CChapter 15: Everyone Has Secrets Part II

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I felt movement behind me but thought nothing of it but then shifted when i felt an arm wrap around me.  

"Nathan?" I mumbled turning my head not even opening my eyes and he hushed me. 

"Yea it's me go back to sleep i didn't mean to wake you"He whispered in my ear and i pushed back more so we were spooning. He held me tightly and i held Jade tightly and being that it was probably we hours on a Saturday morning no one would bother to come wake us. And if they did i would be pissed because this is the only time Nathan and i got to be alone together. Everyone else thought i hated him which i do or well did and that's good it would keep them from thinking anything more. Plus i didn't want them to find Jade. I was awoken by the sun shining in on my face and i rolled on my back stretching out and yawning. It wasn't until i looked at the time that i realized that both Jade and Nathan were gone. I panicked and sat up quickly and looked around the room. Still no one in sight i got up and out on my Nike slip ons and ran out into the hall way. Making it half way down the steps Nathan came into the house with Jade holding his hand and they were both laughing.  

"Sammy!" Jade called and ran up the rest of the steps wrapping herself around my leg making me smile. 

"Nathan i don't think you should have her out you kn-" i started and he began to talk. 

"Don't worry my parents are away with another Royal family and Nick is out doing whatever it is he does so the only ones here is Me, You, and  Little J and the maids and butler would you feel better if we just finished off your last 3 days at my apartment? " He asked with a glowing smile on his face and it didn't sound like a bad idea. 

"That actually sounds like a great idea i have to go shower and get dressed" i stated and he grabbed Jade hand telling her something about getting her ice cream and i made my way back up to my room. I went straight to the bathroom and got undressed and took the quickest shower possible. When done i made my way into my room and got dressed in a white t shirt and jeans and green toms. I left my hair wet so it would curl and grabbed my phone putting it in my back pocket. I grabbed a bag and packed all my things that i had with me including my teddy bear. I took everything downstairs and Nathan and Jade were already at the door talking to some lady whom looked just like Jade. Her mom. 

"I assure you that Sam and I will protect her from all of harms way but she just isn't safe here this is no place for human child Sarah" he spoke to her calmly. 

"I know but your a vampire! How can i trust you your the son of the queen who put me here!" she cried and Jade hid behind Nathans legs. 

"I promise you i won't let anything happen to her Nathan won't her her either " I added in now at Nathans side. 

"I shouldn't have done what i did i wouldn't have needed to owe Queen Whitehorse any favors and we'd be OK" Sarah stated frantic. 

"What do you mean? What favors do you owe my motherland why?" Nathan asked curiously and he did this eye thing and she freaked. 

"No I've said to much already i have to go just please keep my baby safe" She said and with that she kissed Jade and hurried off. I shook my head and grabbed my things and took them to Nathans truck and put them in. As i shut the door i got a sharp pain in my side and i bent over in pain and groaned. 

"What the neck" i mumbled to my self i felt it again on the other side making me fall to my knees with a scream. As soon at i hit the ground Nathan was by my side picking me up. 

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned and i shrugged not knowing and he looked at me. 

"I can't hear your thoughts" He stated and i looked at him as if that were a bad thing. 

"Good i hated you listening in anyways"I replied  

"No i should be able to hear them unless you block me off from them which your not i would know something coming in between our imprint" He responded and looked at me more serious. I had no idea what this meant at all. 

"Okkkkkk..." was all i managed to say. 

"Lets go" he said putting me and Jade in the car and two seconds literally was in the car speeding off. 

"Nathan slow down the pain isn't that bad anymore don't forge there's a kid in the back seat" I told him as i put my seat belt on and looked back at Jade and smiled at her. She was starting to fall asleep like i did whenever we had a car ride home or to anywhere far. 

"Listen only two things can break an imprint feeding on another vampires blood or-" he stopped and his body intended. 

"There's a baby in there" Jade stated and his body intended more and i laughed. 

"In were?" i asked turning to look at her. 

"In there" She said and pointing to my stomach and i laughed more. 

"No, no there isn't there couldn't be" i told husband sat back in my seat correctly and thought about it losing my smile. 

"Nathan" i said looking straight forward and he gripped the wheel. 

"She's right its the only other logical explanation " he said and Jade giggled. 

"Its a boy" She said and she looked out the window. 

"How- How do you know this stuff Jade?" i asked turning to look at her. 

"I can see things and i can hear his thoughts" she said smiling at me and i looked at Nathan.  

"How is this possible? His can she know or see this stuff? Does your mom know about this?" I asked all at once freaking out. 

"Relax we know nothing for sure i know someone who can help and Im sure my mom know what other reason would she keep a human child in the house " he stated. 

"She doesn't know but shell find out when the time is right" Jade said and she started playing with the teddy bear from last night. 

"There are so many secrets its not even funny" i stated and leaned my head back. Why does this have to happen to me?. When we were at Nathans apartment building i got out the car and got Jade out and she grabbed my hand. I smiled warmly at her and Nathan grabbed my things and we all made our way to the elevators and up to the very last fore. When we got off Jade squeezed my hand tightly as we approved the door half way down the hall and i looked at her. 

"What is it?" I asked her and she moved closer to me. 

"Someone's here" She said and Nathan looked at her. 

"Don't be scared little J remember what i told you at the park?" he asked her kneeling before her. 

"yea your promised and i know you won't break it" She said her mood instantly changing to happy. 

"Good that's what i like to hear" he said and i smiled. Nathan went inside first and we slowly followed behind. I heard moaning and it freaked me out because it was a girls voice but when the door shut it stopped. When Nathan finished looking around which wasn't much because everything was one big open space after you got past the door. 

"Who ever it was is gone"He said as he put my things down. 

"I heard moaning" i Said and he shrugged. 

"I did to but i can't pick up any scent " he responded and Jade smiled and took his hand and he picked her up. 

"See i told you you had nothing to worry about and as soon as his words were done Jade screamed and we both looked at her. Before i could figure out why i felt my shirt get soaked in something and Nathan put Jade down fast running to me and pulling something out my back. My eyes grew heavy and i could process what was going on. I saw blood on Nathans hands and he tried talking to me but i couldn't hear him nor talk to him. My vision was blurry and all i could hear was Nathan. 

"Sam!, wake up Same! keep your eyes opened for me!" her yelled and everything just went black.

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