Chapter 14: Everyone Has Secrets

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As we sat on the spread out cover i smiled uncontrollably as Nathan took my hand. 

"I hope this is good enough for normal but it's pretty ironic seeing as though neither of us are normal nor is the world we live in" Nathan told me as he kissed my hand making my cheeks turn pink. 

"This is... Perfect Nathan thank you" i responded. He looked at me not as he use to. Before his eyes were always rough and playful now their sweet and loving. 

"Well are you hungry? I know you took off with that little girl which surprised me you don't like blood that much" he stated and i looked at him. I had to tell him the truth about Jade i couldn't lie to him. 

" I didn't feed on her she's only 5 years old Nathan going to be 6 tomorrow I told her i would take care of her and keep her hidden since your mother enslaved hers and gave birth to her here it's insane to hold a child in a basement with no food fresh clothes or anything it's sickening " i blobbed out in one breath.  

"I should have figure you did something other then eat her but you can't hide her forever my mother will find out " He replied and looked me in the eyes. 

"I know just... I don't know i can't not do anything she's only 5 Nathan " i said to him looking him back in the eyes and he lifted his hand to my face and stroked my cheek. 

"Look i know all you wanna do is help and i understand that but you go back to school in 4 days how are you going to take care of her and train and do school work remember we still have a deal" he told me and i nodded knowing i did make this deal with him. 

"Then help me take care of her while I'm at school and we can train at night while she's sleep and on the weekends were she can come along and watch she's the only human child in this place she could die or worse be killed i can't live with that knowing i could have prevented it" i muttered to him and he smiled.  

"Um yea i don't know about this i hate kids and I'm a very very very very busy man" he said and i laughed. 

"You are not that busy so please?" I asked pouting and giving him the puppy dog eyes. 

"Ugh OK OK enough with the puppy face" he said laughing and i layer back looking at the sky. The stars had arranged there self and i couldn't make out just what the were in a shape of. I felt Nathan lay beside me so our heads touched and his hand tangled with mine and for a moment i forgot about the war with the Vikings and everything else bad. But that's just it, only for a moment. 

"Do you think I can do it's" I whispered still looking the nightly sky. 

"Yes, I'm not sure if you mean win the war or take care of a 5 year old or finish up with school but whatever it may be, Yes i absolutely think... Know you can do it" Nathan said and i smiled a little. He actually had so much faith in me way more then i had in myself. 

"What if i fail i mean I'm 17 and I've already taken so much on i just wish i was normal like completely normal" i whispered to him again and i could feel his eyes on me as i contained my eyes on the stars. 

"Being normal is easy being different is hard why be something so many people stray for when you can be the one thing everyone's trying to avoid? If you fail it doesn't matter I'll stay by your side no matter what" He whispered to me and i nodded. 

"Why? im fighting a war i have nothing to do with maybe now since they kidnapped me and you killed one of there alleys but before that i knew nothing if i fail you or your family what good am i?" i whispered and took a little breath. 

"Because i think i love you? And don't worry about all the rest ok we'll cross those bridges... Together when we get to them" he whispered back and i turned my head to meet his gaze. 

"What did you just say?" i asked him not sure i was hearing him right. 

"I have my secrets just as anyone else and my biggest one is maybe being in love with you i don't care if this is forbidden i want it. I want you i want all that comes with it at any coast " he whispered looking deeper into my eyes and i leaned in and kissed him. Before i could respond the grandfather clock that stood on the top of the mansion struck 12 and began to ring. Meaning we had to get back inside before anyone could catch us.  

"We should get inside" I said and got up grabbing some of the things laid out. 

"Yea i got this you get inside I'll see you in a few" he replied smiling and i nodded getting back inside quickly. Once inside I managed to avoid everyone and get to my room. I stripped out of my clothes and put on pajama shorts and tank top. I looked at Jade and saw how her pink cheeks puffed up as she breathed and clenched one of my teddy bears tightly as she slept. I smiled and layer down next to her and she instantly cuddled up under me still holding her grip on the bear. After a while of watch her sleep i feel into a deep slumber of my own.

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