27: Connections

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I felt my powers drain as every minute passes by. I'm stuck in this human realm. There's only a few hours before my birthday. I shouldn't have given him the stone. It was a bad idea. I was blinded by love. It's all my fault and I blamed others for it. I laid on my bed, waiting for time to pass. Is this what it feels like to die? I've seen people die but I never experienced what it felt like for I am Death. I do not die but this. This shouldn't be happening.

I should be going through this realm and that other realm and cutting off lives of those who are in the end lines. Love shouldn't have stopped me from doing that. Why did I ever sacrificed everything just for the sake of letting him see me? It was a mistake and now I'm paying for it. My siblings must be furious with me. I shouldn't have borrowed this human vessel to use for my own gain. The soul of this body I'm in is now forever lost.

My lover must have been using the stone for his own gain. He left me without saying a word. It felt like I was robbed. I shouldn't have given him that. I shouldn't have stole the stone from the other realm.
I sat up from the bed and walked towards the balcony of the apartment I was in. I leaned against the wall as I glanced the dark night sky.

Things seem to be going haywire every since I stole the stone of Existy. I shouldn't have disobeyed the rules. My siblings were right. Nobody should touch those precious stones for they possess an extreme power and those who possess it will be corrupted. It was placed on the other realm for a reason. It is to become as a barrier between the two worlds. But it hasn't been used since humans first crossed the barrier.

The stone Existy serves a purpose and holds a power that anybody wants to possess. To control death and life. To control the existence of any beings. That stone was one of the ones that belong in the other realm. The human realm is a place where it will never belong in. But I altered it.

But because of my blindness towards love, I did the worse thing that could ever happen. I altered the stone's abilities. It will no longer be the same as it was before. I could never undone what is done. I didn't want my lover to die. He was supposed to die and he did but he lived again in this world. I wasted a lot of time just to find him again but he wasn't the same as before. He didn't love me.

I heard footsteps from outside of the apartment as I thought about everything. The knocks on the door made me get up from my bed and carefully walked towards the door. I felt weak. Useless. I stumbled a few times before finally opening the door with a scowl on my face. And a familiar face greeted me. "Sebastian?"


I forced a smile and waved my hand. "Hiya! It's been a long time since I've seen you." She stood frozen in front of me. Shock filled her, her eyes widening. I waved my hand in front of her face to get her attention. She snapped out of it and asked me, "What are you doing here?" I wanted to slap her in the face for her reply.

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