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Selena's POV:

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Selena's POV:

Have you ever felt like you know that something's going on but you don't know what it is? That's how I'm feeling right now. Since I woke up this morning, there's been this weird feeling hovering over me and I can't seem to shake it. Something's going to happen and I don't know whether it'll be good or bad. One thing that I know for sure is that it's going to happen, and it's going to happen soon. I can feel it. "Yeah." Nick walked into the living room, phone pressed up against his ear. "I'll do it. Shouldn't be too hard." Another pause in his stride as whoever he was talking to spoke again. "Yeah, see you soon." then he hung up the phone and place it in his pocket. I sat up a little straighter. "Who was that?" I asked curiously. Nick shrugged casually and plopped himself onto the sofa, right next to me. "No one important." he replied. I glanced suspiciously at him for a moment before his hand reached over and grabbed the remote. "Hey!" I protested. "I was watching that!" Nick threw me a smirk then turned his eyes back to the television, flipping through the channels. "I know." he said nonchalantly. "But now it's my turn." I gasped at his utter annoyingness (is that even a word?) before making a grab at the remote. You may or may not have noticed this already but I'm not the most coordinated person out there so instead of making a huge, awesome, amazing lunge to retrieve the remote.. I ended up falling flat on my face. I should totally be a cheerleader, right? Nick started chuckling, which turned into laughter, which turned into loud fits that I'm sure had the whole house quaking in it's shoes. Wait, not shoes.. bricks? Never mind, point is he was laughing. Loudly. At me. His sister. Who fell on the floor. Which was all his fault. I scowled.  "Are you going to help me up or not?" I demanded. That's when he reached down and slowly lifted me from the floor -not. He sat there laughing his head off and my bad coordination skills. Now you see why I'm not on a sports team. You also see how much of an ass my brother is. Groaning, I lifted myself off of the floor.. only to trip over a pillow and fall back on the floor. Que the hysterics.  "You.. look.. so.. stupid." Nick spluttered. I would've glared at him but I was still sprawled, face first, on the floor. Nick, being as annoying and stupid as he is, didn't bother to help me as I twisted and turned, trying to lift my body off the floor. "We're home!" my mother's cheery voice floated into the house. "How were you while we were- Selena! Honey, are you okay?" I'm fucking fantastic, Mum, fucking fantastic. I let out a groan and managed to sit up semi-straight. My mother's eyes moved to my currently hysterical brother and she gave him a disapproving look. "Nicholas Gomez! Help your sister up!" So, laughing and hysterical, my twenty-year-old brother (who seemed more like a six-year-old at the moment) reached down to pull me up. Thank you, brother dearest, thank you so much. I was hauled up and took a moment to steady myself, glancing up to meet my Mum's sympathetic eyes.  "Come on, sweetheart." she comforted. "Let's go to the kitchen and get you some ice." Wincing, I followed my mother into the kitchen, passing Dad on the way. "I swear.." my father muttered as I passed. "I have the weirdest family in history." he said.
"How come you guys are back so early?" Nick asked, completely ignoring my (awesome) death glares. Mum looked amused as she placed the ice pack back on my head, making me hiss because of the cold. "You okay?" she asked, concerned. I bit my tongue and nodded. "Didn't feel like staying any longer, beautiful as it was. Did you not want us back?" The question was punctuated with a raised, challenging, eyebrow making Nick quickly shake his head. "That's not what I meant.." he denied. Mum chuckled. "I know sweetheart." She shook her head. Dad strolled into the kitchen and shot a questioning look in my direction, silently asking if I was okay to which I shrugged. "What're we talking about?" Dad asked. Mum switched on the microwave. "We were just discussing why you and Mum are back so early." I answered. Dad's fists clenched then unclenched, a grim and guilty smile plastered on his face. "He was asking for it." Dad defended. "The son of a bitch shouldn't have-" Mum quickly slapped him on the back of his head, effectively shutting him up. Nick smirked. "Didn't feel like staying, huh?" He cocked an eyebrow. Mum grinned sheepishly.  "Well.." She dragged out. "We may have been kicked off the hotel premises and asked to come back home." My jaw dropped. "How'd you manage that?" I inquired. Mum shot Dad an irritated glare. "Ask your father." she replied curtly and walked out, leaving us in the kitchen. Dad groaned. "I'm an idiot." he muttered and Nick and I exchanged identical grins. "What'd you do?" I chimed, prodding his shoulder. Dad sighed and plopped himself on the chair next to me. "This asshole from the hotel.." my Dad doesn't care if we're in the room if he's swearing, as you've probably noticed. "Started hitting on your mother, my wife, even after I told him to fucking stop so I punched him." My jaw just about hit the floor.  "You what?" I screeched as my brother gave our father a high five. "No wonder she was mad!" Dad's glare made his way back to his face as he glanced moodily at the floor. ""He deserved it." he mumbled childishly and I shook my head. "That doesn't mean you had to hit him." I pointed out. "Just.. report him or something." I said. Dad shot me a disbelieving look. "You can't report someone for being a flirting asshole, Sel." he sighed. "As much as I'd like too." He added. "Sure you could."!Nick drawled sarcastically. "Cause these days there's a flirting police." I glared at him. "Shut up." I snapped and got up to leave the room, leaving the two behind me.  I seriously have one of the weirdest families alive today.
"Rise and shine!" someone nudged, or should I say pushed, me of the very comfortable couch. I came tumbling off and groaned. Am I cursed today or something? "Go away." I threw a pillow blindly over my shoulder. It didn't seem to have hit my intended target as a loud crash followed. "You're in deep shit now." Marie sighed as I glared. Seriously? I know that. No need to point out the obvious. "Thanks so much." I said sarcastically. I got up by myself. As you can see, I have the nicest friends and family. "Welcome." Marie chirped and bounded to the now-broken vase. She stood, inspecting the crisis before looking up. "Yup." she said, popping the 'p'. "You're screwed." I scowled irritably. "I know that." I grumbled and glanced at the damage I caused. An exasperated sigh left my lips and I hurried to the kitchen to get the broom. Sweeping up the pieces of the floor (with my shoes on of course, safety first), meanwhile Marie was fiddling with her phone. I rolled my eyes and continued sweeping up. Then slowly, lyrics floated in. 

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