1: Threat

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"That's great," Marissa, my younger sister commented without a hint of excitement or happiness in her voice. She stared at me with a bored expression while leaning on the railings of the balcony.

Her arms crossed across her chest, glancing at my face and the diamond ring on my finger. It was very clear that she doesn't care about me or what happens to my life. She was simply narcissistic and will only care if it involves her.

I forced a smile at her reaction to my engagement with my three years boyfriend who is now my fiancé.

After her single comment, there a silence. She rolled her eyes and glanced at anywhere but me. Well, this is awkward. I bit my lip, debating whether I should talk to her or just stay silent.

I glanced at my feet and decided to speak without glancing at her. "So I was wondering....."I started. I don't know if she would agree to help me with my engagement party that will be held in a few months.

Before I could even continue what I'm going to say, she spoke first with a hint of irritation. "If you're asking me to help you with something, my answer is no. You're old enough to do it yourself. I don't give a damn about whatever's going on with your perfect life."

Disappointment rushed through me. A frown replaced my smile, making me feel as if I have no importance in her life. We're sisters but it feels like I'm just a stranger who just lives with her. But then again, I knew almost nothing about her.

"Ask Sebastian. I'm pretty sure that he would be so enthusiastic to help you without hesitation. He will be jumping up and down in excitement with a big wide smile on his face,"she said and with that she walked passed me, leaving me alone.

I sighed as I placed my hands on my face, making me scream in frustration. I never did anything bad to her. I've always been nice to her. Why can't she- This is pointless.

If she doesn't like me, then I'm okay with it. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone clear his or her throat.

I snapped my head towards where it came from and that's when my bright blue eyes met a pair of hazel brown ones.

It was Sebastian. He smiled at me, his dimples appearing in the process. He walked towards me and said, "What's the problem, shortie?"

Shortie? I furrowed my eyebrows at what he said. I laughed and shook my head. "I'm not short. You're just taller than me," I replied, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

He snorted and slapped his forehead at my reply. "Keep dreaming but one thing stays the same. You're height," He said with a smirk. Excuse me? Just because I'm short doesn't mean that I'm the shortest person in the whole world.

"At least I'm taller than Cake,"I snapped back. He forced his mouth in a straight line before laughing and falling onto the floor while rolling around like a lunatic.

Blurred Reflection(Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang