10:Sister's Shadow

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I sat on the dirty ground with my legs pulled up against my chest. I hugged my legs, trembling in fear and shock. I shivered due to my nakedness. My hair once long raven black hair was now cut up to my ears. I felt ugly. I felt degraded. I don't feel like a human being anymore. I stared at my feet, wondering what went wrong.

I heard the door creaking open, footsteps coming my way. The footsteps stopped in front of me. "How's life,Krissy?"I heard him ask, laughing afterwards. My name is not Krissy. It felt like I lost my voice. It was as if I've turned mute.

"Krissy?You're ignoring me again?" I felt him kick me but I stayed motionless. "What's wrong with you, little bitch?" I felt slap on my cheek but I did nothing.

He grabbed my now short hair and yanked it over and over again while screaming at me in anger. "What's wrong with you bitch?! We're only getting started and you're already acting like that!"

"You think you're so tough but deep inside your weak," he said as he continued his abuse. He let go of my hair and punched me in the face, making me fall onto the hard cold floor. I glanced at him and said nothing.

He smirked at me before speaking. "Did you miss our moment last night? Was I too rough?" I want to get that smirk off of his stupid face. I didn't miss that and never will.

He chuckled and continued speaking, trying to piss me off. It was like he wanted me to speak but I kept my mouth shut. "Why so quiet, darling? Was last night not enough for you?" I heard him ask.

I didn't move a muscle. It seemed like he is starting to get annoyed by my silence. "Fucking use your mouth to speak!"

All of sudden, he embraced me making me startle. He let out a laugh before speaking. "You want more, don't you?" He started hugging me tightly like he wants to choke me.

"Answer me, my darling," he whispered onto my ear, nibbling my earlobe afterwards.I shivered at his action in disgust but he took it as pleasure.

"I'll give you more later, my darling," he continued molesting me. Kissing me on my neck. On my collarbone. He started touching my breasts, caressing it.

He continued doing that for a few minutes before stopping. "What a slut you are." I heard him say before letting go of me and walking away, leaving me alone in this dark cold room.She will pay for this. A memory flashed into my mind. A memory that started it all.

Ten year old me and thirteen year old Leyla walked through the forest with tears in their eyes. "Leyla? Where are we?" ten year old me asked, grabbing her sister's hand and gripping it tightly out of fear. I looked at my sister who smiled at me.

Blurred Reflection(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora