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Selena's POV:

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Selena's POV:

After the trial, everything just seemed to fall into place. For Justin and me, we knew we loved each other and that was enough. I was slightly surprised to learn, when we got back our reports, that he didn't have bad grades after all. He was super smart but his attendance and behaviour was a sufficient failure. But.. that was only to be expected anyway. It's been a few weeks and Nicole and I have renewed our friendship, though I can't say that there are no issues from either side because four years is quite a bit of time and we'll need to learn to trust each other fully again before we can be as close as we were but I'm okay with it and I think she is too. As for Ryan, we're still feeling a bit awkward around each other. I mean, he loved Melissa and love makes you do crazy things but I don't know about you and I don't hugely appreciate being called, well, you know. But, becoming Ryan's friend again did come with a few consequences so let's just say Justin wasn't to happy about it. Partly, I think, because he was my ex-crush and partly because of what he said to me a while ago. My two best friends, well, they haven't changed in the least. Marie and Dylan's five month anniversary or something (I can't remember exactly) is coming up and they're very happy. Unfortunately, that means plenty of gushing from Marie's part when in private but I can deal with that. I think. Renee and Jason are exactly the same as always. Weird and, as Marie mentioned before, totally unromantic. They love each other though so it works for them and I guess I'm not bothered. They do tease Justin and I a whole lot about being a soap opera or a book because that's apparently what we seem like. Pft, a book. How ridiculous, right? I'd crossed Melissa's path a couple of days after the fight when the Principal called us to his office. He said I had detention (again) but I didn't mind that much. I got a few students who were victims of her bullying last time and some (wow, she gets around) that she'd been bullying this time round again. After our stories were confirmed, the school decided to exclude her for the second time. I don't think Daddy dearest can get her out of this one. Delia and Daniel have resumed wedding plans and it's fast-tracking from there. Turns out that one of Delia's cousins had been secretly planning which, might I say, I find a little creepy. Everything's going pretty much okay and the wedding's going to be great. Brandon and Sophie- "Selena!" Mum pulled me out if my thoughts. "Nick's on the phone." I immediately sprinted towards the kitchen and shot my parents a glowing smile. "Nicky!" I squealed, taking the cordless away from the room. "I have so much to tell you!" I exclaimed. "There's that excitement!" Nick chuckled. "I take it the trial went well?" he said. "It did!" I nodded enthusiastically. "I've been meaning to call you but so much has been happening that I forgot!" I say. "Oh, yes." My brother mumbled through the phone. "No one remembers the amazing older brother." I snorted. "Of course they don't." I say. "Evidently." he says. "Anyway." I continued. "So we won the trial and Justin's mom through a fit in the middle of the court room and she had to be escorted from the area." I told him. "No way!" Nick said disbelievingly. "But I'm glad." he said. "I also have something else to tell you." I paused. "I have officially told my boyfriend that I love him." I say. "Took you long enough." My eyes widened. "You knew I was in love with him?" I question. "If you ask me, you were pretty damn obvious about it, Sel." he said. "He said it back." I said. "I thought so." he said. "You freak me out." I admit. "Right back at you." he sighed. "I feel obligated to ask, so; what made you realise?" he asked. "Well.." I thought back. "Renee said something and I realised I loved him. Then I went to his house to see if he was okay but I found him with Melissa's lips on his and ran out-" I started. "You what?" Shit. "Yeah, about that." I chuckled nervously. "It was all a huge misunderstanding." I said, nervously. "It better have been." he spoke dangerously. "I'll kill him otherwise." he said. "Don't do that." I advised. "You'd go to jail and I don't think Mum would appreciate that very much." Nick let out a laugh. "Duly noted." he said. "So.." I started, feeling slightly guilty that I had only been absorbed in myself and not asked about him at all. "How are you?" I asked. "Isn't that a question." he sighed. "If you must know, I'm not feeling too hot." he said. "What's wrong?" I asked, concern flowing through my voice. "Girl problems. You wouldn't get it." A smile twisted at my lips. "I'd beg to differ. Come on, just tell me." I plead. "I don't think-" he started. "I won't tell Mum. Promise." he heaved another sigh. "Okay, you better not spill though." he warned. "I won't." I promised. I could feel that Nick was nervous. Mainly because he was never this quiet. "Nick?" I say. "I'm getting to it." he snapped. "A little faster, please.." I rushed him. "Jesus." he muttered. "Fine. So I like this girl and I already blew my chances with her and now she's with another guy." Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? "Would this girl happen to be Riley?" I asked. The other end was quiet. "Nick?" I asked. "Yeah." he breathed. "How'd you know?" I let out a light laugh. "You weren't doing a very good job of hiding it that day at the carnival." I say. "Shit." he huffed. "Yeah." I say. "You're not going to tell her, are you?" Nick asked. "To be completely honest, I still haven't got round to talking to her." I confessed. "And I won't tell her unless you want me to. But by the looks of it, you're not in her good books." I say. "Understatement." he mumbled. "If you want her-" I advised softly. "You're going to have to fight for her." I advise. "It won't do any good." Nick said hopelessly. "I messed up." he says. "Nicholas Xavier Gomez." I glared at the phone. "I cannot believe you would be willing to give up just like that! I'm starting to wonder whether you like her at all!" I exclaimed. "I do!" he roared. "More then you'll ever know but I can't go after her! She's happy now. I don't want to fuck that up too." My anger at him faded. "Nick, at least tell her." I softly say. "What good would it do?" he sighs. "Then you'd be happy. If you're not going to try, at least begin the road to recovery. You'll find someone else." I say. Truthfully, I didn't want him to give up on Riley because she'd always been good for him. Plus, I'm a bit of a romantic about this one but I do believe that if you really like someone, you'll be willing to fight for them. Jesus, I'm such a hypocrite.. and also maybe slightly sexist. "I don't want anyone else." he whispered. "I want her." he says. "Well you won't get her if you keep acting like this." I snapped. "Tell me, have you even once tried to fix this broken friendship?" I ask. There was silence. "Exactly! At least try instead of moping and doing nothing! Just man up, already!" I say. There was silence on the other line for a few minutes before he burst out laughing. "Jesus." he said. "I needed that." he says. "Thought so. So will you fight for her?" I ask. "Yeah." he agreed. "She's worth fighting for. I guess I just needed someone to knock sense into me." I grinned. "Well.. I'm always a call away." I assure him. "Speaking of calls.." he spoke. "I have to go. We'd better end this one." he says. "If you have to." I say. "Bye." he says. "See you. And remember what I said!" I reminded him. "I will." he says. Then the phone went dead.
"There's my beautiful girlfriend." Justin swooped down to plant a sweet kiss on my forehead. I grinned like a mad woman and thought once again about how incredibly cheesy we seemed to be. But I loved it. "You're not looking so bad yourself." he pouted. "You meanie, is that all I get?" I laughed and turned around to face him. "Not at all." I leaned up and kissed him once. "Happy?" I asked. "Very." he grinned. "So, listen, Delia says she wants all the bridesmaids there tonight. You can bring family and everything." he says. "Awesome." I agreed happily. "Well, will you look at that?" Jason arrived with Renee on his arm. "Who would have thought that the great Justin Bieber would end up being whipped by the end of senior year." Jason exclaimed. "Shut up." Justin retorted. "You're not much better." Jason smirked. "I'm not as fucking obvious as you." Justin opened his mouth to say something else when someone else interrupted. "Who's not as fucking obvious as who?" Dylan placed an arm around Marie's shoulder as he asked the question. Justin snorted. "We've all turned into fucking pussies." he says. "There's something you don't hear everyday." Nicole also appeared, sporting an amused smile. What is with all these people appearing all of a sudden? "Agreed." I nodded. "What?" Ryan turned up as well. And here's the last one. Justin's arm tightened around my waist as Ryan appeared. Is it really weird that I kind of wanted to smile? Boys are just so cute when they're jealous. I felt the smile appear and looked up at Justin who's eyes softened and smiled back. We are by far the mushiest couple I know. "You guys are so cute." Nicole cooed. She turned to the rest of our little group. "You are too. I want that." Ryan snorted from behind her. She turned to look at him and gave him puppy dog eyes. "I want it, Ry. Why can't I have it?" Ryan's mouth twisted into an amused smile. "I don't know, tell me?" he says. "Because boys in this school are fucking stupid." she stated, chin raised defiantly. Then she looked at the four boys around her. "No offence." Dylan looked a little indignant so Marie rubbed his arm soothingly and he relaxed a little. This made Nicole coo again and Ryan snort which began an argument before the Vice Principle came to yell at us for loitering the hallway. Justin didn't bother saying anything and I needed to get to class so we went off in the opposite direction after saying bye to all our friends. "They'd make a good couple, you know." Justin said suddenly. I frowned. "Who?" I ask. "Nicole and Ryan." he explained. "They would." I agreed. "But I think he's still hung up over Melissa." I admit. "I guess you're right." Justin shrugged. "And if they happen, they happen I guess." he added. "Yeah." I glanced back for a second. "If they're meant to happen, they will." I say to myself.
