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Selena's POV:

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Selena's POV:

I avoided them. My friends. People I talked to sometimes in class. Everyone. For the rest of the day I sat in the front of the class so no one could bother me. I didn't talk to anyone or even answer my phone. After my angry outburst, I had been feeling confused. I felt slightly self-conscious since everyone keeps staring and freaking pointing all the time. But I didn't regret it. I didn't regret a single word. It was true, wasn't it? Why should I feel sorry? I shouldn't. It's as simple as that. But I couldn't help but feel scared. My reason for that? I had just sassed and criticized the guy who had the entire student body deathly afraid of him. It doesn't exactly leave me in the best position. My anger got the best of me but really I couldn't help it. Justin strutted around the school like a peacock. One thing I hated was people thinking they were above others and believe me, I should know. I don't know what to do. Should I go and apologise? Transfer schools? Or hope that he and everyone else will forget? Forget the last one, that's stupid. I decided to go with option number two. It seemed safest. My burst of fiery temper had toned down and right now, I don't feel like I can sass a butterfly. Insomnia had hit me hard last night and I tossed and turned, unable to go to sleep. People say it all the time, teachers and parents. The same old line. 'Don't let what other people say get to you.' But they don't get it. No matter how hard you try, there is (in almost everyone) always a part that cares. I hadn't been attacked yet so I assumed I was safe so far. My life could easily be made a living hell but luckily, nothing has happened. I took a deep breath and walked into my last period on a Tuesday. Just one more class and it'll all be over.
"Aw, come on sweetheart." said Justin. "Don't be so mad." I didn't say anything. "Please talk to me!" I stayed quiet so he began poking me.  Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. I can't take it anymore.  "Will you please stop that?" I hissed. He beamed. "Finally! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist talking to me!" I groaned. I guess you're wondering how I got into this situation, huh? So am I.
I walked into the classroom and took the seat in the front. Mr. Trent still hadn't arrived. I was worried that I would have to talk to someone before class ended. That would be really ruin my plans. As long as I didn't talk to anyone, there wouldn't be any questions. As long as there were no questions, I wouldn't say anything stupid. But then my luck ran out because guess who walked through the door. Justin freakin' Bieber. His eyes roamed the room for a moment and I was almost hyperventilating on why I thought he was doing that. Suspicions confirmed. The green orbs rested on me as he smirked and walked towards me. Oh please don't. He sat next to me. "Hey OJ Girl." He said. OJ Girl? "Hey." He said again. I pretended not to hear. "Are you deaf?" I decided not to answer. "Well I don't think you are since you snapped at me in the lunch room." he said. "Look, I'm sorry about that, okay?" I said in a hushed tone. "Oh, so you're not deaf." I snorted unattractively and replied; "Weren't you the one who said you didn't think I was?" I snapped back. "Touché." he held his hands up. "What do you want?" I asked abruptly. "Do I need to want something to sit here?" he questioned. "Yes." I said. Why?" he asked. "Because you've never taken any interest, whatsoever, in me before, therefore, you don't need to start now. Besides, aren't you supposed to be mad or something?" I said. "First of all, I hadn't noticed you, that's why I didn't take an interest." I snorted. "Second, I'm not mad." he said. "You aren't?" I asked. "No." he replied. "Why not?" I questioned. "Because you're amusing." I lifted my eyebrows. "How so?" I asked. "You argued with me." he said. "And that's amusing?" I asked. "It is pretty funny since you're at least 5 inches shorter than me." I snorted. "Nice to see that I entertain you." I said sarcastically. "You can entertain me in another way if you like." he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I turned scarlet. "That's disgusting." I looked away. "Your face says differently." I was about to make a sarcastic reply when Mr Trent came in and sat at his desk. "Sorry, I'm late class, I was held up." He said. "By Miss Silvia, by any chance?" asked Justin. He was looking at Mr Trent suspiciously. Mr Trent face flushed. My mouth just about hit the floor. How did he have the nerve to say that to a teacher? "Detention, Mr Bieber." Trent said. He cleared his throat and told us what class work we were doing today. I opened my book and began to read the set pages. It wasn't long before I felt something on my back. I saw a glob of paper on the floor. I turned to Justin, giving him a questioning look. He shrugged then looked down again. I turned and was hit again. I ignored it. And again. And again. And again. And agai-  "OH MY GOD! WILL YOU STOP THAT!!!!" I roared. Surprising everyone, including myself. I turned to Justin and saw him smirking. Jerk. "Is there a problem, Miss Gomez?" I looked up and saw Mr Trent. "No sir." I said. "Then why did you shout?" he asked. "It was nothing." I replied. "So you disrupted the class for no good reason?" he said. "I-I-" he cut me off. "Detention, Miss Gomez." I was shocked. "What?" I had never had a detention in my life. "But-" I started. No buts, Miss Gomez. You and Mr Bieber can stay behind after class." he said. Yes, sir." I said looking down.
So that's how I ended up sitting in a chair in detention next to Justin Bieber. The whole time I had tried to ignore him and failed miserably. 1 hour seemed like a lifetime as the clock ticked in slow motion. I was so relieved when Mr Trent told us detention as over I could have sung with joy. I practically ran out of the room and towards the parking lot when I realised my friends would already have left. I groaned. "Need a ride?" someone asked. I turned to see Justin leaning against a pole.  "No thanks, I'll walk." Just as the words came out of my mouth I heard thunder in the distance. I internally groaned.  "Looks like you'll need that ride." Justin said. "Unless you want to catch a cold."  "I'll take my chances." I huffed. He just chuckled. "No you won't." he said. "What makes you think that?" I asked. "Because someone forgot their notebook in class." Shit. "Fine, I'm coming." I gave in. "I thought so." he remarked. This was going to be a long ride.

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