Chapter 2: Lock Me In My Own House Now You've Started A War

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When the limousine pulled up to my school I felt all the eyes of students on me already. You'd think they're use to it by now but I guess not. 

"Lets go and don't say a word" Nathan muttered to me as he opened the door for me and I got out. I looks up at him as he crossed his arms at his chest and watched his muscles flex in his tight black v neck t shirt. His dark washes jeans hugged his bottom half perfectly and his black boots were tied to the tee as always. His blonde hair messy as usual and his face surprisingly shaved and this made me laugh a little. I stepped out of the limo and headed inside walking fast trying to keep my distance from him. 

"You know I'm still faster then you so power walking is nothing and the only reason people are staring is because of your ridiculous red hair but unbelievably cute dimples" a deep voice said over my shoulder. 

"Oh please I've had red hair for as long as I can remember I'm pretty sure there staring at the 6'3 muscled guy walking around like he owns then place" I snapped back and headed straight for the office. 

"And stop reading my mind you ass I do believe that was one of our rules" I mumbled as I sar down and waited to be called. Nathan stood next to me with his hands in his pockets and his eyes looked around. He did this everywhere we went he called himself protecting me but I just thought it was creepy. 

"Well rules are meant to be broken besides I made them so I can do what I want" he replied looking down at me. I'm only about 5'2 so compared to him I was like a car to a skyscraper and he made it known all the time. 

"Ms. Giles Mr. Fond will see you now" the security lady said peaking her head out the door and I nodded and headed in with Nathan following. 

"Now Mr. Van Whitehorse I--" Mr. Fond started but Nathan kindly interrupted him. 

"Please call me Nathaniel or just Mr. Whitehorse " he said smiling and looking at me. 

"OK Mr. Whitehorse I'm sorry for taking up your tine but as I said on the phone Sam isn't a troubling kid always does her work and listens but when it cones to Allison DeLuca she just seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time" he stated and I watched as Nathans face went unreadable its almost like he's seen a ghost. 

"Mr. Whitehorse ... Sir are you listening? " Mr. Fond said trying to get Nathans attention. 

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry I see to it that Sam just stays away from this Allison character " Nathan replied in a deeper tone then usual. I looked at him strangely and got up and walked into the now vacant halls that were once filled a minute ago. 

"So I'm gonn--" I started when I felt a strong hand grab my arm and I looked over my shoulder and frowned. 

"Ow you bastard let me go!" I cried in more of a whisper then a yell. 

"You've been in school for over two semesters and didn't tell me you had run ins with a Viking. You are not staying lets go" he said but it wasn't in a angry tone more of a worried tone. Which was weird because Nathan never got worried or at least didn't show it. He started dragging me out of school as if I were some toddler throwing a tantrum over not getting its way. He let my arm go once we got to the limo and I got inside as he followed. He said something to the drive in some language I didn't understand yet he spoke it a lot when on the phone with his family. His family I have yet gotten to meet yet I'm fighting a war for them sounds extreme doesn't it? I haven't even been to the famous Van Whitehorse house I just know that its really really big and that its on the biggest piece of land in California. 

"So about Allison she's been on my case since school started is this why?" I asked Nathan looking out the window but he just ignored me. What an ass I thought an started to hum songs since I hated the quite. 

"I'm not an ass and stop that you know I can't stand when you hum" he replied not even looking at me. 

"Then answer me and stop reading my mind" I snapped and sat up straight. 

"Allison is the youngest daughter of the DeLuca family she has one older sister Abigail and older brother Austin its worse feuding with those three then their parents my brother and I have had lose ends with them for centuries" he replied in an annoyed voice knowing I wouldn't give up. 

"Wait you have a brother? When am I going to meet your family anyways... never I hope but since that's a slim chance to none I'd like to be ready" I said looking at him. 

"Yes I have a brother Nicholas and yes you will be meeting my family soon" he said as the car came to a stop. He stopped out first and within seconds my door was opened and I stepped out. 

"Since your spring brake started today you will be stay at the Whitehorse Residence until school starts" Nathan said as he grabbed my book bag and head into my house. I stopped mid track when he said this and my jaw dropped. Stuck in the same house with this guy was not gonna happen. 

"I will no stay in the same house as you or our family no offence to them but you no I can't do it I do have a life outside of this warrior crap OK I intend on living it that was apart of the agreement remember " I said bluntly and he looked at me annoyed and with frustration. Get in this house now you will not move until I come get you make sure your bags are packed with clothes and if you try and leave I will personally drive a steak threw your heart am I clear?" He replied in a husky but bitter tone and his accent was crisp then ever which sent goosebumps all over my body. 

"Fine you don't have to be such a psycho about it you jerk" I said looking away from him and going inside. He followed behind making sure I was in, I headed up to my room and he shut the door before I could even turn around and I heard a bolt. I know he did not just lock me in my own room... I'm gonna kill him! 

"Yeah good luck with that sammywammy!" He snickered and I heard his heavy footsteps going down the stairs and I ran to my window only to see him smiling wickedly and waving.  

He locked me in my own house!

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