chapter forty-three

Start from the beginning

"it has been only two weeks since you have been working with me sweetie but i'm already so proud." grace's father says.

"thanks dad it's not bad here. i'm going on my lunch break with chan now."

"alright. bring me back some food."

"will do."

grace exits the office and meets chan at the entrance of the building. he was playing games on his phone.

"ready?" he asks putting his phone away.

"mhm." she says walking out of the building with him.

"do you want to visit min jung?"

"yes," she says nodding.

he nods and walks towards the coffee shop that isn't too far from the business building.

"hey your birthday is in a few days what do you plan on doing?" chan asks grace.

"i don't know. i might just stay home."

"what? you can't. don't you have friends?" he asks.

"yes i have friends but they all have jobs. i'll be pretty happy watching reruns of shows from my couch."

"that sounds sad."

"what?! no it does not. who doesn't like watching netflix on their birthdays?"

"that's for lonely people with no friends. there are plenty of good clubs around here."

"no thanks i'm good." he laughs as he pushes her lightly with his shoulder.

after they have lunch they leave the shop and walk out into the busy street.

"will you accompany somewhere?" she asks.

"sure as long as it's not a fight club, a cemetery, a haunted house oh and no circus." she glances back at him with narrowed eyes. "what? i have a phobia of clowns."

she shakes her head and pulls him with her. after going back to her car she drives to the children's home. she pulls chan inside with her. she asks to see eun jang and the older lady smiles nodding. the small four year old runs out of a room and into grace's arms.

"is there something i should know?" chan asks.

"like what? why do you say that?"

"i don't know... did you have a child in high school?" he asks looking at the child in grace's arms.

"nope. this is eun jang. eun jang this is my friend chan."

"hello eun jang." chan says taking his small hand. the little boy smiles and bows at chan cutely. "he's not yours? if he is you can tell me, i won't judge." grace looks at him dryly and smacks his arm.

"i used to volunteer at the school he attended a while back and i uh... i found out that he was treated badly and his home was not stable or suitable for a child so now he's here."

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