"Hurry up!" Mum rushed as we got out of the car. "We're late enough as it is." I pulled myself out of the car and exchanged a glance with Dad. Mum just seemed to be glowering right now and truthfully it's always a scary sight. I told her about Delia's invitation so, naturally, she accepted but decided to go all out and make me and Dad dress up and everything. It's normal Mother behaviour, I think. I obliged, obviously and Mum was now rushing to get us in the house. I also felt surprisingly nervous because I just realised a few hours ago that Justin's and my own parents would be meeting each other for the first time. Mum knocked on the door and she held a tense silence for a few moments before it was thrown open by Delia who smiled at us. "Selena!" she greeted then turned to Mum and Dad. "You must be her parents. I'm Delia, Daniel's fiancée. So glad you could make it." she said. The grown-ups exchanged their own greetings and I anxiously waited for them to finish so we could go inside. Delia must have noticed because she stepped aside and ushered me in before turning back to take my parents in and straight to Daniel. I glanced around before my eyes came to a rest on.. James. "Hey!" he shouted, making his way over. "Selena, how've you been?" he rushed to my side and engulfed me in a hug that I returned wholeheartedly. "Fine." I smiled. "I wasn't aware that you're a bridesmaid." I said. "What the hell?" James asked, his eyes growing wider. "Who told you that?" he asked. "Justin said Delia invited the bridesmaids." I elaborated. James mouth formed an 'Oh' shape. "Well I'm not a bridesmaid." he stated. "Ryder asked me to be here." My eyebrows rose. "Are you guys like a thing now?" I ask. "Well, no." James admitted. "Not exactly." he says. "Not exactly?" I question. "We've gone out a couple of times but we're not an 'item' if that's what you're asking." he elaborated. "But he asked you to come here so.." James nodded. "Yeah, I was actually going to ask him about it." he said. "You do that." I agreed. "Do what?" as soon as the words were spoken, I spun around to face Rebecca with a smile. "Hi!" I greeted. Both her eyebrows rose. "Someone's chipper." This only made me beam. Her signature Bieber eyes became conflicted. "You're starting to freak me out." I snorted. "Well, isn't that attractive. "And guess who decided to join us. "Too bad I'm gay." Ryder grinned. "Otherwise you might have a shot." he smirked. "Yeah, no." Someone's arm settled around my waist. "You keep your tentacles off my girlfriend." Justin warned. "Hey." I looked up at him. "Hey." he smiled. "Jesus." Rebecca muttered. "There's too much puppy love shit going on." she complained. "You're just jealous because you're forever alone." Justin replied. "Actually, I'm not." Rebecca stated smugly. My eyes grew wide. "What? You have a boyfriend? Who is he?" I shriek. "Yeah.." Ryder asked. "Who is he?" Ryder seemed more interested than overprotective. Not in the least as suspicious as Nick would be and a more relaxed. "His name's Adam." Rebecca pronounced. "Adam who lives across the street, Adam?" Ryder asked incredulously. "The one who Mum and Dad cannot stand, Adam?" A smile broke out on Rebecca's face. "Yup." she says. Justin tugged on my hand at that moment so I left watching the conversation and devoted my attention to him. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Look." he pointed a finger in the direction of our laughing parents. "They seem to be getting along." I mused. "Thank God for that." Justin sighed. "I was actually pretty nervous." I admitted. His smile appeared. "So was I but now we know we can relax." he said. Suddenly, Mum turned around and caught us both staring. She smiled and beckoned us both over so I glanced up at Justin before obliging and he followed after me. We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking and eating obviously because no one goes anywhere without food. So I'll say it once and I'll say it again. Everything had fallen into place.

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