Chapter 23: It All Starts Here

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It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear You almost feel ashamed That someone could be that important That without them, you feel like nothing No one will ever understand how much it hurts You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you And when it's over, and it's gone You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back So that you could have the good- Rhianna "We Found Love"

Nick had been throwing bread pieces at me for the last ten minutes and it hadn't bother me at all which was usual because I would have snapped or broken a bone on him already. I was completely zoned out and he was enjoying every minute of it. When I finally came to there were about six pieces of bread crumbs in my hair and on the table in front of me. I raked the objects out my hair and frowned at him and that only earned me a chuckle in return.

"Do you enjoy bothering me?" I asked him pushing the crumbs from in front of me and on to his lap. 

"Hey!" He yelped and stood up dusting off his pants and shook his hips a little. 

"And yes I do you actually look adorable when your in a daze, can't say the same when your fully aware what's going on though" he said chuckling again and I laughed and shrugged. 

"Well hey what can I say? At least your honest" I told him and he smiled. 

"So Arianna asked me why it was so important to get Nathan back to his senses" he told me and I fiddled with the salt and paper shakers. 

"And you told her what?" I asked him and he smiled and raised his eye brows. 

"Just that he was madly in love with you but if he wasn't in his right mind he just wanted your head o. A platter" he said chuckling his dashing laugh and I giggled with him. 

"No I didn't, I just said that because he was important and that we needed him for this war against the Vikings" He said playing with his watch but keeping hide eyes on me. This kind of made me red in the face and look away from him. 

"Yeah I just kind of want the Vikings to declare war on us already I'm ready for it, all this waiting around is giving us to much time on our hands and it's only going to throw us off when they do finally attack" I said playing with my hair. 

"Well I think that's their plan but I think you can handle it" he said and my eyes meet his. For some odd reason I couldn't pull them away and I know he wasn't compelling me this is just something I was doing on my own. 

"Well thanks your actually complementing me that's new" I said smiling and he raised his hands in defense. 

"Well short stuff I just have a great deal of confidence in you but if you screw up and have us all killed I swear I'll kill you again myself in our after lives" He said and we both laughed. 

"Well in that case I will do my best to make sure we all stay alive" I told him and he moved closer to me closing in the little space that had been between us.  

"Don't worry I won't let that happen we're a team right?" He asked his breath blowing against my face and I nodded looking him in the eyes. 

"Right" was all I manged to whisper out before his lips almost grazed mine but didn't due to the kitchen wall being blown in.

Almost in shock Nick wrapped his arms over me as we flew to the floor and broken bricks and wall pieces fell over us and scattered around the kitchen. 

"What the hell was that!?" I asked Nick as I coughed do to the smoke and wall ash.  

"Vikings! Get up and get Nathan!" He yelled to me and I nodded quickly and got up and within seconds I was in the room that held Nathan. 

"Nathan!" I said and his eyes were already blue and his fangs were already drawn. 

"I know get me down now" he growled and I did as he told me to. When he got down he slumped a little but held his ground. I held on to him to help and led him to his room where he put on a black t shirt and he grabbed two blood bags out his mini fridge and ripped into them. 

"Here drink it" he said to me tossing me a bag and I shook my head. I hated blood and he knew that. 

"No you know I-" I started and he looked at me. 

"Drink it now Sam!" He yelled at me angrily and I hesitated but did so. At first it made my stomach turn as it dripped down the back of my throat but the more I drank the better it tasted. When I was done i wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and my eyes went blue and my fangs fell. 

"Go warn the others my parents have probably already heard of the news, go now!" he said and for a moment I thought he was talking to me but he wasn't. There was a young boy standing in the door way frightened half to death but I couldn't focus to much on it because all I heard were screams, things braking, and yelling. I guess my warrior instincts kicked in and I ran for where the commotion was. When I reached the main dinning hall what I saw in front of me was unbelievable. It was like a slaughter house, blood and bodies everywhere but there was something way worse going on out back in the garden.

When I reached the back doors to the garden entry and I slowly pulled both doors opened and yet again an unbelievable sight had occupied my eyes. All of our soldiers had been lined up side by side and row by row as a gang of Vikings soldiers marched in our direction. 

It wasn't until now did I realize Nick and Nathan standing behind me watching what I was watching. 

"This is what you've been training so hard for Sam nothing else matters now" Nathan told me as he clutched some type of long curved sharp blade in his hand. 

"Yeah I know" I replied back and Nick chuckled a little. This is no time for laughing. 

"No pressure at all" Nick said smiling and holding a black whip with a bunch of silver blades going down it. Was I the only one weaponless? I looked around and saw everyone but me with a least something in their hands.  

Hmmm I guess so

As Nathan, Nick, and I reached the front of the assembly our soldiers had held together four familiar face stood in front of us. 

"I know them they stopped my truck that day I was leaving from training with you Nick" I said looking at Nick and he held a disgusted look on his face. 

"I bet they were" He said with a disgusted tone just as his facial expression had shown. 

"Meet the Vikings children" Nathan said and the girl that had smart talked me weeks before laughed and winked at him. 

"Oh honey let's not go there do you mot remember the last time we saw each other?" She asked Nathan and he gritted his teeth. I couldn't help but feel some time of jealously and Nick yelled something in a different language that I didn't understand and this started the war I was expected to win.

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