18: Dreaming In A Void

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Ever since we got out of the prison, I felt a heavy feeling inside my chest being lifted. Each second that I spend in this realm worries me and partly makes me feel at ease. Here I can be myself. Back home, I have a hard time trying to impress everyone. Wade and I were currently on the same beach where we first met.

"Hear we are! The entrance to my home!" Wade exclaimed. His eyes show how much he missed his home. I then said, "Your home? But that's the ocean?" We were standing at the shore. He took of his shoes and threw it into the sea.  glanced at me and said, "Give me your shoes." I stared at him in disbelief and protested, "No! These shoes are expensive!"

He groaned in annoyance and looked at me with a serious expression. "Just do it." I shook my head and said, "No! Never!" He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before saying, "You will be able to still get it afterwards."

He bent down and started untying the laces of my shoes. I tried to kick him when he grabbed a hold of my feet, preventing me from moving.I cannot accept this. I don't want to get my shoes wet.

He took off both of my shoes and before I could even tale it back, he threw it to the sea. I stared at it in shock. "Y-You...I'll kill-"He immediately interrupted me by placing his lips onto mine.

I froze in shock and immediately tried to push him away. He then pushed himself away and said, "I have to do it in order for you to breathe underwater."

"I didn't do it because I want to but because I need to," he added before walking towards the sea. I watched him walk towards it. The small waves were like nothing to him. I didn't move from my spot. Before he could get any deeper, he looked at me and gestured me to come. Shit. No. Wait, aren't sirens supposed to drown people?

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?" I yelled at him. His calm expression was replaced by confusion. "What? Kill you? How will I able to kill you when you're a lot more capable of killing me any time soon?" he said before looking away. I'm not capable of anything you've expected of me.

"I'm trying to help you. Just..before I turn my legs into a tail, do what I say already! We don't have time for this!" I gulped and stared at the water. I don't know how to swim. "I-I can't swim," I replied, expecting him to laugh at me but he didn't. Then he asked, "Do you trust me?"

"No," I answered. He forced a smile before saying, "Why did you come with me anyway? You could have went wherever you wanted to go." I didn't reply to what he said. I sighed in defeat before walking towards him. Each step that I took seems like I was being dragged into the unknown. I was afraid of trusting him but I don't have a choice.

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