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Selena's POV:

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Selena's POV:

Justin and I grew closer after we opened up to each other and as I hoped, it didn't make anything awkward. It was actually kind of nice. But seriously, if you had told me a month ago that Justin Bieber and I would be good friends, I'd have laughed in your face. But now-  "Sel? Helloooo!" Renee waved her hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I asked.  "Just as I suspected, you weren't listening." Marie shook her head disapprovingly. "Sorry," I apologized with a sheepish smile.  "Anyway, did you hear-" Marie started. "Yo guys! Did you hear?" I heard Jason's voice shout from behind us. Marie groaned. "Oh, come on." She complained.  "Our school's having a battle of the bands!" exclaimed Dylan. "That's cool." I remarked.  "Yeah, and we're thinking of entering." Justin added. "You guys play?" I asked, surprised.  "Yeah, I play lead guitar, Jason plays drums and Dylan is on bass." he said. "That's so cool!" I say. "I know." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.  "Wait. Don't you still need a keyboard?" Marie asked. "Someone say keyboard?" Austin's voice asked. "Yeah," Marie said. "Well, I play. Looking for someone?" Austin asked. "That'd be great!" Jason chirped and looked around at his friends. Dylan nodded readily, Justin scowled but managed a curt inclination of the head. "It's settled then." Dylan declared.  "Wait," I reminded them. "What about a lead singer?" I asked. "Actually.. that's what we came to talk to you about." I looked at them confused. "Me?" I asked. "Yeah." they said. "What can I do?" I questioned. "Justin said you could sing." Dylan piped in. Stupid boy. I really didn't want to do this. I do love singing of course. Music's kept me going in the darkest of times, but I don't think I can sing in front of anybody. Even when Justin heard me, I didn't know he was there. Besides, I'm not even that good. "No, I can't." I denied. "Yeah, you can." Renee disagreed. "You're amazing, Sel." added Marie. I blushed. "Thanks but I'm not that good." I continued. "Marie and Ren can sing, ask one of them." I suggested. "I'm not really front and centre material." Marie stated. "Me neither." Renee agreed. "Come on, Sel." Jason begged. "Renee and Marie can sing back-up." he said. "Please." Dylan added.  "Come on, Sel." Justin chimed in. They all gave me the puppy dog eyes. How can I resist that? I sighed in defeat. "One shot, okay?" I warned. "If it doesn't work, I'm out." They nodded eagerly.  How bad can this be?  
Deep breaths, Selena, deep breaths. Justin had got us permission to use the band room at school for our first practice and they were setting up the equipment. Why did I agree to this again? My breathing was already short and fast and my hands were trembling. Maybe I should just back out. Almost as if she read my mind, Marie came over and put a hand on my shoulder. "Just breathe," She soothed. "You'll do fine." I gave her a weak smile and nodded before walking over to the microphone stand.   "Which song?" I whispered. "You know Avril Lavigne's; Remember When, right?" Renee asked. I nodded. "Sing that." she said. "Ready?" Justin asked. I nodded. They started playing and I closed my eyes and pretended that I was alone in my room.

'Remember when I cried to you a thousand times,
I told you everything,
You know my feelings, 
It never crossed my mind, 
That there would be a time, 
For us to say goodbye, 

What a big surprise. I managed to keep my voice steady and as I continued, I grew more confident.  

'But I'm not lost, 
I'm not gone, 
I haven't forgot,

At this point, I lost myself completely in the song and poured all my feelings out. Marie and Renee joined in.

'These feelings I can't shake no more,
These feelings are running out the door,
I can feel it falling down,
And I'm not coming back around,
These feelings I can't take no more,
This emptiness in the bottom drawer,
It's getting harder to pretend,
And I'm not coming back around again, Remember when..
I remember when it was together till the end, Now I'm alone again ,
Where do I begin?
I cried a little bit,
You died a little bit,
Please say there's no regrets,
And say you won't forget But I'm not lost  I'm not gone I haven't forgot,
These feelings I can't shake no more,
These feelings are running out the door,
I can feel it falling down,
And I'm not coming back around,
These feelings I can't take no more,
This emptiness in the bottom drawer,
It's getting harder to pretend,
And I'm not coming back around again,
Remember when..

I forgot where I was, I forgot that there would be people watching. I forgot everything but the music around me. I was at home.   

'That was then,
Now it's the end,
I'm not coming back,
I can't pretend,
Remember when

My hips began to sway to the music as I let myself go. Right now I was free and I had never felt better. It felt right.  

'These feelings I can't shake no more,
These feelings are running out the door,
I can feel it falling down,
And I'm not coming back around,
These feelings I can't take no more,
This emptiness in the bottom drawer,
It's getting harder to pretend,
And I'm not coming back around again.. 

The music faded and my dancing stopped. Cold hard reality was now staring at me in the face. Was I awful? I probably was. What if I missed a note? What if I- "That was fucking awesome." Jason and Dylan said in unison. "Fuck yeah, baby!" cried Justin. Austin, Renee and Marie just grinned at me. I finally got over my surprise and smiled at them. Maybe if these guys liked it then maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe this won't be so bad. 
1. Dye the ends of my hair and a lock or two, blue. (With Renee and Marie) 
2.Hire agents and tell them to follow each other. 
3.Pull a high school prank. 
4.Learn how to drive a motorcycle. 
5.Go to a real, wild party. (With Justin, Renee and Marie) 
6. Throw a party while my parents are away. 
7. Go lazer-tagging. 
8. Cover someone's car in posters. 
9. Make volcanoes in a store. 
10. Ditch school for a day. 
11. Pour a drink over someone's head. (Jacob Thompson) 
12. Have an accidental paint fight. 
13. Go to a drive-in movie. 
14. Go to a carnival and win something. 
15. Learn how to hotwire a car. 
16. Go to a real rock concert. 
17. Watch the sunset from the top of a hill. (With Justin) 
18. Have a movie marathon. (With Renee, Marie, Jason, Dylan and Justin) 
19. Play ding,dong,ditch. 
20.Redecorate my room. 
21. Be in a band. (With Marie, Renee, Justin,Jason, Dylan and Austin) 
22. Sneak out at midnight. (with Justin)

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