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Selena's POV:

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Selena's POV:

When I reached the step of my house I rang the doorbell, expecting to see a very angry mom but I got this instead; "Selly!" His sandy blonde hair slid over his eyes as he held out his arms which I threw myself into. "Nicky!" I squeaked.  He chuckled, which made his chest rumble and I was smiling into his shirt. His strong arms were wrapped around me and I felt safe, like I always did when my big brother was around. He was there from the start and unlike dad, was always the protective one; the one who'd always tell me to stay the same forever, made me feel better when I was upset or even, chase away any boys that I liked (well, maybe that one isn't so good). I missed you." He mumbled. I grinned. See this? This was my brother's pure awesomeness. "I missed you too." I replied. He let me go and pushed me back slightly and I knew that he was scanning me, searching for any sign that would lead him to think I was upset. Which I was, but my sadness sort of faded when I saw him. He grinned at me and opened the door wider to let me in and I accepted without a moment's hesitation.   "Where's Mum?" I asked. My mother wasn't a working one and she went out and did the shopping and whatever. She was a stay-at-home mum which made me feel both blessed and annoyed at the same time. I mean, do you even remember what happened when Justin was over? My parents were certifiably nuts but I love them all the same. "Out." Nick answered. "You are so lucky I picked up the phone instead of her." I gave him a sheepish smile and laid my bag down on the side and pulled up a chair next to the kitchen counter. "Speaking of which, how did you of all people get suspended? You're a damn angel!" I laughed at my brother's words, thinking how wrong they proved to be in the last couple of months. "I'll tell you but I need to eat first." Nick grinned at me and whipped something out of the cupboard. "As soon as I got that call, I thought you'd say something like that." A neatly wrapped up Subway was placed in front of me and my mouth watered. Well, not because of the Subway exactly, more because of the cookie next to it. "You, are just plain awesome, big bro." I sunk my teeth into the cookie (yeah that's right, desert before lunch) and moaned. "I love you, Nicky." I tell him. "I know." Nick chuckled. "Now tell me what happened before I go all ninja on you and kick your ass." I laughed. "Sure, how long are you staying?" I questioned. Nick's blonde eyebrow's furrowed.  "Two weeks, why?" he asked. "Because it might take a while." I say.
"You plastered someone's car in posters?" Nick's jaw had dropped and he stared at me incredulously. "That's what I said wasn't it?" I rolled my eyes in frustration. I love my brother to pieces, I really do, but he needs to learn to be quiet when I'm telling a story. This is what? The seventh time he's interrupted me? "So like I was saying; I got suspended for plastering a car in posters but the person who-" I got cut off again. "She plastered someone's car in posters!" Nick repeated. "My sister plastered someone's car in posters!" he said. "Shut up and let me finish!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I plastered someone's car in posters. Can I finish now?" I say. "Right, sorry." Nick began to mutter under his breath and I think I caught the words 'sister' and 'posters' and I glare at him. He instantly gave me an apologetic smile as an indication to continue. "So," I began, cautiously, making sure he wouldn't interrupt again. "I didn't plaster just anyone's car in posters, I did it to Melissa." I paused for a moment to look at my brother to see how he would take the bombshell. Emotions flashed across his face; first anger, then confusion, then denial and finally came the disbelief. "I thought she moved?" It came out more like a question then a statement like I think he intended it to. "Yeah me too." I said under my breath then looked up again. My brother's expectant expression made me sigh. "She bribed the school. She's back now," Nick's eyes flashed with anger -probably at the school for giving in so easily and then he shot a panicked glance at the medicine cabinet and then back to me. "You haven't -I mean, you haven't tried to, you know.." he trailed off. I shook my head firmly.  "No," I responded. "And I'm not going to." Relief flashed across his features. "Good," He gripped my shoulders. "Because I can't do without my little sister. You scared the shit out of me last time." 
I opened the bottle. I knew what this was, my aunt uses these things. They're called anti-depressants, it says use sparingly. I'm afraid I can't do that. Enough is enough, I can't take it anymore. It's just too much to handle. Melissa, Diane and Natalia all said to just die and that's what I'm going to do. That's what they want. I'm pathetic, worthless and stupid, so who would want me anyway? Taking a deep breath, I opened the box and pulled out the jar of tablets. Another read through of the instructions: 'Warning. Dangerous. Do not take these pills unless subscribed and only for required dose in case of serious internal injury and death'. But that's what they wanted; death. And I was going to give it to them. Unscrewing the jar, I held the pills near my mouth.  Everything was done, everything prepared. A note for my parents and Nick; I love them but they would be better off without me. I'm a screw-up; worthless, no good to anyone. The pills touched the corners of my mouth and I prepared to swallow but the door burst open. A very angry Nick stood at the doorway. "What's wrong with you?!" He snatched the bottle out of my hand and seeing the pills in my mouth held out his other. "Give them to me," He ordered. "Spit them out." I didn't dare argue with him. I spit them into his hand and he threw both them and the bottle into the wastepaper basket like they had burned him. When he was done he crouched down in front of me, daring me to look him in the eye, I said nothing, waiting for him to say something; anything. "Why would you even try to do something like that?" His soft tone took me by surprise. I was sure, - sure!- that he would be angry at me. That he would yell at me and tell me what an idiot I was but he didn't; he just stared into my eyes and waited for the answers that only I could give him. Tears welled my eyes and I burst out sobbing; unable to stop.   He didn't run away. He moved to my side and started rubbing soothing circles on my back, whispering; "It's okay.. we'll get through this.. it's going to be okay." That was the last time I had cried for four years.  

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