21: Despicable

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Time is running out. It is only a matter of days before the day of Existential. It doesn't matter to me. I've already got what I want. The stone of Existy doesn't matter anymore. It's lost in the other realm. I just have to make sure that it stays that way or else things would go haywire for me. My loyal servant is now out of the picture for he is not needed anymore.

My beloved husband shouldn't bother me with his ghost. I don't like it when I feel a presence near me that I cannot see. As I sat on the throne, everybody seemed to look at me with pity for the loss of my husband. They would often talk to me and give me support for they know that I have no knowledge of how to rule a kingdom. But I think they're underestimating me

I am capable of ruling the kingdom. I'm even better than my husband, the king. As I savored every moment of my existence, I felt an unsettling feeling. Something doesn't seem right. I have a feeling that somebody is about to ruin my plans. My eyebrows knitted as I thought of all the people that will do anything to bring back the stone.

"Your majesty, what seems to bother you? Do you need anything to cease your stress?" I heard my new butler say as he forced a smile. A smirk appeared on my face and replied, "Taylor, I do have something in mind but no one should know about it. It's too personal."

He nervously smiled with uneasiness and asked me what was on my mind. I smiled widely while looking at him up and down. I licked my lips and stared with him lustfully.  I can't help but feel like the world is my oyster. I can do whatever I want now. I then gestured him to carry me to my chambers. He seemed frightened of what my request will be. He was trembling in fear but that's what makes it fun.

After that fun moment of bliss, a wench decided to ruin my day. She was pleading me to free her husband from prison. She was kneeling down on the floor and sobbing, pleading to let him go. I wanted to laugh for she is too dependent on her lover. I let her sob until she can no longer cry anymore.

Afterwards, I ordered the guards to throw her in the dungeon. She resisted and put up a fight while yelling, "Please, no! I have kids back home! No!"

I didn't pay attention to anything she was saying. I don't pity anybody nor do I feel some compassion towards them. They don't matter to me. It is entirely their fault as to why they receive such unlucky fate. I watched her as she got dragged out of the throne room.

As much as I wanted to laugh, I cannot for others may think I'm a psychopath. Nobody said anything about my decision. I'm always right.

I pulled out my beloved mirror when the throne room was now empty. I started engaging in a conversation with the mirror. "Am I going to rule the kingdom and triumph?" The mirror didn't reply at that question. I yelled at the mirror to reply, causing it to finally give me an answer. "No." I scowled at that answer. No? Someone must be at fault for this. I then demanded, "Show me who triumphs!"

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