22: Broken Bonds

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I knocked on our bedroom door but nobody answered. He must be extremely upset. An hour has passed and he hasn't went out of our room. He locked himself up like a child having a tantrum. Although I feel guilty, I still don't want to break any promises. I knocked on the door again, hoping the he'll open the door.

I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open. The room was empty. He wasn't in sight. I scanned the room, hoping he's just hiding. All my hopes crumbled when my eye caught a piece of paper that was left on the bedside table near the window. I walked towards it and grabbed it. My heart felt like it was being stabbed when I started reading what was written on the paper.

I didn't know what to say

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I didn't know what to say. It might have been because he's a fairy and fairies tend to be emotional but his words pierced through my heart. He was furious at me for keeping secrets from him when he all along was open the whole time. The day went on and he still haven't come back. This is the first time that I've seen his handwriting.

I laid down my bed, glancing at the empty void of our bed. Where is he? My thoughts kept me up all night until I finally feel asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, sensing a presence near me. I covered my head with the covers, not wanting to face the darkness.

I heard footsteps coming towards the bed before finally leaving the room. I didn't know who that was. was hoping that it was Rey but I shouldn't assume. I'm too frightened to face him because I don't know what I'm going to tell him.

Morning came and he still hasn't come back. I got up from my bed, feeling glum. As I got closer to the bedside table that was near the window,I noticed something different. There was a note again. Didn't I throw the note in the trash yesterday? I immediately grabbed it without looking at it and was about to crumble it when I realized something.
It's different.

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