Chapter 28: What Lies Inside

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I sat a his bed side just staring at him and wondered how much he truly loved me and if he'd stay once he knew I had kissed Nick. This isn't the worst part though I actually liked the kiss it was different then any kiss Nathan and I had ever shared but it wasn't anything compared to Nathans kisses. I looked around and my hands got clammy as I noticed Nathan waking up. I couldn't do it was all that was running through my mind the minute his eyes fluttered open. I quickly stood up and made my way out the room and ran my fingers through my hair. I've never been this nervous in my life I don't think but I guess this was what love did to you. My phone rang bringing my out my thoughts and when I looked at it the number was unfamiliar. 

"Hello?" I asked shakily and a to perky voice spoke up. 

"Sam? Hi it's me Blake Noel from your first third and fifth period class" she spoke a little to quickly and it took me a moment but I remembered her. She sat right next to me in each class. 

"Oh hey?" I said and I was a bit worried on how she got my number. 

"Hi well I'm on graduation committee this year and I noticed you hadn't picked up your cap and gown yet nor your tickets for whom your inviting to I took it upon myself to do so for you since you live like two houses down from me but you haven't been home sooooo..." She said trailing off and I had totally forgotten about any of that stuff. 

"Oh crap, umm thanks is there anywhere I can pick them up?" I asked and she giggled. 

"Of course I'll text you over my address and you can come pick them up" she said and I thanked her again and ended the call. I nearly fell out my boots when I turned around and hit a hard figure. 

"Sorry" Nathan said his voice was weak and it saddened me. 

"It's fine um I don't think you should be up" I told him and she gave me a weak grin. 

"I'm okay your worried and stress you should really go home and rest and it's about that time you start living that normal life I promised you'd get after all this was over" he said leaning against the wall for support. 

"Normal? Please nothing is over yet whatever we've walked into has just begun this normal life you speak of sounds really good though" I told him and we both chuckled. 

"I'm serious I promised you a normal life that's what your gonna have I'll take care of whatever is coming our way most importantly I'll take care of you" he told me now looking at me. 

"Whoa whoa now lets not make any promises we can't keep here little brother" Nick said from behind me and I didn't even look at him. 

"Nick this isn't the time" Nathan replied to him and I just stood between the two. 

"I can take care of her and keep her safe your still on bed rest cripple mc'cripple pants" Nick said laughing at his own joke. 

"This isn't a competition Nick she isn't one of your play toys you pick up somewhere and use for your own enjoyment she's an actual girl half human meaning she can be hurt " Nathan said a little annoyed I could tell. 

"Who said it was a competition Nathan? I actually want to keep her safe and I'm will to put myself on the line with the royal board to do so!" He spat and I looked at him. 

"Wait what?" I said holding up a hand so they both know not say anything else. 

"Someone had to go and figure out what was going on so I did" Nick said. 

"What does that mean Nick?" I asked looking at him angrily. 

"It means that I saved your ass yet again now you owe me ... Again" he said grinning his cocky grin. 

"You gave yourself up to the board didn't you?" I asked him and he grinned and shrugged. 

"Maybe, the things I do when I'm trying to play nice righ" he asked and I pushed him. 

"Are you insane they will kill you!" I yelled at him and Nathan pushed himself off the wall. I shook my head and ran away from them both.

(Nathans P.O.V) 

I watched as my brother told the girl I was in love with that he had put his life on the line for her. I watched as she ran away down the hall and out the door and for a split second I thought she'd stop and come back, but she didn't. 

"You love her" I told him and it wasn't a question or even a thought it was a fact. He loved her that's the only reason he was actually caring about someone other then himself. 

"Of course you'd say that Nathan is it because I'm trying to keep the girl safe? Why can't it be just because I love my brother and I don't wanna see him heartbroken again" he said and I knew he was lying. 

"No Nick it's because you love her you out your life on the line to save this one girl yet you did the same for Arianna by the way where is she?" I asked him and his boy tensed. 

"Somewhere safe and yes I like Arianna and yes truth be told I care for Sam but must we remember what happened in 1934? Valerie Hummel? oh Nathan how could you forget her she had you under her charm for a decade!" Nick blurted out angrily and I watched as he walked to the window. 

"Exactly she had me under compulsion Nick our love, my love for her, it wasn't real! " I told him and looked me dead in the eye. 

"You knew what she was doing to you Nathan don't play innocent! For years you two went on as a couple and you so willingly so don't pull that bullshit with me! She tore your heart to pieces that's why you went off the rails Nathan don't you remember that!?" He asked and it was all coming back to me. He was right about it all but there was more.

More then he'll ever know but because he's so bent up on giving me hell for as long as I live he won't see it.

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