Chapter 7: Im Not A Fan Of Valentine's Day

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*Beep beep beep beep beep* 

This loud annoying alarm went off in my head and i groaned and grabbed my phone and with squinted eyes looked at it. It was 6 am on Valentin's day and my stupid alarm was going off at the wrong time and i instantly thought Nathan. I shut off the alarm and fell back to sleep for not even 10 seconds before Nathan was at the foot of my bed bang metal pots and pans together. 

"Go. Away. Now!" I yelled pulling the covers over my head and shutting my eyes. 

"And why would i do a thing like that? You have training get your ass up" he replied pulling the covers off me and i curled up. He snickered and grabbed my ankles yanking me out of bed and i gave up knowing i wouldn't win this time. My hair was matted everywhere and i know i looked like total crap. 

"Wow you look horrible " Nathan said laughing and with one good swing and my eyes still closed my fist connected with his jaw and i could hear it shatter almost but build back into place. 

"Ow! How about you use that in training" he said rubbing his jaw. 

"Yeah if I'm fighting you i sure will" i replied walking to the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror and jumped at my own reflection due to my hair and knew id need to work magic to get something done with it. I got in the shower and quickly washing my hair and washing up. Once out the shower i dried off and wrapped the towel around me tightly. I brushed my hair furiously getting all the tangles and knots out and grabbed my blow dryer and dried it out. I knew training would just mess up my hair anyways so i put it in a high pony tail and went out to the room. Nathan was gone so i quickly got on my bra and underwear and put on a NC State t shirt and black sweats and black running shoes. When i looked at the clock i saw it was only 6:45 am so i decided I'd kill time and go find something to eat. I looked out into the halls and they were vacant so i made my way downstairs and to the kitchen were i was greeted by Henry. 

"Ms. Giles may i help you with something? " he asked and i jumped when he just appeared in front of me. 

"Uhhh umm no I'm just hungry" i stated and smiled a little. 

"Blood is in the fridge and donors are in the bottom cells downstairs " he said his arm across his stomach with a towel like cloth and the other at his side. 

"I was thinking along the lines of something a little more... Human?" I said standing there looking like a first grader on the first day of school. 

"Yes Lord Whitehorse has stocked the second refrigerator with all human foods he and Lady Whitehorse thought you might like" he said  

"Thank you" i replied going into the kitchen and heading to the kitchen. I opened the second refrigerator and it was like any teens heaven. Junk Food. 

"Fat ass couldn't wait to eat after training?" A voice startled me from behind and i whipped around. 

"Nathan! God your ass" i replied looking back in the fridge. I grabbed out a orange juice and bagel and sat at the table. 

"Well I'm just saying " he said pulling the chair around and sitting down.

(To be continued )

"Yea your always just saying" i say finishing my food and orange juice. 

"OK you've finished your food can we go now?" He asked whining like a baby. 

"Yes you big baby come on" i said rolling my eyes and getting up. I walked to the door and grabbed my Ipod sticking the ear buds in my ear and blasting Glad You Came. Once outside Nathan led me to an beautiful garden like open field with a bunch of our training equipment set up and i sighed. As we stood in the middle of the area i stretched and tried to gain focus. 

"Alright i want you to give me everything you've got this your moment everything we worked for! Pretend your fighting alone against every warrior the Vikings have to through at you! This is all you Sam" Nathan said trying to encourage me. I attached my Ipod to its holder on my arm and without thinking i attacked every stunt dummy that came at me. I was faster then i thought i couldn't even see my own punches being thrown. 

"Good,. Your doing good Sam but pick up that leg your kicks are slacking and stop thinking! I guess all that food is getting to your thighs and brain hun fat ass?" He said laughing and it only made my body fill with rage. So without thinking my kicks became more accurate and consistent and i grew faster then before no even knowing I'm moving. Its like i can everything around me but I'm so fast I'm taking them down before they get a chance to move or realize whats going on. I fell to my knees tired and breathing heavy and realized i was in mud. 

"Ugh!" I moaned out in frustration and took my earbuds out and Nathan was laughing. 

"Nathaniel what's soooo funny hun?" I asked getting up and tossing my Ipod in a clean part of the yard. 

"You you were doing so good until you gave up chimp" he said smirking with his arms crossed. I just got so angry that i lost it, i just totally lost it. I ran and grabbed hold of his arm twisting and pulling it back until i heard it break. Did i stop there? Nope i went a tad bit further and punched into his sides and he grabbed hold of my leg flipping me off him but i landed on my feet. I was doing what he wanted and wasn't thinking. I looked up at him and at this point both our eyes were a bright blue and our fangs had shown under our lips. There was no stopping us now so we fought until one of us was either dead or baldy hurt. 

"This is why im not a fan of Valentines Day!" I growled out and before i knew it i was thinking again and things went black.

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