20: The Remaining Days

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We only have a week and two days before the day of Existential. I can't believe how much times we've wasted. The times is ticking very fast. It has been a few minutes since I lost my voice. We were going directly in the palace but the problem is how I will be able to explain this whole situation that I'm in. I should have given up my tail instead. Maybe, I should have left Leyla. Why did I even brought her here? She's of no use for me.

As we went further to our destination, I felt scared of what the outcome will be. My father wouldn't be happy about this. He would be furious to the point where there is a possibility that he might disown me as his son. My mother on the other hand will probably ground me for a month or so. Our journey felt like ages. Every single minute is a few steps to hell. Things wouldn't go as planned.

We arrived at our destination. The palace was separated from the city. It will take thirty minutes to get to the city. The entrance of the castle was barren. There was no sign of life whatsoever. Only the bright lights coming from inside of the castle can be seen. There was only silence. There were no guards in sight.

It has always been this way. Crime is something that is unknown to us. Only outsiders are used to that. Our dungeons are empty. Nobody dared to commit a crime. Well, I might have made a lot of trouble in the past few years but since I'm a prince, I'm excepted from any punishment. I am free do to what I please as long as I would not endanger the kingdom.

But all of these can change once I told them the truth. Lorelei is someone whom they despise and do not agree with. Even though she's the oldest mermaid that ever lived, she never received any respect from the Mer people. I don't know any reasons as to why but I know it has something to do with the fact that she's more powerful than them.

Lorelei on the other hand is not bothered by their perspective of her. She doesn't really care anymore. She spends her life with herself and she's contented with it. I used to think that she was the real ruler of the kingdom because of how she speaks like she has authority. I am still doubting my family as the rulers of this kingdom. We are nothing special unlike Lorelei. My family's history is unknown to many and I'm no exception.

My father is the only one who has the knowledge of that. He never dared to tell me or even my older siblings. Nobody questions it. Before I know it, we were in front of the main doors of the castle. It seemed so untouched. Like it has been days since it was last opened. I inched closer to place my hand on the engraved hand on the door to be able to open it.

As soon as my hand touched it, the doors glowed brightly, illuminating the once dark  porch. I heard Leyla kept saying 'cool' over and over again. I ignored her and focused on building up an excuse to cover up the truth. I need to think of something fast. The door opened automatically after a few seconds.
It sent shivers down my spine.

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