

"I was always bad ass" i told him and I picked Nathan up by his shirt putting him against the wall and Arianna was walking in the room. 

"Sorry about the mess but I got a little pissed he ruined a perfectly good shirt" Nick told Arianna his blood stained shirt and he grinned. 

"What the hell are you people!?" She asked staying far from us but before either of us could answer we heard growls behind us. Nick turned around so fast it actually shocked me. Three werewolves stood in front of us and Nick was at defense. Fangs out, eyes blue and he hissed at them harshly. 

"Nick no!" I said to him and stepped in front him. 

"Do you know these muts can rip you apart get out of the way!" He yelled at me and I pushed him back hard.

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