7: Secrets

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Black. It was pitch black. I can't see anything that may let me know where I am. I stayed silent, fearing the unknown. There was silence and not a single sound. That was until I felt someone covering my eyes with a piece of fabric, making me scream.

"Keep quiet!"I heard someone yell at me. I felt a fist collide with my face, making me cry out in pain. "Stop crying bitch!" He spat. I struggled to get out of this chair but the rope was tightly bound to my wrists and legs, preventing me from escaping.

"Let me go!" I screamed, struggling even more. As I struggled, I heard laughter echoing around me. I felt this person grab my hair and pull it harshly, making me cry out in pain. "I'll let you go once I'm done dealing with a menace like you," he replied. Who the fuck is this?!

I continued to struggle, trying to free myself. "Just let me go or else-" I started yelling when he interuppted me by slapping me on my lips."Or else what, bitch?" he said. I stayed silent and ignored what he said.

When I didn't answer, I heard him laugh bitterly. "Such a dingus." I heard him whisper, loud enough for me to hear. His accent changed, shocking me.  I suddenly froze and blurted out loud, "You're British?!"

Everything went silent. "Are you serious right now?" he said with disbelief in his tone. "Can I ask you a question?" I replied, wanting to irritate him even more. He scowled at me and shook his head.

"Why-" I started when I felt a duct tape covering my mouth, preventing me from being able to speak. "You already asked me a question," he stated as I heard his footsteps drift away.The door slammed shut leaving me alone this this room.

One question rounded in my mind. Who is he? I know for a fact that the reason that I'm here is because of that. But who is this person? Not only do I not recognize his voice, I also have no enemies as of right now.

But let's just see if this person's motive will be achieved. Let's just see. It's pretty stupid to kidnap me all of sudden. They will found out that I'm missing unless this person did something to cover this all up with lies. Probably. He's stupid if he forgot to do that.

The only way that I'm sure is that I'm bound to a chair with no plan whatsoever. Well, not yet. I need time to think. Good thing that he's not here to disturb me or else I can't make up any ideas.

"Nobody messes with Marissa," I muttered, a smirk appearing on my face. I wonder what would happen next. I wonder. Let's just say that I always get what I want and I will always triumph.


"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked out of the blue. Leyla looked at me in irritation and scowled. "Keep your fantasies to yourself," she replied while rolling her eyes and looking away afterwards.

We were currently walking around the island, trying to find the sorceress of this place. No scratch that she was walking with her hands on my tail, pulling me wherever she goes. Why am I helping her anyway? It's not my problem. I looked at her and asked, "Why should I help you? Why me?"

She glared at me and replied, "Who am I going to ask help? The crab over there?" She pointed at a crab that was a feet away from us. "Well, yes," I replied. She looked at me in annoyance.

"Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed. No. She can ask help from the crab. Why ask me? I'm pretty sure that the two of them will get along. It's not like the crab can't talk.

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