Chapter 27: Ghost Of The Past Part ll

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I stood there for what seemed like hours and stared at nothing. When I finally decided to grab my phone off the floor I had six missed calls from Nick. For a moment I questioned if I had actually seen my dad or if it were just my mind playing tricks on me. 

"Sam where the hell have you been I've been looking everywhere for you I couldn't even pick up your scent" he told me as he rushed over to me. For a moment Icouldn't speak almost like my voice box had broken and I just looked at him. 

"I-i saw him he-he stood right there and talked to me he-he touched me he's gone but it was so real you know it was so real Nick" I told him and I stuttered through my words and he looked at me confused. 

"Hold on calm down Sam what are you talking about who did you see?" He asked looking at me searching for my eyes but I kept them on my feet. 

"My dad" was all I could conjure up. 

"Your dad? But he's..." Was all he said before he just pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. I started to cry once again and he just whispered soothing things into my ear trying to get me to calm down. I could smell a sweet vanilla and brown sugar scent against his skin where his v neck t shirt didn't cover. It made me think of when I was little and my mom baked me sugar cookies. I finally found the strength to stop crying and Nick kissed my head. 

"I don't know how this is possible but if your dad really is here or alive or whatever I will find him ok I promise" Nick said and I looked up at him. 

"Seriously?" I asked him and he wiped my cheeks and nodded. 

"Yes I'll do whatever it takes" he told me and for a few moments we just looked into each others eyes. I've never seen this softer side of him and it actually looked good on him. The longer we stood their like that the closer our faces grew and before I knew it his lips were on mine. I didn't fight it at first I even started to kiss him back but I knew it was wrong so I pulled away and shook my head. 

"I can't, we can't this isn't right I'm sorry"I told him and he nodded. 

"We should go no ones here I searched everywhere" he told me and without a word I began walking out the way I came. A million thoughts were running through my head as I got in my truck and started it up. I didn't think to wait for Nick I just drove as fast as I could out the long driveway. I didn't know what to do or think at this point everything was just so unclear and foggy to me. And that kiss with Nick it was wrong but I liked it and I know of Nathan found out it would crush him. What the hell am I gonna do?


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