Chapter 6: I Hate Training

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I looked around and didn't see anyone I just held my neck where blood leaked out. Nathan I am so gonna kill you I thought and I heard him laugh.  

"Kill me? For what I didn't do anything you ran off like a little baby" Nathan said walking into the room. 

"What are you talking about your the one that bit me!" i cried  

"I did nothing if the sort" Nathan said looking at me more serious now. 

"well then who did?" i asked an moved my hand from my almost healed neck. He looked at the two holes on my neck and hissed at whatever was behind me. 

"You bit her!?" Nathan asked harshly and i whipped around to see Nick. 

"Well i wouldn't say bit but tasted yes " he replied smiling in humor of his angered brother. 

"Wait you bit me!? Why what is your problem?" I asked crossing my arms and he snickered tapping his finger against his lips. 

"Yes i did you tasted amazing maybe add?" He said sitting on the edge of the chair looking at Nathan and i both. The more i stood there i could see Nathan get madder and madder as did but i knew he would do something about it before i would. Of course i spoke to soon because as my thought ended the fight started. Nathan had Nick by his throat and Nick held his brothers arms tightly. The intensity in their faces were looks that could kill so i intervened. 

"Guys stop!" I screamed getting between them both but that didn't stop them. I was so small between the two i could i was hardly making a difference. I puffed my cheeks out in failure and let them argue and scream over my head. I figured as much as i hated training this would be a good time to try something new. So i grabbed hold of Nicks shoulder pulling him down and kneeling him in the side then kicking him in the face and doing a full 360 degree spin and throwing my leg up and kicking Nathan in the chest making him fly back across the room. This was probably a bad idea because they both looked at me with rage in there eyes. I did what any girl would do and took off running up the stairs. As soon as i got to the top Nathan had already been standing there and almost growling at me. 

"Look i was only trying to help OK no need to have your panties in a twist" I said slowly backing up down the hall words my room but bumped into something hard. I sighed and closed my eyes and then looked at Nathan who was now smiling weird at me. 

"Nicks right behind me isn't he?" i asked with panic in my voice and he chimed in behind me with a loud yup but popping the p. 

"So Nathaniel should we eat her or just stab her missing her heart a couple times so she sufferers? " Nick asked Nathan with a smug smile on his face and a big grandfather clock at the end of the hall struck 12 and Nick looked back it and then back to me with hungry eyes. 

"You just got lucky its officially Valentines Day and i would hate to kill you on a day that filled such... Love " he said pausing then giving his brothers shoulder a little squeeze. 

"She's all yours brother " Nick said and with that he was gone in a flash. I slowly backed up words my room totally forgetting we shared a room and mumbled dammit to myself. 

"I honestly don't know what your so scared for it was just a test" Nathan said walking to me smiling. 

"What?! You mean you guys went about to tear each others hearts out including mine!?" I asked angrily and he just chuckled. 

"Nope" he said laughing and pushing me out the way and going into the room. I stood there a little hissed but pushed it aside and started plotting my revenge.

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