40: Falling Down

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Sebastian walked back and forth, not knowing what to do next. "I'm out of ideas. What are we going to do next? Kill them? Wait. No. That's too easy. How about make them kill one another?" I tuned him out and think about the nightmares that I've been having. And the voice.


I twisted and turned on my bed as I tried to fall asleep. I groaned in frustration and got off my bed. I stood up and walked towards the door to the balcony. I can't sleep. I opened the door and went into the balcony. I was greeted by a gush of wind making me shiver.

I leaned against the rails of the balcony and looked up at the night sky. It was void of stars. The moon was covered by the clouds, preventing me from seeing it fully. I let out a sigh. As I kept thinking about the past events, I cannot help but feel like everything that I've done was wrong.

"You are right. You are such a despiteful selfish person. You were the cause of every problem that you encounter," a female voice said. I scanned my surroundings to find nobody in sight. Huh? Did I imagine that? "Julian would never like you or even love you. And yet, you're doing everything just to make him yours. You're delusional."

"Where are you? Who are you?" I asked as I scanned my surroundings, trying to find her. She let out a laugh and said, "Find me. Let's see if you can find me." She let out a giggle. I continued searching for her. Where is she? Am I hallucinating? "Oh, love. A powerful emotion that can blind anyone. It only causes you to fall. You fall and fall and fall, never reaching the end."

"Tell me, Deatina. How long have you been falling? How long?"She laughed as she said that. Where is she? Am I going crazy? "Your eyes and heart deceive, my dear. You're going to live up to your name. You're going to fall into the dark endless abyss and there's no escaping it."

Her laughing went on and on. I covered my ears and whispered, "Shut up. Shut up!" The laughter grew even louder. I screamed and fell onto the floor. I looked to my right and left, searching for her. She wasn't here. What's happening? This is just a nightmare. A nightmare. T-This isn't real.

"Oh, it is real. I'm real," I felt her whisper into my ear. I trembled in fear, not wanting to turn around.

End of Flashback

"Deatina? Are you listening to me?" Sebastian said while snapping his fingers to catch my attention. I blinked and said, "W-What?" He groaned in annoyance and replied, "You weren't listening to me. Are you even trying? It seems like I'm the one putting an effort in everything."

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